Re-Invent Yourself with Affirmations



Watch the Video


I have created some of the most extraordinary transformations in my life using affirmations.

I often think about creating an affirmation course. 

And I still may do it some day.  But at this point, it simply has not yet made its way to the top of my list.

That’s why I was excited when I got this email.  I think this will give you some powerful tools that are really cutting edge. In fact, I’ve never seen anyone using this technology before. 

Here’s the email I received:

Every once in a while, something comes along that just can’t
be ignored. That time is now.
"Winners do things different" – Dr. Phil.
I was recently introduced to a guy who changed my

perception of personal power and it didn’t take

long to realize that this was a person who had

something very special to offer the world.

I have met some inspirational people in my

time, but nothing prepared me for this!

His words have helped heal 1,000’s of people of

their limiting beliefs, and now, it’s your turn.


Brian Colbert is not only an NLP Master Trainer,

he is also an amazing Hypnotherapist and

Ireland’s top Life and Business Coach.

Brian makes regular appearances on Irish

television where he has changed literally,

1,000’s of lives over the last 20 years, but

that’s not enough for our Gaelic hero.

You see, Brian now wants to help YOU!

That’s right! Brian Colbert is offering you

exclusive access to some of the most incredible

secret tools for change you have ever seen and he

wants to give you some of these amazing secrets

right here and now, today, while it’s fresh in

your mind and you are in the mood for lasting change.

Go now and watch Brian in action in this

incredible video and pick up an awesome free

hypnosis audio while you are over there.

Let’s have a look at what you are going to get

this week:

  • YES – You will get access to the secrets of a life worth living.


  • YES –  Brian will  send you some really cool free stuff just for taking part in this project.


  • YES – There will be LIVE change work and you could be the focus of Brian’s personal coaching and receive the secrets to unlocking your dream life.


  • YES – Many of these secrets have an instant impact and create immediate results.


  • YES – You will receive life changing information that will change your world forever.


Let’s finish 2009 with a bang and make sure the next

12 months are the best ever!

To you and your success!

P.S. It’s been a while since I saw a video that

really made me stop and think. This video is

still on my mind as I write this and the best

news? there are another 3 videos to come this

week! I want you to take part in this and I

guarantee this will change your world, but the

first step is up to you 😉



Law of Attraction: Love Your Resistance?

simple.gifEvery month I give an online workshop for a small group of advanced students of Law of Attraction.  The workshop consists of recordings, processes, and then a live teleseminar/webcast.

In the last workshop, I had the participants draw a map of their journey in a way that promotes profound compassion for your past.  This process grew out of a realization I had that involved B.B. King, yogurt, TImes Square, and the Catresian coordinates. I won’t take you through the whole trail of events but the short version of the story is that there is trememdous power in embracing past resistance.  We don’t often think kindly toward our negative staes, but there is a time to love them and it is simple: always love past resistance in the now.  The result is major release of resistance in the now.

Here is an email I received about this workshop :

Dear Rebbie:

I want to say THANK YOU to you, Kathy and Grace for a FANTASTIC workshop last night.  It was perfect for me.  I had not completely finished the homework due to scheduling but I had done enough to understand what was going on with the drawing of the picture etc.  Having done a Visioning seminar this past weekend in Chicago with Michael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith, I was in a strange zone and I guess not courageous enough to be live on the phone with you all.  I went online instead.  So the experience of Kathy’s cruise helped me tremendously.  I am still in a zone and have to go through the uncomfortable feelings to get to the next step in my expansion, but I wanted to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to you for all you give me.  I may be silent during this time but I am here.

Have a magnificent day.


Linda’s email reminded me that not everyone wants to share and participate, and there are those moving quietly and privately through this material.  And so this is a quick note to let you know that whether you participate on the call or not, you are included in the space of the workshops and your energy contributes to the advancement of everyone’s process.

Once again, that part is invisible, but it’s there. 

The great authenticity you bring to your own private work with the lessons uplifts the whole group. Thank you to all who are part of the YOFA Results Workshop — vocal or silent.

  • To register for this workshop and go through the full process with the recordings.  CLICK HERE
  • To become a monthly member CLICK HERE


YOFA jhe Sessions: Spirutal Healing, Law of Attraction, and Time and Space


The only complaint I hear about the YOFA jhe Sessions is "I don’t know how to talk about them…"

How do you talk about something that is invisible in a world that lives by the motto "seeing is believing"?

The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions. 
Well, that’s how I describe them. 

But what in the world does that mean? How can they be invisible and be effective?

It means that we are coming from the understanding that there is one mind.  We are trusting the all pervasive Divine Design and the power of Law of Attraction to keep it in the perfect swirl. And we have an intuitive experience of the mystical here-now that sits silently, dynamically, infinitely, within all points of space and time.  

So the distance between us at the time of the session is a non-issue. Even the time of the actual session is irrelevant.

The jhe sessions assist you in performing your only job: Keeping yourself in alignment with your essence so that all the good that has been generated by your life experience can come to you. And it can come generously and lovingly and in ways that let you recognize the benevolence of the Universe and the Love that is your nature.

Hmmm. Is that too vague?

I guess I don’t know how to talk about the jhe sessions either. I promise I’ll keep working on it.  Because the people who are being helped by the jhe sessions keep proving to me that it’s worth the exploration to keep figuring out how to talk about this invisible thing I call the YOFA jhe Sessions.

Abraham ( often says, "Don’t answer a question that hasn’t been asked."  And so I usually remain pretty quiet on the subject of the jhe sessions.  But today I received an email that was bursting with questions.  That was the inspiration for this post.

Here are my answers:

Dear Rebbie,

i’m considering joinig your [YOFA jhe Sessions] active membership and have some questions bevore signing up:

What do i have to do?

Nothing.  If you want to, you can do the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite to augment the sessions but that is not necessary.

What about the intention?

Your intentions and desires are born in you on an ongoing basis.  The jhe sessions help you get in alignment so that they can come to you more swiftly, more effortlessly, and in a form that is more satisfying when it arrives. 

Unlike goal setting or visualizing, the jhe sessions are passive and they help you (if you’ll excuse the expression) get out of your own way so that the things you have been asking for can find their way to you (that part is the work fo Law of Attraction.)

Do i have to hold my intention, or do i have to write my intentions down or does the process know what to do?

You do not have to do any of that.  You can if it brings you greater clarity and joy to do so.  But it is not part of the jhe sessions process.

Are there special times for the sessions?

No.  You will receive an email from me after each session with a description of the focus of that session and what you might expect as a specific results of the session. 

But really, these sessions are cumulative and the results of an individual session are sort of like candy while the ongoing long term effect is where the real nutrition is.  Some people have been on the list since the very beginning.  It is an ongoing process like brushing your teeth or meditation or physical exercise.  You can consider it part of your spiritual hygiene.

Do i have to do anything during the session or do i only have to enjoy? :o)

Just enjoy. 😎 

If you want more training, you can join the Inner Circle.  That membership includes the Active membership in the jhe sessions plus monthly recorded lessons, plus membership in the YOFA "Law of Attraction Gets Results" monthly online workshop, plus more bonuses than I can list here. 

The Active Membership is for people who don’t want one more thing to do.  There is nothing to do in the Active Membership but sign up.

The Inner Circle Membership is for people who are hungry for more and want to get their hands in the clay.

Does my membership start from the 1st day of the month or from the day i sign up?

Your membership starts on the day you sign up.


YOFA jhe Session email: Slowing Down Time

how to slow down time - YOFA jhe SessionsOne of the most mysterious effects of inner alignment is how it alters (or corrects!) our perception of time.  The alignment of the Y-axis slows down time and in the April 10th YOFA jhe Session email update, I touched on this amazing component of the inner alignment process.  Here is an email I received on this subject:


Dear Rebbie,
This session was particularly significant for me.  My precious Son Christopher came down to visit me from New Jersey, he brought with him his Son Chance whom I haven’t seen for a long while.  They came on this past Tuesday (Chris’s Birthday) early evening, and stayed until Thursday late afternoon. We did so many things and went so many enjoyable places.  There was an instant bond between my grandson and I that I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t in my life.  I felt like they were here at least a week, when it was only a couple of days.  How we did all the things we did in such a short time baffled me.  The wonderful thing about it was that we didn’t rush doing anything.  It was the most precious time for all of us.  My Son called me when they were almost home to let me know they were fine and the trip was a breeze, clear highways, catching every green light. He said that my grandson wants to come again, but this time to stay longer.  I feel really happy and content.  Thank you for your jhe sessions.  I appreciate you.
Bright Blessings,

 Find out how to have "more time" by practicing the inner alignment meditations in the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Cultivate your inner alignment by becoming a member of  the YOFA jhe Sessions.

Unlock Your Intuition

Unlock Your Intuition



"Unlock Your Intuition"






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 When I was a chiropractor I used to work in a largely intuitive way.  I had all the information and the knowledge that my mind needed to make rational and educated decisions about the care of my patients, but my hands were awake in ways that defied reason and my mind was open to solutions to problems that were sometimes unexpected.

There was an intuition in my hands and in my mind. 

I had friends who were also strongly intuitive.  Some of them would intuitively "see" the problem that needed to be corrected.

Intuition travels through different pathways within us and some of us have more heightened faculties in one of these pathways than in the others.

I invite you to explore your own powers of intuition to serve you in the most loving and joyful living in your life. 

Here is a free ebook I recently came across.  In this book, Belton describes different forms that your intuition might take and how to cultivate your inner knowing.

This is not my ebook and I’m not sure how long they will be offering this for free so, if it interests you, please download it now.

Hope you enjoy this one!

Here is the email I received about this:

It’s not often I come across something as unique and
enlightening as this, and when I get to offer it as a gift, it’s sure icing on the cake!

"Unlock Your Intuition"

Did you know that you have a magic wand in your pocket?

An inner compass that will align you to your highest path and
potential, that you can consciously access and apply?

It is your ultimate ally!

Find out how you can unlock it in this awesome FREE report!

"Unlock Your Intuition"

This magic wand is the gateway to your unlimited self, and all the wisdom, love and guidance you need to craft your life optimally!

It is the innate tool within you that swings wide open the doors to True Success; success that reflects and expresses your inherent gifts, talents and soul’s calling.

This mysterious power will give you access to higher realms of awareness beyond five-sensory perception.

It is your most treasured resource, and lies latent and untapped, waiting to be unleashed within!

Discover how in this transformational FREEreport: "Unlock Your Intuition" >>

"Unlock Your Intuition"

This is not to be missed!

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover:

* The four primary intuitive channels

* The most powerful way to shift your consciousness

* How to get the intuitive ball rolling right away

* The vast and magnificent overseer of your multi selves – past, present and future, conscious and subconscious.

* How to decode the whispers in your physical reality

* The highest vibration in the universe & how to meld with it

* How to ‘create the space’ for your intuition

* Wisdom beyond the intellectual capacities of the mind

* What will initiate your receiving guidance

* The antidote to the ego virus

* And so much more

Go to the link below and follow your bliss:

"Unlock Your Intuition"



This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Did you see this episode of the Smothers Brothers?
Listen to my message here:
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In Harmony and Understanding,


Chocolate vs. Cacao

David Wolfe is one of the thought leaders lined up to transform your life as you know it. 

The Masters Gathering is not just about your prosperity and your enbrightenment, it’s about transforming what you are through what you eat.

Did you know that cacao is one of the most potent antioxidants you can eat? David Wolfe has knowledge, expertise, and passion on the subject of food that can completely rearrange the way you think about this body that you live in.

In fact, just a small portion of his delicious information, added to your daily routine, can rearrange your body’s biochemistry in a way that energizes your life beyond what you now think is possible.

Now, please let me apologize.  I have been talking to you about The Masters Gathering and building it up and then it closed almost as soon as it opened.

It seems so many people went to sign up at the same time that the servers crashed.  

Bad for them but good for you.  

Since lots of people who tried to sign up couldn’t, the doors are now open again. You have another chance to claim your spot.


And please be sure to send me an email once you sign up so that I can send you my exclusive bonus.

You’ll get my 72 minute audio recording "Authenticity, Mastery and Compassion" for free.  This talk is guaranteed to shift your understanding of mastery and give you a new simple way to approach your own life as a journey of authenticity.  The result is a masterful and compassionate being who is the most authentic expression of you.

Be sure to sign up for the Masters Gathering through a link in one of my emails or one of my blog posts to qualify for this free gift. If you’re not sure what link you clicked to join, send me an email (send it to rebbie(at) with your receipt number so we can check. . .


With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube: 

Prosperity: Dr. John Demartini on Owning Your Magnificence





CLICK HERE to Watch the Video

(Watch this one more than once!)






YOFA Blog  Dr. John Demartini

 Listen to my "John Demartini in a restaurant" story here:

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Here is the email I received for this video:

Here is a brand new Free video you are sure to enjoy.

It is from one of the teachers of "The Secret" and "The Masters of the Gathering."

In this revealing interview with Dr. John Demartini you will learn:

  • How to make a difference in your life

  • How to realize the mastery inside you

  • How to blow the socks off of every area of your life

  •  How to rise to another level in your life

  • And a whole lot more

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

P.S. While you are there, check out the other great interviews with John Assarf, Loral Langemeier, and Joe Vitale.

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

As you watch this video, consider taking notes.  There are many valuable messages packed into this 18 minute interview and Dr. Demartini talks fast!  Make sure you take away some practical instructions from this segment because they are there and they will impact your life in wonderful ways if you open to this message.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Follow me on twitter:

Prosperity: Teleseminar and Contest Prizes







YOFA Blog Teleseminar (Scroll down to read the email)

You can listen to my comments about this post here but be sure to read the whole letter.

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 Sign up for the free teleseminar – CLICK HERE

Get your free copy of Think and Grow Rich CLICK HERE

Since I recorded this, I found out just how limited the spaces are on this call.  Here is the email I received with all the details:

Boy have I got some GREAT news for you today! I’ve just been notified
that a bunch of the stars from "The Secret" are getting together for an
exclusive live call and I wanted to make sure YOU heard about it first.

The call will be on Wednesday February 4th at 12 Noon EST.

Reserve a Spot on the Call Now!



Sure that sounds like a lot but let me assure you…

This call is being hosted by a *massive* group called The Masters Gathering.

I’d be shocked if you aren’t familiar with them by now. In just 8 days
they’ve amassed hundreds of thousands of visits to their website and have received
nearly a thousand rave reviews.

Those 1000 seats are going to fill up FAST.

So I suggest you grab yours now. Even if you can’t make the call, they’ll
send you a recording.

You’d be positively crazy to pass up this opportunity to hop on a live call
with some of the wealthiest, happiest people in the world who want to answer YOUR

questions and solve YOUR problems.

During the call they’re going to:

* Answer your questions

* Make a thrilling announcement that already has thousands of insiders
literally at the edge of their seats with bated breath…

* Delve deeper into The Law of Attraction and how to put it to work in your
life to get EXACTLY what you want

* Introduce you to the Master behind The Masters Gathering: Harrison Klein.
He’ll share his inspiring story battling 30 years of depression, abuse, and
suffering and how he encountered a life-changing episode.

That singular event instantaneously relieved his pain, self-hatred, and
sadness and led him to into a staggering 30-year practice coaching thousands of
people and triggering instant transformation in their lives as well.

This exclusive call is NOT to be missed.

You’ll see a side to Harrison Klein that has inspired the world’s greatest
success and transformation masters to not only welcome him inside their inner
circle, but to call him a valued friend.

Register to Be On This Incredible Live Call


Oh and one other thing…

JUST ANNOUNCED: Win a Fully Loaded iPod, $100 Amazon Gift Card & More!

The folks over at The Masters Gathering have been so impressed with the
hundreds of inspiring stories and conversations being posted at their website that
they’ve decided to hold a contest! You could win tons of cool prizes!

You see, they’ve also given away several videos from billionaire John
Assaraf, Millionaire-Maker Loral Langemeier, Attractor-Factor Master Dr. Joe Vitale,
and more! They want YOU to weigh in on what you think and they’re gonna throw
cool prizes at you in return.

So rush your booty over there and weigh in to win. They want to know:

* Have you been impacted by the videos we’ve shared so far?

* Have you had a powerful "AHA" moment, taken action on something you’ve
learned, or developed a new awareness or perspective on your life?

They’d also love to know:

* Who your favorite Master is

* The most valuable thing you’ve learned from them and how it’s changed your

Submit Your Story For a Chance to Win NOW!


Follow the link above and you’ll get all the details on the live call with
the Masters and how to enter their contest.


P.S. They’re giving away special prizes for video entries so if you’ve got a
camera (even a digital photo camera with a movie function or a web cam!) you
DEFINITELY want to submit for this contest. There will be less video entries which
means you have a better chance of winning!




Prosperity: Joe Vitale’s 4 Stages of Awakening






YOFA Blog  Joe VItale

Dr. Joe Vitale found a place in my heart when he introduced me to Ho’oponopono.

You can listen to this post here:

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I am deeply grateful to him for that and if you don’t know about Ho’oponopono, you’ll learn a little bit about it in this video.  We can explore that more in another post.  But right now, the gift at hand is a concise presentation, in this informal video, of Joe Vitale’s view of The Four Stages of Awakening.

This brings a mystical flavor to our topic.  Before you watch this video, close your eyes for one quick moment and get a feeling of where you are on the emotional scale regarding your financial reality.  Then check in again after the movie and see how much you have shifted.

Do 2 things:

  1. Watch the video CLICK HERE TO WATCH
  2. Download FREE eBook Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Here is the email I received about this video and I’m passing it along to you:
There are three things you need to know right now about
attracting your desires:

1. There are Four Stages of Awakening.

2. 90% of us remain stuck in the first stage of awakening.

3. It is impossible to achieve our desires in this first stage.
But we only need to make a subtle but profound shift to move
into the second stage of awakening!

One of the most recognized masters of "The Secret," Joe Vitale
helped me recognize this. And today, the folks over at The Masters
Gathering were able to grab Joe for a fascinating discussion on
The Four Stages of Awakening is guaranteed to generate at least
one powerful "AHA" for you.


I can promise you, this video is unlike anything you’ve seen.
If you loved what Joe had to say in "The Secret," imagine
listening to his insight and brilliance for more than 20

And he goes deep with this one.

Joe reveals the MUST DO process we have to begin before we
can make all the other stuff we’ve learned work.

How do I know this? Well…

I have a confession to make…

This is the secret weapon I’ve been using to build my business
and, more importantly, to build my life.

It’s what makes the difference between succeeding and just surviving.

And Joe nails it in this video. It’s some of the most profound advice
I’ve heard in a long time and its easy.

You’ll discover:

* Why our attempts to manipulate our lives, our experience, and the
universe don’t work, and a simple shift to opening the floodgates
to success.

(This one alone is priceless because most people misunderstand The
Law of Attraction. Joe clears this up for us.)

* How to use your own challenges to breed results. Most of us deny
or shy away from pain, but pain is a very spiritual place to be.

You can use your challenges to directly produce your desires!
That’s actually what they’re meant for.

* The secret to a happy life. This happens naturally as you progress
through the four stages of awakening.

Discover the Four Stages to Awaken Success Now!


You’re crazy if you don’t jump all over this! 

Also be sure to catch the other two videos available from The Masters
Gathering. Billionaire John Assaraf and "Millionaire-Maker" Loral
Langemeier round out this staggering collection of video interviews.

If you haven’t heard about The Masters Gathering yet, you will.

(Though I have to ask, "Where the heck have you been the past week?!")

These guys have somehow wrangled the biggest, brightest, and most
successful masters of business, personal transformation, health,
and more.

But here’s the kicker…

The Masters Gathering hasn’t even pulled their Ace yet!

You can take my word for it, the geniuses behind The Masters
Gathering will blow your mind with what they’ve cooked up.

So take my advice and stay tuned!

Word on the street is that a major announcement is coming next
week! But don’t wait. In the meantime, you’ve got to check out
these videos.

Don’t delay!

P.S. I don’t know how long they’re keeping these videos up, so
make sure you grab them now.

Just go here NOW


Over 40,000 people have watched and are raving about these videos.
Wait till you see the glowing comments!