YOFA Energy Clearing and Meditation Replay

Click the play button above to listen to the replay of the most recent YOFA Energy Clearing Session.

Even though the session is over, you can use this recording to help you clarify your desire and formulate your “Yes!.”

You can join in on the meditation on the recording to shift your vibration.  Watch as your life starts moving in the direction of your heart’s desires.

Like this kind of thing? Subscribe to the YOFA podcast.  And be sure to get your free Mind Movies while they are still available.

Erase Your Pain – FREE Webinar

Click to Register

I was just listening to an Abraham CD. Here are the words that jumped out at me:

(In response to a man asking about an unwanted body condition:)

“That’s the most important question ever, “How can I be living something that has my almost complete awareness, and create a different grid? [Meaning …and a attract something completely different?] And we acknowledge: It’s not an easy thing. But it is the work.” –Abraham-Hicks

Bull’s eye!  This is exactly what I have been working on.  I have been discovering…

How to take the most difficult things you are living — the ones that are so hard to shift — and to melt them like butter, to dissolve them, to erase them, and ultimately…to FREE YOU so you can live your joy.  And I want to share this with you.

My Invitation to YOU….

I am inviting you to find out how to erase the pain that “has your almost complete awareness” and start living the life you intended.  You are invited to the next YOFA webinar where we will start doing just that!  There is no charge for the webinar, but I want you to play a game with me. Will you?  I’m asking you to imagine that you paid a hundred dollars for this seminar. (Really you pay nothing!)  But I want you to set aside the time, give it your full attention, and make it your intention to get $100 worth of value from the presentation.

Of course it’s up to you. But it costs you nothing and you might get a big shift….

Choose the Best Time for You…

Ok, so what do you do now?

  1. Click Here to Register for the webinar
  2. Mark your calendar and block out about one and half to two hours for this webinar.
  3. Share this link on Facebook, twitter, in emails, on the phone, and in any and every other way you can think of. (Why? Because you will help people you don’t even know.)


Erase Your Pain

This is about erasing joint pain, relationship conflicts, financial struggles. You name it. We can get started erasing it right on the webinar.

Go register now because space is limited. Ok?

Looking forward to reading your comments on this ground breaking webinar…

Love & Blessings,

PS – Pay attention in the early part of the webinar becauseI’ve included some old, never before seen, pictures of me in the webinar. You definitely don’t want to miss these! 😎

PPS – Pay attention to the very end because I’ll be making an offer that will make your jaw drop.





What Are the YOFA jhe Sessions?

Listen to this 10 minute recording once  you sign up for your free YOFA jhe Sessions.

At this time you can still sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions Birthday Celebration.  You will receive 2 YOFA jhe Sessions focused on prosperity plus you will be invited to the special prosperity workshop by phone. All this for no charge.

After you sign up, watch for my email messages telling you about the sessions once I have done them and with the dial in info for the workshop.

Click the audio controller above to find out the relationship between the YOFA jhe Sessions and yoga mediation, the Abraham-Hicks teachings on Law of Attraction, and more.  In this recording I also tell you how I found out that the YOFA jhe Sessions promote prosperity.

The Benefit of Distance in Distance Healing

Your pains, physical and emotional, are like alarms.

They are there to tell you something. They may just be the loudest sirens in your inner guidance system and they get your attention every time.

In fact, they can get you to slow down, maybe even stop, and review your life. And as you reflect on what has become unworkable or out of balance, you may seek someone who is called a “healer.” You may even seek someone who does what is called distance healing or remote healing.

Who is the Healer?

Of course, the one called healer is not really a healer. That one, the healer, is really the one who simply clears the channel for the innate healing power within you to flow in and restore balance.

So, when you seek healing, it is the Divine Energy, Infinite Intelligence, Light and Love that is the healer. And since they flow through you as you, you are really the healer. The one we call the patient is the healer. The one we call the healer is the helper.

And since the one you enlist to help you, and to be the facilitator of your healing, is there to help restore your state of flow so that you can heal yourself, he or she will do best to see you in your state of Divine Perfection.

As the healer (helper) sees you as whole, happy, and healed, that image sets a tone with which you can then resonate.

The Benefit of Distance

Sometimes the healer is right there in the room with you. They may have their hands on or near you as they work. In the case of distance healing, the healer may be in another city. They may even be on a different continent and still be effective. In fact, at times that distance works to your advantage.

When the healer is not looking directly at the problem that you are experiencing, that healer is not impressed with the suffering. In this case, this is a benefit. It may seem strange to you because we are used to the opposite scenario. Usually you go to your doctor so that he or she can examine you and become familiar with your problem for the purpose of finding the solution.

Here, however, in the healing that results from inner alignment, we begin with a knowing of the solution so there is no need to diagnose the problem.

And since the treatment consist of the pure tone of wholeness, the less present the vibration of the apparent problem, the more effective the treatment.

There are many forms of distance or remote healing, and part of their effectiveness lies in the distance itself.

Since the arena of healing is independent of space and time, the distance does not diminish the healing. But since the arena of human perception is influenced by space and time, the distance can actually benefit the healing process. It can partially insulate the healer from the more dominant tone of the patient’s concern about the apparent problem. And that can augment the healer’s ability to see the patient in the light of Divine Perfection.

There is no Distance

The healing that you seek brings you back to yourself. When there is no distance between you and you, you feel whole, healed, and happy. This can be seen as concentric circles of you-ness, all elaborating on your ability to express the uniqueness of your incarnation and all in alignment with your essence.

That is a very good feeling and you can tell clearly when you click into that alignment. It may seem amazing to you when it happens with the healer at a distance (maybe on the other side of the globe). I had a very dramatic experience of this type of healing with my teacher Hilda Charlton when I was a teenager. Once you experience the clarity and power of that influence it is unlikely that you will doubt it again. At that moment, you realize that there is no distance. At that moment, the healing has occurred.

YOFA jhe Sessions Q & A

YOFA jhe Sessions Q&A

The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote Inner Alignment sessions.  Here is a question I received after one of the sessions.


how did you do it?

I am feeling great right now! but my only problem with this is that i didn’t do it:/ Which means that i need an outside source to make me feel great. Or am i missing the point? Could you direct me to a better understanding of these sessions? I know that i have gotten these feeling without help before but……I don’t know….help?

Here is my audio answer:

(If you do not see the audio controller, you can access the recording HERE.)

[mc id=”555″ type=”audio”]YOFA jhe Sessions Q & A[/mc]

YOFA jhe Session: Desire and Freedom

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel a shift in the way you experience desire and freedom.

For further understanding, read pages 133 – 134 on "The Paradox of Desire" in Rooted in the Infinite. When desire is pure and ringing with the tone of love, it creates inspired action and every step of the journey is awe-inspiring. It is in this spontaneous expression of the true desires of your heart that you experience freedom.

Today’s session created a state of inner alignment conducive to the free expression and satisfying fulfillment of the desires of your heart.

As a result of today’s session you may experience any (or all) of the following:

  • A deep sense of peace.
  • A new level of awareness of flow.
  • Finding something that was lost.
  • Regarding relationships:
    • If you are in a relationship: A more soulful intimate connection with your partner
    • If you are seeking a relationship: Opportunities present themselves as pleasant interactions with strangers, introductions by friends, surprising phone calls.
  • Regarding Money: Finding that you have money you didn’t know you had – this can be cash in the back of a drawer, or interest on an investment, or money you forgot you had lent that is now paid back, or any other surprising appearance of financial abundance.
  • Spontaneous singing, dancing, or any other burst of freedom that expresses your unique talent. If you are an artist of any kind and this happens, this might be a painting, or a recording, or a poem that you will want for your portfolio so have your pencil, or keyboard, or paintbrush handy.

To augment the effects of this session, use the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I Am Love" (any of the 3 versions).   You can hear samples of the recordings here: http://cdbaby.com/cd/rstraubing

The YOFA jhe Sessions offer an energy template of alignment to those on the list. This session was particularly potent and I expect you to feel the results in at least one of the ways listed above.  Probably more than one.  It might have happened already, before you’ve even read this.  It might happen within the next few days.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.  I consider it an honor and a privilege to offer this to you.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS = To those on the free list — Now you are in the space of the jhe sessions.  Things are moving in you energetically.  This is a perfect time to sign up as an active or inner circle member and begin seeing profound shifts in every area of your life.  This is a tool for bringing out the best in you and for expressing your most satisfying life journey. You can find out more and sign up at http://alignmentforhealing.com

Energy Healing: The Vertical Alignment of the Root Chakra



Find Out More About the YOFA jhe Sessions

The Place Where Meditation
Meets Law of Attraction.



 [mc src=”http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/YOFA-jhe-Session-3-11-09a.mp3″/]

This recording is here for the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions and anyone else who wants to better understand the power of inner alignment.  This is where spiriutal healing occurs.  Within the energy body, there is a template of alignment which opens you to the fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

This session focuses on the vertical alignment of the root chakra.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions based on the YOFA system I present in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  I am honored to offer these session to those who feel resonance with my work.  You can get on the jhe list HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,

How do we talk about the YOFA jhe Sessions? – Time Management

I was having lunch with a high school friend. I told her a little bit about the jhe sessions.  Her first comment was,"Hmm, that seems like something people really need in this ecomomy."  I said, "Really?"  She seemed pretty sure about it.

Then I realized that I don’t realy talk much about the jhe sessions

I keep it quiet. 

I communicate wiith the members but that’s about it.  Suddenly I felt like I was being unserviceful by not making the effort to communicate about the jhe sessions.  What they are.  How they work. How they can help people. I’ve been "unshareful" (I love making up words) and I apologize.

Now I’ve just got to figure out how to communicate this unusual thing in a way that is serviceful and "shareful." 

With Love and Appreciation,
YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 01-02-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

This was an unusually intense session and I expect you to notice a few things as a result.

In a general way, you may feel the energy as a lightness:  Like you have springs on your shoes or wings on your heart.

This feeling of energy or lightness, if you happen to feel a hint of it, is a sign that you have resonated powerfully with the alignment.  If you don’t feel it, that’s fine too.

More specifically, today’s session opens a pathway for you to live your life with a continual awakening of the love in your heart.

That translates into the nitty gritty of your life in some interesting ways.

For example:

The handling of money
– As you exchange currency with others, write checks, cash and deposit checks, pay for items that you buy, receive cash in your hand from others, all these exchanges of money transform when the heart is awakened in the process.  And so, a few things results from this:

  • Your relationship with the material world becomes beautified. 
  • You awaken to the richness of colors and textures and energy in inanimate things in a way that changes what money and material wealth mean to you. 
  • With a deep sense of appreciation for the material world and it’s energetic depth, you become a magnet for more things that make your heart sing.

Personal Relationships – As you interact with others, having the love in your heart awake and ready to participate in your unconscious word selection and the movement of your physical gestures, your relationships transform – sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in dramatic ways.

Today’s session also had a harmonizing effect between the heart and the mind.  When those two centers are humming in a balanced and pleasing way, your life feels refreshing and you feel whole.

Of course these sessions are cumulative and the effect is ongoing, but this session was strong enough that I think you will find some specific results that ring true to what I’m talking about here.  You may have already felt it today or it may happen in the next day or two.

I consider it a great privilege to do this session for you and I thank you for you trust in me.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Depression, Gravity, and Your Energetic Spine

 I just read a statistic that 10% of women and 4% of men are taking antidepressants.

I know that for some people, this season that is intended to be joyful can harshly amplify what we call depression.  I say "what we call depression" because I don’t think we’re all calling the same thing "depression."

I have a different take on depression. It has to do with gravity and how it pulls all things down.  And so the antidote becomes clear.  Spirit brings all things up.  And our access to that uplifting energy is in the energetic spine.

That’s a simplified version of it. (The long version is in Rooted in the Infinite.) And by the way, this approach does not conflict with any form of treatment since it is purely natural.

I’m holding out my hand this season. 

Well, my proverbial hand. 

I’m putting forward some (radically) different ways of looking at depression and offering some (energetically) different ways of dealing with it.