Today’s YOFA jhe Session 9-20-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session moved in 2 directions (forward and up) and you can read about this type of alignment on page 146 of Rooted in the Infinite in the section called "Special Effects."

As a result of this session I expect these benefits for you:

1 – Accelerated spiritual opening and expanded awareness.

2 – Accelerated manifestation of desires.

The way that you may recognize these tendencies is in a sense of ease in things that are usually effortful for you.

Watch for signs that the Universe and Law of Attraction are taking care of many of the jobs that you may be struggling to accomplish.  Particularly the things that may be exhausting you.

This session may help you "Let go and let God."  And from there, all things are possible.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Embodied Insights

banner-results1.jpgWhen you want to get results in your life . . .

I mean you really want to get results. . .

what do you do? 

Do you try harder?  Do you work harder?  Do you push with all your muscle?

A small group of us have been meeting monthly on the phone and the web and we are taking an opposite approach.  We are exploring what some might call "Let go and let God."  In the Abraham-Hicks language it might be called "Letting go of the oars." 

The people in this ongoing workshop are learning how to bring themselves into alignment with their own essence.  They are feeling the pulse of their own true desire. And they are coming into conscious relationship with Law of Attraction. 

Here is an email I received after the last workshop.  Thank you, Kim, for offering your permission to publish this.

Dear Rebbie,

I REALLY enjoyed the workshop.  Even though it is long, the time just flies by and I didn’t even notice the minutes ticking away.  I’m very busy and have a lot to do, so this is a big thing for me.  🙂 
I have been working with your material and with the Abraham/Hicks material for around a year now and have found it immensely helpful. Previously, I had no awareness about how I was holding my energy and holding myself back.

Even with a pretty good understanding of the material, I still had deeper insights last night.

I was more of an embodied insight related to the quote that you talked about -something to do with calling/creating the desire with your thoughts and receiving it with your actions.  As I was going to sleep, I could sense the projection of my thoughts when I thought about my desires and how my body felt joyful and open.  

I stayed in this blissful state for as long as I could.  I realized how much I loved it here.  As I imagined my desire coming to me, I suddenly felt how my body/energy/vibrations would close down.  I associated this feeling to times when my desire was being answered and yet the overflowing amount that was coming to me felt overwhelming and I started constricting. 

This is when I understood the process of the action and receiving the desire and this is where I need to keep my attention and practice more these days.  When the desire is being answered the action, I learned in that moment, has to do with maintaining the openness and blissfulness with all that is coming so I can then choose with more clarity from the answering of my desires. 
It is always a wonderful experience to embody a teaching that someone offers me and a special treat to feel it last night after you talk.  The experience of sensing the concepts in my body help me to remember the concepts forever and put them into practice more easily. 
Thank you for the workshop and the cue that allowed my body to learn this work more deeply last night.  It makes much sense right now to my actions and feelings of overwhelm when I experience abundance in proportions more than I am used to, leading to a sense of "backing off" and the resulting experience of my work "backing off".  As I grow more adept at the action of allowing I’m looking forward to being more continuously open to the abundance of my desires.
With joy, appreciation, and blessings,

Did you miss this workshop?  You can still get it here.

Were you there on this call (or did you listen to the recording)?

Your comments here help others and they affirm your progress.  Post your insights below.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at:

Hilda and the Message in the Code


Thank you!

After reading the comments and emails I received on my last post,  I see that Hilda’s presence is still strong and her message still strikes a chord.

So, here is another story I thought you might enjoy.

I was a teenager when I first met Hilda in 1971.

Fast forward to 2006. I got an idea for a book while in meditation preparing for a workshop.  The idea was to create a book of Hilda stories collected from the people who were her students.

The only problem was that I was no longer in touch with any of those people.

So I decided to set up a webpage for people to come to and leave their stories.  In the process of setting up the page, I inserted a code to reduce spam.

I’m sure you’ve seen this many times. The code displays a sequence of funny looking letters that you have to type into a form to determine that you are a real person being added to the list. 

I hesitated to place this code on the page because, since the code words are randomly chosen, many of the words that typically show up for the visitor to type are negative, unwanted, and do not match the vibration I wanted for the website.  And since I am so sensitive to the vibration of words I tripped over this a bit.

In the end, I decided it was more important to have the code than not to, so I inserted it.

To my amazement, the first code word that came up was “tabla.” 

I blinked my eyes.  “Tabla?”

I had never seen a word like this come up as a code word before.  I checked my dictionary to see if “tabla” was also the name of something mundane like an airplane part or a decongestant spray. 


All it said was “A small hand drum from India.” 

Okay, Hilda.  I see.   You are behind this idea, aren’t you? 

I worked some more and got a couple of mundane code words popping up as I tested the page.  I went back into doubt.  “Oh that was just a coincidence.  Maybe I shouldn’t bother with this project.  After all, … blah blah blah ….(all my little-self excuses)."

The next code word that showed on my screen was “swami.”


I have never seen a word like that show up in the computer program before!  Ok Hilda!  I see!

The very next word was “anoint.”  I thought I’d better see what the dictionary definition of anoint was.  “To choose by or as if by divine intervention.”

Okay, Okay, I get it.  Move forward with the project.

Well, I set up the page and got distracted by other things for a few weeks.  It sat quietly without a visitor. 

Since no one was finding the page, I sat down to compose a letter asking people for their Hilda stories.  When I went to the page to check it, I had completely forgotten about this code word episode.  As the page opened, there was the code word.  Oh yeah!  Let’s see what it is this time. “Intone.”  Hmmm  Just to be sure, I looked it up.  “To recite in a chanting voice.”

About a week later it came to my attention that the idea for this project occurred to me within days of what would have been Hilda’s 100th Birthday.  

Well, I never did collect the stories for the book so, if you were a student of Hilda’s, feel free to leave your story as a comment on this post.  Who knows?  Maybe the book is still composing itself in the ethers.

And, if nothing else, this story of spirit-permeating-technology can certainly assure you that no matter how we evolve, and no matter what type of tools we may use, the message of spirit can still come through in ways that will knock your socks off.

With Love and Appreciation,


Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" – You’ll get the first lesson instantly: