Inner Alignment and Aging:
Free YOFA jhe Session Re-Opened

YOFA on aging





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As inanimate physical things become old, one of two things happens.

They either become junk or they evolve into to treasured antiques: things of great value.

As we get older, you and I, the physical body may also show signs of age.  The question is, "How do you feel about those changes?"

As you notice a few wrinkles, gray hairs, "love handles" or even some aches and pains that you never had before, how do you relate to your evolving physical instrument?

There are innumerable pills, lotions, and programs that promise to keep you looking and feeling young.

The question I’d like to highlight here today is (whether you use those youth promoting plans or not), "How do you feel about yourself, right where you are, right now, gray hair, love handles and all?"

I post this question because, I think you’ll find that the very first step toward looking great and feeling great at any age is very simple.

It all starts with loving yourself.

And I don’t mean this in a way that means that you think you’re better than everyone else.

I mean this in the purest way that means that by loving your experience of being you, it brings you into alignment with a mystical doorway.  It is an opening that allows you to truly see others and truly love and appreciate others.

Without loving yourself in this pure and unconditional and non-comparative way, it is virtually impossible to love anyone else. 

Unless you assume the shape of love, love cannot fit through you.

So it becomes a very basic, very primary, and a very high priority to find a way into this pure love experience that has you at its center. This is true at any age, but it takes on new challenges, offers new rewards, and reaches new depths as we get older.

And the interesting thing that happens is that where you can stay young, you do, and where you age, you age gracefully and beautifully.

I’m sure there are many ways to cultivate this pure, unconditional, non-comparative love.  In the YOFA system, the way we go about it is through a process of inner alignment.

As you become more tuned to your essence, who you are as love, becomes more and more of who you are as you. Love flows through your personality, your face, your individual expression.

And once love is able to flow through you and to you, all aspects of aging come into greater harmony.  The way you look, the way you feel, and the way your body adapts to its natural evolution.

One of the simplest, easiest ways to bring yourself into alignment with your essence is with the YOFA jhe Sessions.

These are remote inner alignment sessions that bring you into alignment with the best aspects of you.  There is absolutely nothing for you to do.  Well, it is beneficial if you stay open and receptive, but it takes no time or effort on your part.

Simply sign on to the list and I send you an email each time I do a session.

I have just re-opened registration for the free jhe list. 

Sign up now at

I’ll be doing the next monthly free session soon.

Here is an email I received recently from a participant in the free jhe sessions:

"I have been on welfare and taking advantage of your FREE generous YOFA healings for quite some time >>> perhaps two years even. Anyway I now have a great new job and I would like to buy your full compliment of YOFA healings since I have experienced so many wonderful positive shifts from your energy work on me these past two years. Not all YOFA healings are felt. But 90% of them jack me up every time. I just love how much better I feel and how life shifts around me. Your descriptions after each YOFA healings are very accurate and help me understand what I see changing in the world around me.
So …

…I trust your heart and intentions to take this chance. Your healing work is worth it in the cumilative upwards shift in the quality of my life.
One more thing. Thanks so very much for all the FREE YOFA shifts you donated to the betterment of my life while I was dirt poor. It helped immensly."

Hope to see your name on the jhe list the next time I do a YOFA jhe Session!

With Love,

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-30-08

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session was focused on your ability to access wisdom even in challenging situations.

We sometimes confuse wisdom with knowledge but they are very different.  Simply sensing the difference is the doorway to wisdom.  (For an expanded distinction, refer to chapter 14 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

It can be easy to access wisdom when you are happy and clear.  But what about when you feel upset, burdened, or challenged physically, emotionally, financially, or in a relationship that is important to you?  Those are the times when wisdom is so valuable and we usually cannot access it in those very moments.  In fact, the upset itself is evidence of our disconnection from our inner knowing.

Today’s jhe session was a cultivation of the wisdom of the body, of the heart, of the elements within you.  Today’s jhe session encourages an alignment within you that "sneaks in" and "undermines your upset."  It brings the peace that comes with wisdom.

You may notice it in your relationships as a deep sense of compassion even if you are the target of someone’s anger.

You may notice this emergence of wisdom in your work as a clear sense of where to place your priorities and what to do next.

It may show up in your body as a feeling of centeredness and slower more careful motions.

If there is an area of your life that is particularly challenging, today’s session may give you some insight into yourself that moves you forward on that subject.

The wisdom that comes through in you is completely unique and so I’m speaking in broad generalities here because it can be so different for everyone that no words can easily describe this.  But when you feel that wisdom come though you it is unmistakable.  It is a rock solid knowing of something that opens the path before you, clears the clouds, and floods ease through your physical presence.

Thank you for being part of this YOFA jhe Session.

With Love and Appreciation,