Standing Meditation

Rooted in the InfiniteI recently received this email:

Hi Rebbie,
I’m really getting a lot out of this and can already feel the benefits of aligning my Y-axis.  I prefer doing this standing up though instead of sitting down.  I can really feel the energy move up my body (and spine) this way.  I’m curious why you don’t mention standing up as an option?

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Yes!  By all means, feel free to do the YOFA inner alignment exercises while standing.  And thank you for pointing out that I have not made that clear.  Sometimes doing these meditations while standing, especially the Y-axis ones, will cause you to raise your arms up.  If you are inspired to do that, go right ahead.  It is the up-force moving you toward joy.

As you get more advanced, you can also do these while walking.  You may find a very interesting effect focusing on the Y-axis as you move along your Z.

If this post seems strange or cryptic to you, it is because you have not read Rooted in the Infinite.  That can be remedied here:

Thanks to all who write me emails that help me clarify your YOFA Training!

With Love,
PS – I think this email may have been referring to these recordings: .

One Minute Meditation Video

This video is entered in a contest!

Want to help?

Yes, I know, it’s very unusual for me to join a contest.

But since I was invited to enter a one-minute video to the shiftinaction contest, I did.  And you can help me.

Step One: Watch the video

Watch it above, and you can see all the entries here:

Step Two: Send a note about my video

Send an email about my video to the YouTube account

Scroll down to "Connect with shiftinaction"  You’ll see it on the left. And send them a message that mentions my video.

(You have to have a f ree YouTube account –  It’s easy to set up and then you can have more fun on YouTube. You don’t need to have videos.)

Thanks for joining in on this contest! It helps me get the word out about YOFA.

The soundtrack of this video is the first minute of the 3 minute version of I Am Love.


Aligning yourself with Divine Love is what we’re doing and this video is a one minute tool to help you make it real.

With Love,

A Natural Approach for Depression


This email came in response to a recent jhe session.

I could not agree more on the effect of this JHE session.  I, too, have been feeling sad, depressed and out-of-sorts for over a week and nothing seemed to help, however, this morning when I awoke, I was a "new person".  I had "pep" in my step, felt joyous, relaxed and happy for the first time in over a week… I know why…JHE sessions!

Thank you so much…these sessions are priceless!

The Y-axis is very powerful and getting it into alignment might just give you some of the most concrete results when dealing with sadness and depression.

Disclaimer: These sessions neither diagnose nor treat medical conditions.  They simply support your innate well being.

2 ways to align the Y -axis:

1 – Do the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite

2 – Sign up for the jhe sessions.

If you know someone suffering from the heaviness of life, tell them about the "up force."  They can read about it in the book Rooted in the Infinite.
and they can begin feeling lisghter through a meditation practice that strengthens their alignment and allows the upforce to help them.

They can also sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions where they might get immediate relief.  And by the way, the jhe sessions come with a full guarantee.

Find out more about How to Heal Depression through Inner Alignment HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Follow me on twitter:

New Breakthrough in Appreciating Contrast?

yinyang.jpgAbraham has been teaching us how to appreciate contrast for a couple of decades now.

How are you doing with it? 

“Have you come to appreciate the contrast of your time and place?” That’s what I have heard Abraham (Abraham-Hicks: Masters of Law of Attraction) ask hundreds, maybe thousands of times.

I’d like to show you how one small tweak of your understanding can help you release tons of resistance and bring your manifestation abilities to an all time high.

It is a breakthrough in how to appreciate the contrast.

And what better time than now when we have the media offering so much contrast for us to appreciate!


Sign up here for the live event or the recording of the October 2008 YOFA Results Workshop These recordings come with a 30 day guarantee.

So I invite you to:

  • attend
  • download
  • listen
  • process
  • enjoy
  • take your time with this material

Then, if you don’t feel like you got way more in value than what you paid, just drop me an email and I will give you an instant refund – no questions asked.

I want you to have this perspective because it can literally change everything for you.

And with this guarantee, you have nothing to lose. . .

. . .and all of your "vibrational escrow" to gain.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the Practice Section of “Rooted in The
Follow me on twitter:
Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 9-26-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This was a Y-axis focused session offered for the relief of suffering.

The Y-axis is where all the alignment sessions begin and it is where all the other alignments find their reference point.  For a full exploration of the Y-axis please refer to Rooted in the Infinite.

The Y-axis gives you uplift.  If you are suffering in any way, this lift eases your burden.

I received this email which says it perfectly:

Thank you for all you give. I had been feeling ‘down’ for about a week and I tried every energy balancing/yoga/affirmations/prayer… and it wouldn’t shift.

Yesterday, I had this great sense of well- being like a load had lifted. I tried to think of what I did differently that day to create the shift.

Then I decided to check my email and it was no surprise to see that you had sent an alignment. Thank you so much.

This feeling of well being and the sense that a “load had lifted” is the signature feeling of the Y-axis alignment.

If you have been feeling burdened, this session was for you.  If you have been floating along happy and free, this session might just take you to a new platform of manifestation.

This session was a true privilege for me and I thank you for being part of it.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  “Rooted in The

Follow me on twitter:

Embodied Insights

banner-results1.jpgWhen you want to get results in your life . . .

I mean you really want to get results. . .

what do you do? 

Do you try harder?  Do you work harder?  Do you push with all your muscle?

A small group of us have been meeting monthly on the phone and the web and we are taking an opposite approach.  We are exploring what some might call "Let go and let God."  In the Abraham-Hicks language it might be called "Letting go of the oars." 

The people in this ongoing workshop are learning how to bring themselves into alignment with their own essence.  They are feeling the pulse of their own true desire. And they are coming into conscious relationship with Law of Attraction. 

Here is an email I received after the last workshop.  Thank you, Kim, for offering your permission to publish this.

Dear Rebbie,

I REALLY enjoyed the workshop.  Even though it is long, the time just flies by and I didn’t even notice the minutes ticking away.  I’m very busy and have a lot to do, so this is a big thing for me.  🙂 
I have been working with your material and with the Abraham/Hicks material for around a year now and have found it immensely helpful. Previously, I had no awareness about how I was holding my energy and holding myself back.

Even with a pretty good understanding of the material, I still had deeper insights last night.

I was more of an embodied insight related to the quote that you talked about -something to do with calling/creating the desire with your thoughts and receiving it with your actions.  As I was going to sleep, I could sense the projection of my thoughts when I thought about my desires and how my body felt joyful and open.  

I stayed in this blissful state for as long as I could.  I realized how much I loved it here.  As I imagined my desire coming to me, I suddenly felt how my body/energy/vibrations would close down.  I associated this feeling to times when my desire was being answered and yet the overflowing amount that was coming to me felt overwhelming and I started constricting. 

This is when I understood the process of the action and receiving the desire and this is where I need to keep my attention and practice more these days.  When the desire is being answered the action, I learned in that moment, has to do with maintaining the openness and blissfulness with all that is coming so I can then choose with more clarity from the answering of my desires. 
It is always a wonderful experience to embody a teaching that someone offers me and a special treat to feel it last night after you talk.  The experience of sensing the concepts in my body help me to remember the concepts forever and put them into practice more easily. 
Thank you for the workshop and the cue that allowed my body to learn this work more deeply last night.  It makes much sense right now to my actions and feelings of overwhelm when I experience abundance in proportions more than I am used to, leading to a sense of "backing off" and the resulting experience of my work "backing off".  As I grow more adept at the action of allowing I’m looking forward to being more continuously open to the abundance of my desires.
With joy, appreciation, and blessings,

Did you miss this workshop?  You can still get it here.

Were you there on this call (or did you listen to the recording)?

Your comments here help others and they affirm your progress.  Post your insights below.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at:

Inner Alignment and Loving Relationships

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I love when people get results before they know I did a jhe session.

Javier was generous enough to let me share his story.  I decided to use it to show you how the jhe sessions bring love into your relationships (see the video above). 

Do the YOFA jhe sessions seem mysterious to you?  I made this video to start to demystify this process.  Of course you can get the bigger story in Rooted in the Infinite.

The point is this: 

As you come into alignment with your essence, you open yourself to great relationships.  You may experience a powerful shift when you realize (or deepen your realization) that the quality of your relationships has to do with your inner alignment, not the other person.  It can be a stunning awakening when you see (as did Javier) that the other person does not have to change.

There are 2 ways to establish the state of inner alignment that promotes love in relationships.

  1. Active – This you do through your own inner work.  This is a process of meditation. I call it active but you are really quite still while you do this.  The simplest way to begin is to notice the vertical axis that passes through your upright spine.  (See video above.)  Pay attention to it in meditation.  Pay attention to it while walking, sitting, running.  Pay attention to it in different moods.  This is where the inner alignment process begins.
  2. Passive – Here you open to the beneficial influence of another.  I’m sure you’ve felt this many times.  Someone else has an uplifting effect on you. That is the quickest way to describe the YOFA jhe Sessions .  You sign up and your name goes on the jhe list.  I include your name when I do a jhe session which supports your inner alignment.  This is the effect that Javier experienced and talked about in his email.  And since he ruled out the power of suggestion, he became very clear about the power of this method.

Here is the email message that prompted this video and this post:



 I am in awe.

 My internet was down for a couple of days and was unnable to get your emails.  Ive been having problems with my partner that I really want to overcome.  I want to fall in love with her again and be faithfull to her.

 On the 5th I woke up with a tremendous sense of endearment towards her and just couldnt help hugging and looking at her.  It was exactly what you describe in your email and if my internet was working and I would’ve read it before….I would’ve thought I brainwashed myself into it.  But no.  Im completely….100% certain it was because of the Jhe session. I hadnt signed up for your sessions and was hesitant….in fact this session was part of the freebies you give for being in the list (which I got after buying your CD which is incredible but not enough to buy into the whole jhe thing….no offense….I just didnt think it was possible).  As a result today Im subscribing to your innercircle option and ordered your book.  I cant wait to see the effect this will have in my life.

 Thank you…thank you….thank you….in advance…..and again….in super awe.




FREE jhe Sessions!

Since Javier’s breakthrough came via the free jhe sessions, I thought you might want to know how you can get on the FREE jhe list.

Good news. I just restructured the free sessions.

Now you can sign up for a full year of free sessions that I do for you once per month.

You can sign up here:

I look forward to seeing your name on the jhe list.

More to come…

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for
spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at: