Prosperity: Masters of The Masters Gathering – How to Get Extra Bonuses


There are 3 parts to this blog post.
1 – The Video 
Watch the video above for a quick empowerment exercise and to find out more about the "Masters."  You can pause the video if the annotations go by too quickly.
2 – How to Get Extra Unadvertised Bonuses
Listen to this post here:
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This is Rebbie from and I have a quick important update for you.  I know you’re very busy so I’ll make this super brief.  Please listen or read through this one to the end.

I’ve been forwarding along to you all these great videos and material from the Masters Gathering.

And I know that you are probably going to be inspired to join the Masters Gathering which opens today at noon Eastern Time.

Now here is the important part.

What I want you to know before you register is that I am offering a special bonus – maybe more than one bonus, to those who sign up through this special link

This is the only link that will give you my exclusive bonuses.

So what are these exclusive bonuses that you can only get by registering through the link ?

Well, since interacting with these masters inspires a strong desire for mastery in us, I am offering the full first hour recording of my teleseminar "Authenticity, Mastery and Compassion." 

This recoding is currently only available to members of the YOFA jhe Sessions Inner Circle.

If you’re interested in experiencing mastery, this recording will give you: 

  • a whole new definition of what it means to have mastery in your life
  • and it gives you a pathway to get there.
That is one definite bonus you will receive but only if you use the link with the word "discount" before the "dot com."

Now, If there are enough people and if there is enough interest I will also offer another bonus.  I will hold a teleseminar where we will together explore the next step in your expression of your innate mastery.

So if these exclusive offerings interest you, please be sure, when you sign up to either click on a link in an email from me or go directly to

I look forward to hearing about your increasing sense of enbrightentment, empowerment, and mastery in the living of your unique and magnificent incarnation.

With Love,
PS – Please tell your friends.  *** The more people who sign up through my link, the more bonuses I will add.

3 – The Email
Here is the email I received that explains all this:

 Do you feel teased by the promise of "The Secret"
and The Law of Attraction?

Are you itching to know EXACTLY what you have
to do to produce specific results…

Do you find yourself on that merry-go-round of
hope and doubt…

Well, today is YOUR day!

Unless you’ve been hiding under the metaphorical
"rock", you no doubt have heard about the largest
collection of the world’s transformation experts

See all the Masters involved, listen to their
personal messages, and click this link to join

Over two hundred thousand people have already watched
the TMG underground videos with "The Secret" stars John
Assarf, Loral Langemeier, & Joe Vitale.

If you haven’t seen these yet, go here before they
remove them:

If you’ve been struggling to turn your life around,
and manifest what you REALLY want at lightning
speed, I urge you to be in front of your computer
today at 12pm Eastern.

They’re going to blow the doors wide open and and
bare it all, including

* how to staunch the financial bleeding

* how to blast through blockages, challenges, and stress

* why you may be attracting EXACTLY the
things you don’t want and what to do about it

So at exactly Noon EST, the first 5000 to be at their
computers will have the opportunity to join all of
our Masters in The Masters Gathering and be given
the golden keys to the castle.

When you get inside, you will dissolve your limitations,
so you can fly down the street and attain goals that
you never thought possible.

I know I’ll be there.

P.S. If you are still waiting for your "Financial Bailout",
learn specifically what the wealthy are doing directly
from The Masters Gathering …

T.Harv Eker of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

Bob Proctor of "You Were Born Rich"

John Assaraf of "The Answer"

Loral Langemeier of "The Millionaire Maker"

Bill Bartmann, Self Made Billionaire, 25th Wealthiest Person in America


Prosperity: Joe Vitale’s 4 Stages of Awakening






YOFA Blog  Joe VItale

Dr. Joe Vitale found a place in my heart when he introduced me to Ho’oponopono.

You can listen to this post here:

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I am deeply grateful to him for that and if you don’t know about Ho’oponopono, you’ll learn a little bit about it in this video.  We can explore that more in another post.  But right now, the gift at hand is a concise presentation, in this informal video, of Joe Vitale’s view of The Four Stages of Awakening.

This brings a mystical flavor to our topic.  Before you watch this video, close your eyes for one quick moment and get a feeling of where you are on the emotional scale regarding your financial reality.  Then check in again after the movie and see how much you have shifted.

Do 2 things:

  1. Watch the video CLICK HERE TO WATCH
  2. Download FREE eBook Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Here is the email I received about this video and I’m passing it along to you:
There are three things you need to know right now about
attracting your desires:

1. There are Four Stages of Awakening.

2. 90% of us remain stuck in the first stage of awakening.

3. It is impossible to achieve our desires in this first stage.
But we only need to make a subtle but profound shift to move
into the second stage of awakening!

One of the most recognized masters of "The Secret," Joe Vitale
helped me recognize this. And today, the folks over at The Masters
Gathering were able to grab Joe for a fascinating discussion on
The Four Stages of Awakening is guaranteed to generate at least
one powerful "AHA" for you.


I can promise you, this video is unlike anything you’ve seen.
If you loved what Joe had to say in "The Secret," imagine
listening to his insight and brilliance for more than 20

And he goes deep with this one.

Joe reveals the MUST DO process we have to begin before we
can make all the other stuff we’ve learned work.

How do I know this? Well…

I have a confession to make…

This is the secret weapon I’ve been using to build my business
and, more importantly, to build my life.

It’s what makes the difference between succeeding and just surviving.

And Joe nails it in this video. It’s some of the most profound advice
I’ve heard in a long time and its easy.

You’ll discover:

* Why our attempts to manipulate our lives, our experience, and the
universe don’t work, and a simple shift to opening the floodgates
to success.

(This one alone is priceless because most people misunderstand The
Law of Attraction. Joe clears this up for us.)

* How to use your own challenges to breed results. Most of us deny
or shy away from pain, but pain is a very spiritual place to be.

You can use your challenges to directly produce your desires!
That’s actually what they’re meant for.

* The secret to a happy life. This happens naturally as you progress
through the four stages of awakening.

Discover the Four Stages to Awaken Success Now!


You’re crazy if you don’t jump all over this! 

Also be sure to catch the other two videos available from The Masters
Gathering. Billionaire John Assaraf and "Millionaire-Maker" Loral
Langemeier round out this staggering collection of video interviews.

If you haven’t heard about The Masters Gathering yet, you will.

(Though I have to ask, "Where the heck have you been the past week?!")

These guys have somehow wrangled the biggest, brightest, and most
successful masters of business, personal transformation, health,
and more.

But here’s the kicker…

The Masters Gathering hasn’t even pulled their Ace yet!

You can take my word for it, the geniuses behind The Masters
Gathering will blow your mind with what they’ve cooked up.

So take my advice and stay tuned!

Word on the street is that a major announcement is coming next
week! But don’t wait. In the meantime, you’ve got to check out
these videos.

Don’t delay!

P.S. I don’t know how long they’re keeping these videos up, so
make sure you grab them now.

Just go here NOW


Over 40,000 people have watched and are raving about these videos.
Wait till you see the glowing comments!