Inner Alignment and Sweet Manifestation

Click the play button above to listen to an expanded exploration on the relationship between inner alignment and manifesting the desires of your heart.  This recording is almost 18 minutes long, so get comfy.  Below is the session update that went out to members today.  The recording expands on this text.

Here is today’s YOFA jhe Session Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

As a result of this session I expect you to find a sweetness in your manifestation. As conditions and relationships and events present themselves to you , you may find that they have been sprinkled with fairy dust – or so it seems.

The power of this session comes from the desires of your heart as they project forward and rain down as manifestation for you to walk into in your next set of nows.

Can you get that image?

It is a cycle of creation in which you create into the nonphysical medium (Abraham calls this the vortex) by the natural flow of your desire. This takes form and, to the degree that you are a vibrational match to the desire, it becomes your lived reality.

It occurs on your Z-axis and it is pulled toward you like one of those moving sidewalks. You have the sense that you are the one moving forward, but the manifestation is actually moving toward you. I describe this in greater detail in chapter 9 of Rooted in the Infinite.

In your relationships, you may find beauty in the faces that you see and a heightened feeling of love for your friends, family members, coworkers, and even strangers on the street. It is a heart resonance that lets you see others more clearly and with eyes of love. As you can imagine, this does good things for all relationships.

In your finances, this session helps you allow more abundance to flow to you. It tunes you to the allowing mode, the receiving mode, that state in which you can receive all that has been lining up for you.

In your body, this session gives you energy.

I am delighted to do this session for you. Thank you for giving me that honor.

With Love,


The Sentence that was Deleted from “Rooted…”

Look inside the book...Today I am sending out a booklet that explains the meaning of “the deleted sentence.”  At this time it is only going to my trusted subscribers.  If you are one of the few who got it, please post your comments below.

Do you think I should make this public?

Thanks in advance for your perspective.

With Love,

When do you take action?

“What is the definition of procrastination? It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.” — Abraham-Hicks

I know a lot of people who believe that you must push through your resistance, break through your procrastination, and “feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Hmmm.  I have been listening to Abraham for so many years that the pushing through idea just doesn’t cut it.  So when I notice that I am procrastinating, I have taken to aligning my axes in preparation for successful action.

Want to Try This?

The forward flowing Z-axis, the one marked by the path before you, is the place where the block is.  So, to move forward, what you can do is to first tend to the Y-axis.  This is the vertical axis that runs through your upright spine.  After some time in Y-axis meditation, the Z-axis finds its own flow and action becomes spontaneous, inspired, and fruitful.

The Y and Z-axis meditations are fully described in the book Rooted in the Infinite. Look inside the book here.


And the Winner is. . .


The message came in loud and clear.  You voted and the winner won by a mile.  In fact, the winning focus came in so strongly that it set off an avalanche in a whole new direction.

The winning focus for the birthday present for the jhe sessions is (drumrollllllll):

==>> financial prosperity  (You can still sign up. Click Here for 2 free sessions.)

And so I will be offering two jhe sessions
focused on cultivating prosperity (at no charge.)

But that’s not where it ends.

In fact, it is just beginning.

I have much more to tell you but I haven’t worked out all the details yet.

Let’s just say that since this focus won by such a large margin, I am going to do more than I promised. I just can’t say anything yet because I have to work out some of the fine points before I go public with this.

(It’s hard to keep this quiet because it’s so exciting!)

This is indeed turning out to be a very special birthday for the jhe sessions!

And as Thanksgiving approaches here in the US, I want to thank *you* for your companionship on this journey of inner alignment.

More soon. . .

With Love,
PS – You can sign up to get the f ree sessions here:

Happy Birthday YOFA jhe Sessions!

The YOFA jhe Sessions are 5 years old!  As the birthday approaches, I decided to let you tell me how to celebrate.  I’m going to give you a birthday present.  But which one?



Listen to the 10 minute audio to hear your choices.  Then click above to vote.  Whichever gift wins the vote is the one you will get so be sure to vote today.

I’ll be offering 2 free YOFA jhe Sessions.  You vote for what you want as thier focus:

  • Physical Well Being
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Loving Relationships
Which focus will win the vote?  Only time will tell.
Happy voting!

Law of Attraction: How vs. What

In this episode of “Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction” we explore a process for getting into the allowing mode.

Step three of the manifestation process is what Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) affectionately calls, “Lettin’ it in.”  From the desire for a new car to the desire for inner peace and connection to Source, the process is the same.   Today we focus on one way of lettin’ it in.


PS – After you do the process with me in the podcast, check out what Dr. John Demartini has to say in this video.

The Benefit of Distance in Distance Healing

Your pains, physical and emotional, are like alarms.

They are there to tell you something. They may just be the loudest sirens in your inner guidance system and they get your attention every time.

In fact, they can get you to slow down, maybe even stop, and review your life. And as you reflect on what has become unworkable or out of balance, you may seek someone who is called a “healer.” You may even seek someone who does what is called distance healing or remote healing.

Who is the Healer?

Of course, the one called healer is not really a healer. That one, the healer, is really the one who simply clears the channel for the innate healing power within you to flow in and restore balance.

So, when you seek healing, it is the Divine Energy, Infinite Intelligence, Light and Love that is the healer. And since they flow through you as you, you are really the healer. The one we call the patient is the healer. The one we call the healer is the helper.

And since the one you enlist to help you, and to be the facilitator of your healing, is there to help restore your state of flow so that you can heal yourself, he or she will do best to see you in your state of Divine Perfection.

As the healer (helper) sees you as whole, happy, and healed, that image sets a tone with which you can then resonate.

The Benefit of Distance

Sometimes the healer is right there in the room with you. They may have their hands on or near you as they work. In the case of distance healing, the healer may be in another city. They may even be on a different continent and still be effective. In fact, at times that distance works to your advantage.

When the healer is not looking directly at the problem that you are experiencing, that healer is not impressed with the suffering. In this case, this is a benefit. It may seem strange to you because we are used to the opposite scenario. Usually you go to your doctor so that he or she can examine you and become familiar with your problem for the purpose of finding the solution.

Here, however, in the healing that results from inner alignment, we begin with a knowing of the solution so there is no need to diagnose the problem.

And since the treatment consist of the pure tone of wholeness, the less present the vibration of the apparent problem, the more effective the treatment.

There are many forms of distance or remote healing, and part of their effectiveness lies in the distance itself.

Since the arena of healing is independent of space and time, the distance does not diminish the healing. But since the arena of human perception is influenced by space and time, the distance can actually benefit the healing process. It can partially insulate the healer from the more dominant tone of the patient’s concern about the apparent problem. And that can augment the healer’s ability to see the patient in the light of Divine Perfection.

There is no Distance

The healing that you seek brings you back to yourself. When there is no distance between you and you, you feel whole, healed, and happy. This can be seen as concentric circles of you-ness, all elaborating on your ability to express the uniqueness of your incarnation and all in alignment with your essence.

That is a very good feeling and you can tell clearly when you click into that alignment. It may seem amazing to you when it happens with the healer at a distance (maybe on the other side of the globe). I had a very dramatic experience of this type of healing with my teacher Hilda Charlton when I was a teenager. Once you experience the clarity and power of that influence it is unlikely that you will doubt it again. At that moment, you realize that there is no distance. At that moment, the healing has occurred.

Energy Healing: Workshop Recording

Wow, it’s been a long time since my last post.  I simply haven’t had much to say lately.  And yet, I woke up this morning and thought, I think I’ll lead a workshop this morning.  So I sent out an email at 10:30 am announcing a workshop at 11 am (I love the Internet!) and voila, here is the recording.  I hope you enjoy it.

The topic is energy healing, or better said, self healing and your energy body.

[mc id=”1085″ type=”audio”]yofa-healing-6-13-2011[/mc]

If you do not see the audio controller you can download the mp3 here.

The Healing Energy of Gratitude – Root Chakra Healing

IMG_0458By Rebbie Straubing

In this brief article, I want to share with you a chakra healing technique you can use any time to promote healing in your body. You can use this method before or after a session of meditation. You can also use it while running for a bus or driving in your car. This technique is utterly simple and surprisingly effective. Of course, if you want to get more involved with its complexities, you can. But for now, let’s keep it nice and simple.

It is based on the resonance between two powerful waves of energy that you can easily activate in your awareness. As powerful as any one modality may be in the self-healing toolbox, when you skillfully combine two resonant tools, you increase your results exponentially.

1 – The Root Chakra

We begin with the energy of the root chakra. This energy center is located at the base of your spine – or more specifically, at the base of your torso. This is not a physical structure but a constellation of energy. Like the magnetic field around a magnet, your root chakra also exerts an invisible force. This chakra represents an energetic vortex of influence in the root region of your body consciousness.

Begin this simple process by focusing your attention on this area of your body – the base of the torso. As you do this, realize that it is not your body you are activating. You are awakening this region of your consciousness.

2 – Gratitude

Next, bring into your awareness the words, “thank you.” Let these words create a tapping sensation in the root region of your consciousness. Like the mallets inside a piano, let the repetition of “thank you” tap your consciousness so that it rings the tone of gratitude throughout your awareness. This technique sends waves of appreciation through your system and brings your physical body into alignment with the energy of gratitude. This harmonizing energy has the effect of healing.

Another Version:

For a more complex version, and to add more feeling, you can say “thank you for…” As various blessings cross your mind, add them to the next tap. This is not a physical tap. It is a feeling of the power of each impression of the words, “thank you.”

When to use Which Version

The simple version (using only “thank you”) is best for times when you are very busy and doing this in the background. It is also best for use in meditation when this is your sole focus. The more complex version (using “thank you for…”), where you list the things you are grateful for, is best for times when you are upset and your mind is going in a negative direction.

As you combine the energetic influence of your root chakra with the healing power of gratitude, you take possession of yet one more facet of your ability to promote your own healing. The conduit of the root chakra amplifies your experience of gratitude and sends a clearer message for Law of Attraction to match. This process enriches your life experience on a deeper level than we can usually access with the conscious mind.

And now I’d like to invite you to get the full story on the hidden powers of the root chakra in the book “Rooted in the Infinite.” Get your free introductory download at . And be sure to claim your Free eCourse “7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” at You’ll receive 3 simple lessons by email that can transform your life and bring you into alignment with the desires of your heart. This helps you manifest more joyfully, with more ease, and in a way that makes life more fulfilling. YOFA is the place where Law of Attraction meets meditation.

YOFA Meditation for Upliftment

YOFA Meditation to Reverse Holiday DepressionClick the play button below to listen to this post.

As we get close to the holidays it seems like some people get very happy and full of holiday cheer.

Others have a tendency to get depressed.

Still others are dealing with major life challenges and while they may really want to feel happy and full of cheer, they find it difficult to get into the spirit.

[mc id=”425″ type=”audio”]Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – A YOFA Meditation to Move from Holiday Depression to Natural Upliftment[/mc]

So, today, I want to give you a very quick meditation that you can use to lift your spirits just in case you are struggling with any of the difficult emotions that tend to ride in on the holidays.  And as an aside, if you deal with depression you can visit the website and sign up for the free program there that will help you find a completely new way feeling better emotionally.

So, we’re talking about lifting your spirits but, actually, the expression “lift your spirits” is not very accurate.

Here’s why:

From the perspective of your physical human personality, your spirit is always rising.  It’s like a helium balloon. It is lighter than air.  It lives in the up direction.

I’ve been talking a lot about the Y-axis lately.  There is this vertical line of force that runs through your upright spine.  I call this the Y-axis and it is what you might want to call the spiritual axis within the human system.  And there is startling information on the Y-axis and how to engage it in meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  More than I can go into here.  You can find out more at

So the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy running through your upright spine.

It provides what I like to call the “up-force.”  And so you don’t lift your spirits.  And a good movie or a loving friend’s phone call doesn’t lift your spirits.

It feels like it does.

But what is really going on here is what we think of as that “uplifting” influence helps you release your resistance to the already lifted state of your spirit.

And once there is even a little bit less resistance, you feel uplifted.  You know how they cut the sandbags off a hot air balloon and it goes up?  Well, when you cut the sandbags of resistance off of your awareness, your sprit lifts.

It lifts all by itself.  That is its natural state:  Upliftment. Joy. Empowerment. Freedom.

So, if you feel worried, anxious or depressed, you can cut some of those emotional sandbags and find some relief.  And in some cases this can happen very quickly.

Now, here’s the peculiar part of all this.

When we feel heavy and depressed, when we feel overburdened and hopeless, we have a tendency to get confused about what to do about it.

This Doesn’t Work…

And since we know all about gravity, we believe that what goes up must come down so we try to “lift our spirits.”

But this doesn’t really work.

When you try to lift your spirits, you are in effect trying to hold up your own Y-axis. (Remember, the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy that runs through your upright spine. And its natural direction is up.)

That would be like getting in a hot air balloon and trying to lift the balloon with your muscle power.  You won’t go very far.

This Does Work

But when you cut the sandbags and let the hot air balloon do what it naturally does, you go up.

And the same is true emotionally.

When you release resistance and let your sprit do what it naturally does, you feel uplifted.

When you release your burden you naturally rise.

So, today, I’d like to give you a very quick little Y-axis meditation that is intended to have the effect of lifting your sprits.  But you and I both know that that is not what it is doing at all.

It does feel that way though.

This mediation is actually intended to help you release resistance so that you naturally and effortlessly feel better emotionally.  This is another Y-axis meditation.

Try This:

Sit upright, and close your eyes.

Sense, feel, or visualize a beam of white light running vertically through the center of you.  It begins at the center of the earth and continues through you and beyond, into the unknown reaches of the sky.

Your body is like a straw and this light energy pours through it in the most easy and comfortable way imaginable.

This beam of light is made of pure love.  It feels peaceful and kind.  As it flows through you it is infinitely compassionate toward you. Feel your posture shift to accommodate your growing awareness of this core of love that flows through your energetic spine.

And as you become more and more aware of this energy, whether you can feel it or not, whether your can picture it or not, even if it is just a thought in your mind, as you become more and more aware of this energy, its field of love and peace and ease and acceptance of all that you are begins to permeate your body.  All your cells become magnetized to this unconditional love at the core of you.

This peace permeates your mind so that all thought forms turn themselves around in space until they find an alignment that is harmonious with the love and peace at the core of you.

For just these few moments, your mind and body rest, floating in the field of love and peace that is generated by the love light flowing through the straw of your human instrument.

You can stay in this awareness and bask in the energy field for as long as you like.  When you are ready open your eyes and step into your life empowered by this alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS. – Right now You can get the complete recordings of a YOFA Y-axis Law of Attraction Workshop ($35 value) for free when you buy Revolutioniz by midnight Friday, December 11.