Abraham Speaks about The Death of Jerry Hicks

I’m grateful to see the subtle coexistence of Abraham’s absolute clarity and Esther’s more familiar human experience. In this beautiful video, Abraham answers questions about Jerry and his transition into non-physical.  They also explain some of Esther’s process after losing the physical form of her life partner.  Amazingly enough, if you knew Jerry, and loved his presence, and appreciated his enormous contribution to the Abraham-Hicks evolution, you are more likely to laugh at times during this light-hearted presentation of death, than to cry as Abraham explains what’s going on here. I send my love and appreciation to Jerry and to Esther and to Abraham.  I hope you enjoy this.

Money and the Law of Attraction – part 2

 Money and the Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks (and of course Abraham) is recommended reading for the August YOFA "Results" Workshop. If you order(ed) the book but don’t have time to read it all before the workshop, try this:

Randomly open the book (or flip through the table of contents for something that interests you).  Read a few lines.  If they speak to you personally, take them into contemplation for a few minutes.  Steep your consciousness in the message, focusing on the simplicity of that one sentence or paragraph.

Let that good, empowering, affirming, joy-promoting feeling reach every one of your cells and the expansion of your energy field. (This is a form of Affirmative Contemplation.)

Bring the feeling tone of that passage to the workshop.  Whether you share or not on the call, you will contribute a most valuable energy to the group by doing this.


To sign up for the August "Results" Workshop (focused on prosperity) click HERE.

To sign up as a member and get a discount each month click HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com