Food, Money, and Manifestation – Where to click first?

food-money-manifestation.jpgCLICK FOR FOOD




This is a distilled message.

I’ve boiled down pages of info into just a couple of key ideas.

You see, I’ve got colleagues who are continually producing powerful tools for all of us to find more joy in the journey.  I love sharing these with you and I totally love getting your emails saying how great each new offering is as you partake in both the free and paid versions of all these launches and promotions.

On the other hand, I know that these promotional emails can be overwhelming.

On top of that, these launches seem to come in waves.  So you may notice you don’t get many of these emails from me for a while, then you get a whole bunch.

So, in an effort to give you the most value with the least words, here is my distilled message for today:

Law of Attraction and Affirmations (Start Manifesting with More Ease)

I have worked with affirmations with enormous success for many, many years.  If you want to increase the power of your affirmations, and start manifesting with the power of your word, click here.   This one is for you.

You are What You Eat – What Are You Eating?

Now what about the body temple?  Are you caring for the energy field that we know of as the physical body with love and appreciation?  What do you feed your body? 

If you want to energize, heal, and promote joyful longevity within the very personal system you call your body, click here for free access

Reach Into the Bag of Your Life Experience and Pull Out Money

You have money that you don’t know you have. 

It is hiding in your life experience.  I want you to learn how to extract the money that is woven into your past journey and not only bring it forward in your life, but help others in the process.

I want you to prosper.  And I have a feeling I know a way that you can make money that you have not thought about.  Or if you did think about it, you didn’t know how to get started. 

Here is what I recommend:

Find something you know about and love, maybe a hobby,  a talent, a passion.  And then what?  Teach others.  Knowledge that you take for granted is like gold to those who are seeking it.  And they will pay you to stay home, and teach them over the phone.  How do you do it?  Find out here

David Wolfe: Eat Foods That Attract Money








Here is free access to David Wolfe’s latest video where he explains the relationship between nutrition and your manifestation of money.

As the founder of YOFA and one who shares about the Law of Attraction with many people on a regular basis, I’m very happy to hear David Wolfe talking about how what you eat affects what you attract.

As a certified clinical nutritionist, I’m very happy to hear David Wolfe talking about adding rather than taking away foods. I’m thrilled to hear him dissolve the belief system that says that it takes harsh discipline to eat well. He makes it sound so easy because it is.

As a member of planet earth, I’m grateful that David Wolfe has decided to launch his Longevity Now program in such a big way so that many many many people can get hold of this valuable information with the ease of clicking a link for a free video.

As a person who has lost count of the juicers and blenders she has owned and used through the years, I am eagerly awaiting more and more info from David about what to put in my latest super-duper blender to feed to my body temple.

If you missed the first video of this series, you can see it here:


You Are What You Eat

carrot.jpgMy friends like to make fun of me when I put all the letters that go after my name in my signature.

It looks like this:

Rebbie Straubing, D.C., DACBN, C.C.N.

(Too many letters!)

I do have a reason for mentioning this today.

You probably know that I used to be a chiropractor. (I still am on the inside!) That’s the "D.C." part.

The Extra Letters

But what you may not know about me is that all those other letters (the ones I don’t usually display) are there because I’m also a certified clinical nutritionist.

That’s right. 

I just don’t talk about it much.

These days, I’m most interested in how you nourish your mind, your energy field, and your vibrational escrow.

You Are What You Eat

But that nutritionist part of me is very excited right now.


Because I’m getting ready to send you some very powerful info-goodies. They have to do with what you put in your mouth and how it affects every other part of your life. If this info shifts your vibration about what you eat, well, double mission accomplished!

Watch for my email on Monday.

With Love,

Honoring Your Parents Tonight


Sign up HERE

Honoring Your Ancestors

A couple of years ago, I offered a workshop called "Honor Your Ancestors, Heal Your Heart."  Some people experienced a profound healing from that process and it took us to a very sacred place easily.  Somehow, thinking of your ancestors conjures the beauty of ancient faces, the tone of eternity, and the sacred feeling of life itself.

Honoring Your Parents

This year I’m giving a workshop called "Taking a Moment to Honor Your Parents."  I notice a completely different tone hovering around the registration page for this workshop.

Our ancestors hold a silent mystery for us.  We can imagine them in accordance with our highest ideals and values. Our parents, real people to us, are another thing all together.

Some people adore their parents. Some recall pain and abuse as they ponder these very real human beings.  Not aged and tattered photographs from the old country, but living (or living memories), nagging, people who never seemed to understand them.

And that is why I’m finding that this year’s workshop, focusing on honoring your parents, takes a more advanced spirit to truly embrace and find the sacred thread in this subject matter.

When you can look through the human limitations of your very real parents to the eternal flow of life through which you have emerged, well, that is an awe inspiring relationship, no matter what it looks like on the personality level.

And the benefits of honoring your parents are deep.  They touch into that flow that not only nourishes you, but nourishes them, and all the ancient faces of your unknowable line of ancestors.  This honoring creates a field of alignment within you that cannot be accessed though any other method.  Your parents hold a unique place in your energy field and that alignment is fundamental, powerful, and benefits every other aspect of your life.

Please join me for a special free teleseminar and webcast where you will have the opportunity to deeply honor your parents, no matter what story you have in your mind about them.

FREE Teleseminar and Webcast  Sign up HERE


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-10-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This session focused on the Z-axis for opening the vortex to the fulfillment of your heart’s desire regarding your work and the activity of your life. 

Whether you are running for political office or you are managing the laundry and the dishes, this session supports you in staying in your truth in each moment and leads you to extraordinary fulfillment.

Inner alignment organizes your energy field for the reception of your desires along all three axes.  (For a full understanding of how desires move along different axes please read Rooted in the Infinite.)

Today’s session focused on the path as it leads you to the fulfillment of your greatness.  It guides you in each now to and through continual expression of your greatness.

Regardless of circumstances, you are more keenly tuned to how your greatness interfaces with each moment and you express in ways that cumulatively become your life’s work, your work of art, your brilliant contribution to the manifestation we call life on earth. 

Every movement of your spirit, from the thoughts in your mind to the work of your hands, touches the All and it reflects back to you.  Today’s alignment supports your most graceful movements of spirit, consistent with the desires of your heart.  The reflection becomes a life of deep satisfaction, love and beauty.

As a result of this session I expect you to see noticeable advancement in your work.  It could be a raise (yes, even in this economy!) or an expansion of your business.  It could be an acknowledgement or praise of your work (your kids tell you they like your cooking or the local newspaper does a story about you.)  If you receive the alignment deeply, this acknowledgement will come sincerely and authentically from you.  It comes in the form of deep acceptance of your journey and love for your dear self.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this session for you.

Thank you.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Money and the Law of Attraction – part 2

 Money and the Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks (and of course Abraham) is recommended reading for the August YOFA "Results" Workshop. If you order(ed) the book but don’t have time to read it all before the workshop, try this:

Randomly open the book (or flip through the table of contents for something that interests you).  Read a few lines.  If they speak to you personally, take them into contemplation for a few minutes.  Steep your consciousness in the message, focusing on the simplicity of that one sentence or paragraph.

Let that good, empowering, affirming, joy-promoting feeling reach every one of your cells and the expansion of your energy field. (This is a form of Affirmative Contemplation.)

Bring the feeling tone of that passage to the workshop.  Whether you share or not on the call, you will contribute a most valuable energy to the group by doing this.


To sign up for the August "Results" Workshop (focused on prosperity) click HERE.

To sign up as a member and get a discount each month click HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The