Begin the Transformation




I want to talk to you.

On the phone.


I want to talk to you about how you can begin immediately to transform even the most difficult aspects of your life.

There is no charge.

I simply want to share with you a perspective that has worked miracles in my life. In fact, it has been so profound for me that I wrote a book about it.

On this call you will begin a process that can change your life in ways that you may hardly even be able to imagine right now. 

How can I say that with such confidence?


I can promise you this because the Laws of the Universe (like Law of Attraction) are consistent and they work every time.


You can get instant access to this phone call (and webcast):

  1. Click on this link or paste this address into your browser:
  2. Enter your name and email – That’s it!

Then here’s what happens:

  • You’ll get an instant email from me with a link to the phone number to dial and all the details. 
  • You can also listen online to avoid long distance charges.
  • You’ll also get instant access (as a f ree download) to the introduction and first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite.

You are invited!

F ree Teleseminar and Webcast

Inner Alignment: The Key to the Inner Garden

Friday, July 24th
8:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Pacific.
Dial in or listen online
No Charge

Sign Up Here

I hope you can make it.

And please tell your friends.

Oh yeah, one more thing…

I might be re-opening registration for the jhe sessions on this call.

I haven’t decided yet because it takes me a good amount of time to get all the technical bits and pieces in place to re-open the jhe website.  I just don’t know if I can get it all set up in such a short time.

So please be patient with me if I haven’t gotten it in place by tomorrow’s call.

I only mention it here because if I do reopen the jhe sessions on this call, I will be offering bonuses to those who sign up.  So, be sure to pay attention to how to get the bonuses if this interests you.

That’s all I want to say about that right now.

Thank you for joining me on this inner adventure.

With Love,

PS – If you have already signed up, you should have received webcast and dial in link by now.  If you have not, please check your spam folder.  If you still can’t find it, please send me an email – rebbie(at) – and I’ll send it to you personally.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 07-18-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the jhe list today.

To best embrace the benefit of this session, please (re)read the part of chapter 12 of Rooted in the Infinite that addresses the ego.  If you don’t have much time, read the section called "Ego as Distortion" on page 121.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel like someone washed your windows.

Clarity, precision, and equanimity in your perception quickly turn into wisdom and compassion in your personality. 

That is the effect of this session. 

Today’s alignment goes a long way toward evaporating the distortions created by the resistant aspect of the ego. 

To say that in a positive way, today’s alignment helps you purify your desires. 

It brings you in touch with the brilliance, talent, and unique value of your human instrument.  I sometimes refer to this as the positive aspect of ego.  It is ego as instrument.

Here are some of the effects you may notice.  You may notice both of them or this may work completely under the surface.  Either way, this is the movement that is generated by today’s jhe session.

  • Your Desires — Your desires begin to feel very good to you when your mind lands on them.  Even desires that usually create a feeling of frustration or even despair, start to feel more fresh and exciting. And of course, this brings them closer to fruition.
  • Your Relationships — You see others in a more positive light.  Even thinking of, or encountering, those who usually annoy you or even trigger rage does not bother you in the same way.  This is because today’s alignment gives you access to much more interest in the richness of your own experience.  Displeasure with, disappointment with, and disapproval of others simply cannot compete with the power of your engagement with your own true journey through life. 

So, you naturally engage more of your attention with the purity of your desires.  And your negative attention to others naturally atrophies.  It just dissolves. And as it does, so does the hurt you have been causing yourself through your attention to what is not wanted. And ironically, you actually give the other person more space to become the way you want them to be by releasing your mental grip on their apparent flaws.

Many teachers talk about the ego as a purely negative phenomenon that we want nothing to do with.  I call this only half of the ego.  And this session moves you toward a natural, easy, pleasant, effortless release of that part of the ego that is made of resistance.

So what about the other half of ego?  It is the joy of being a focused, individual point of consciousness.  It is the pure expression of your uniqueness.  It is the gift that is beyond measure that you give to the world.  And that gift is expanded as you increase your ability to be purely yourself. 

So, to summarize, this session brightens your light, expands the gift that you are, and makes you more attractive, more appreciated, more enjoyed by others. 

This is a cultivation of your unique brilliance. 

Your expression may intensify or take new forms.  If you are an artist, keep your brushes, violin, pencil, etc. handy. I think you will be pouring through your chosen medium in new and satisfying ways. 

If you do not see yourself as an artist, you may quickly realize that your everyday life is a brilliant work of art.  Joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) can take infinite forms.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Law of Attraction: Transforming Pain into Joy

YOFA Transforming Pain into Joy MapGet instant Access
to this online Workshop here:

 The journey of past suffering can lead you to joy. It can lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. The suffering that you have experienced in your life is rich with potential. In fact, it carries within it the exact blueprint for the joyful fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

In the April YOFA “Results” Workshop you’ll be creating a map – a very personal map – that leads you to the joy that is encoded in your past pain.

There is an inter-dimensional shift that occurs when you see the Z-axis journey of your life (your unique timeline) as a simultaneous picture that includes the manifestation. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite) Your journey becomes deeply meaningful and you recognize that the pain of the past requires a completely different treatment from the pain of the present. And when you apply that treatment, the pain transforms into relief.

We will go through this process step by step in the April “Law of Attraction Gets Results” online workshop. In the recordings, I use the example of wanting a relationship, but you can apply this to anything from the desire for material wealth to the desire for spiritual enlightenment. The process applies to any journey.

Once you sign up, you get instant access to the recorded workshop (audio and video). Then we’ll meet on the phone together on April 27th. If you can’t make it to the live call, you’ll get the recording.

I’m especially interested in the material for this month’s workshop because the subject of past suffering is frequently the cause of much of our current suffering. And yet, it is really like a goldmine that we are sitting on without any awareness of it.  Once we realize the value and wealth of our journey, it nourishes and strengthens us in our now.

You can begin the process immediately, any time of the day or night. 

Get instant Access to this online Workshop here: LAW of ATTRACTION WORKSHOP

I call this YOFA workshop series "Results" because we uncover the subtleties and nuances of Law of Attraction that produce noticeable results. All are welcome. Become a member and get a discount every month.

With Love,