Meditation: Bring Harmony to Your Now Through Your Past

Today is one of the most beautiful days here on Long Island.  I’m in the car with the my trusty laptop, breeze in my hair, dogs in the back seat, and the Long Island Expressway playing the star role of my Z-axis.

The Z-axis is the trail of your life through time and space.

When you align the Z-axis behind you, you bring the pains of your past into harmony. They begin to reveal their gift and you experience relief.

One of my favorite flavors of relief is when I let go of resistance that I didn’t even know I had. A good feeling comes over me as a surprise.

That often happens when I’ve been carrying a pain for such a long time that it starts to feel normal to me. I no longer recognize it as resistance. Then, through one of the YOFA inner alignment processes (either a meditation or a jhe session — yes, I’m on the jhe list too!) that distortion corrects itself.  Then whooosh — the good feeling arrives.

Suddenly a puff of harmonious energy lifts me from behind and it’s like being in a sailboat on a quiet day when suddenly the wind fills your sails and carries you for miles.

The alignment of the back end fo the Z-axis (the past) harmonizes the now and brings energy and joy to the evolution of what we would call the future.

Here is a meditative process you can do to align your Z-axis today.

  1. Close your eyes and sit upright.
  2. Imagine the footprints you have created behind you as you have walked through your life.
  3. Now imagine that trail of footsteps extending backward for your whole life, right up to this moment.
  4. See the footprints right behind you begin to glow with golden light.
  5. Let this light begin extending backward until every footstep of your entire life is glowing with beautiful golden light.
  6. Know that every step you have taken in this life has been perfect and in Divine Order.
  7. Enjoy the feeling of this loving, forgiving light as it bathes every past decision, action, thought, word, and breath of your past.
  8. Whenever you are ready, open your eyes and move forward.
Optional advanced step 9: Carry this image and feeling beyond this incarnation to all your past lives.
For a full description of the Z-axis and how to work with it to bring joy to your past, present, and future, please read Rooted in the Infinite. For best results, use the audio recordings of the meditations. For an ongoing process of inner alignment, become a member of the YOFA jhe Sessions and receive 8 inner alignment sessions per month.

Happy Birthday YOFA jhe Sessions!

The YOFA jhe Sessions are 5 years old!  As the birthday approaches, I decided to let you tell me how to celebrate.  I’m going to give you a birthday present.  But which one?



Listen to the 10 minute audio to hear your choices.  Then click above to vote.  Whichever gift wins the vote is the one you will get so be sure to vote today.

I’ll be offering 2 free YOFA jhe Sessions.  You vote for what you want as thier focus:

  • Physical Well Being
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Loving Relationships
Which focus will win the vote?  Only time will tell.
Happy voting!

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Rampage of Appreciation


I Can Always Enter My Vibrational Vortex of Creation… The key to getting inside your Vibrational Vortex of Creation; of experiencing the absolute absence of resistance; of achieving complete alignment with all that you have become and all that you desire, and of bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire – is being in the state of appreciation – and there is no more important object of attention to which you must flow your appreciation than that of self. — Abraham Excerpted from Abraham’s newest book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group

CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website

Even the slightest shift toward appreciation creates a big wave.  I’m always amazed at how a little time spent shifting my vibration on a subject that’s bothering me can completely and instantly alter my experience.  It brings harmony and even fun to stressed relationships.  It eases even the toughest challenges.  It melts problems.

And the fastest way there is by finding things to appreciate.   

What do you appreciate today?

Today’s YOFA jhe Session:
How Apparent Problems Dissolve into Nothingness

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgSIgn up for
YOFA jhe Sessions

Listen to Rebbie here:

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I did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the YOFA jhe list today.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel noticeably more at home in your body, in your life, and in the broader evolution of you soul.

I also expect things that have felt like major obstacles in some area of your life to begin to dissolve.

The effect of today’s alignment transcends the desires of this lifetime and brings your current awareness into harmony with the desires and intentions that you have set in motion previously.  Even in innumerable past lifetimes.

The effect is one of feeling embraced, swaddled, and loved – especially loved – by your past incarnations.  Like you have this invisible team of "yous" cheering you on, understanding why you do what you do and nurturing your development into the you you desire to be.

The way you may notice this as in an unusual richness in your experience. You may feel things more deeply, see things with more detail, perceive more connections between things, understand things more profoundly, love more purely.  It can feel like the tapestry of your ancient journey is revealing some of its golden threads that let you feel connected with the timeless beauty of your essence.

When you connect a little more than usual, even unconsciously, with the broader design of your soul’s journey, something wonderful happens. 

Things that you have been perceiving as stuck, as unchanging obstacles or solid problems start to reveal their lightness.  They begin to float like bubbles suspended in the air.  They can even begin to pop like bubbles.  And then, they are gone.

The reason this can happen is simple.  The problems never really were solid.  As you come into alignment with your soul’s truth, you see more truly. And what appeared as in impossible to solve problem turns out to be a distortion.  Like a funhouse mirror.  And once your energy field is better aligned, and accurate perception is restored, you see a clear pathway to the solution of what seemed to be an insoluble problem just a moment ago.

Now the question always is, how directly will you feel or manifest the results that I am describing here.

I’m sure there is a range from very obvious, full-blown manifestation to more subtle or even imperceptible changes in the configuration of your energy field.

The jhe Sessions are a cumulative process and so sometimes the sessions are working underground, other times they are at the point of full fruition.

At the very least, I expect you to feel greater, ease, comfort, and a feeling of being lovingly held in spirit.

At the other end of the spectrum, you may have a major breakthrough with something that has been troublesome for you – maybe for a very long time.

However this session shows up in your unique life journey, it is my intention for it to be profoundly beneficial to the experience and expression of the love in your heart.

With Love,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Harmonizing Desire and Ego -Today’s YOFA jhe Session


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I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

Today’s session focused on the harmony between desire and ego.

People use both these words in so many different ways that I hesitate to even use them here.  There is no way to know what meanings they conjure for you and since they are so loaded, they usually cause some emotion.

If you have a copy of Rooted in the Infinite handy, you can refer to chapter 12 for a full explanation of the meaning of desire and ego in the YOFA system.  For simplicity’s sake, here is what I mean by these words:

Ego – the individual, focused, limited perspective, personality, and point of view of your human incarnation.

Desire – The movement of life force in you toward something that feels good to you.

Now, I know that you may have very different definitions for these words, but for now, at least you know what I’m talking about as I describe the effects of today’s jhe session.

When desire and ego are out of alignment with each other and with your essence, you travel a very rocky road.  I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. 

Today’s session had a beautiful quality as the 2nd and 3rd chakras tuned in to the essence of their purpose and aligned with the 3 axes (this is all explained in greater depth in the book) for a truly harmonious expression.

I expect you to feel the results of this session in a few ways:

1 – A sense of calm.  Much like the calm after a storm, when your ego and your desires move from struggle and conflict to peace and partnership, there’s this feeling of prosperity. 

Your whole personality becomes:

  • brighter
  • more alert,
  • more interested
  • more enthusiastic
  • and more open to authentic interactions with others

2 – Confidence.  When the ego stops trying to prove its worthiness, your true brilliance and talent come forward and you can feel the value of your uniqueness in a way that has momentum.  It is also truly appreciative of the uniqueness in others. Your confidence is not threatened by the success of others and so you become a bright light to others.

3 – Home Runs.  You become more effective, more efficient, and more able to complete things successfully with one effort.  Things that might have taken months get done in one day.  Things that might have taken years get done in one week.  How can that be?  Your heightened alignment makes you so much clearer an efficient that you sail through things with no obstructions.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love,


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-22-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session focused on the Y-axis of the root chakra.

This is a profound location in the energy body and I describe this in great detail in Rooted in the Infinite.

As a result of this session I expect you to have greater harmony between your individual consciousness and Infinite Intelligence.

The way it might show up in your life is in your ability to see the bigger picture and access wisdom when it is needed.  This can relate to your personal issues or your ability to guide others when they seek your advice.

If you are focused on physical healing, this session tends to the root of the energy system that all healing draws from.  This can relate to raising your energy level, adding strength and stability to your body, or to the intelligence that flows through your system in the form of your body’s chemistry or electricity to heal, repair, and balance wherever those actions are needed.

The jhe sessions are not like other systems that prescribe certain treatments for certain problems.  This system of alignment, like chiropractic, tends to your alignment and allows the Intelligence that flows through your system to make the necessary corrections.

And today’s session, by tending to the root, makes a big contribution to that alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-1-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel a beautiful sense of peace.

This session promotes simplicity.

Like the silent green stalk of a vibrant plant, your great innate simplicity was affirmed in this session and with it comes your enormous access to wisdom.

You may notice the effects of this session in these ways:

  • Your mind has moments of unusual quiet.
  • Faces look unusually beautiful to you.
  • Everything looks unusually beautiful to you.
  • You meet each activity with presence and full attention. .  . and you see beauty in the things you touch and in your own hands.
    • If you are seeking physical healing, this session supports the state that allows your body to find its true balance and its natural ability to function optimally.
    • If you are seeking harmony in relationships, this session supports the state that makes you "lovable."
    • If you are seeking financial prosperity, this session supports the state that opens you to joyful manifestation.

This session of simplicity, peace, and wisdom is offered with love and appreciation.

Thank you for being part of the YOFA jhe Sessions.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Today’s YOFA jhe Session 9-6-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel like a child who just got a big cherry lollipop.

It is a sweet happy feeling that comes from the love in the heart.

It is a thick, abundant feeling of "all is well" and it lifts the corners of the mouth in a smile seemingly involuntarily.

This wonderful feeling is actually quite a good worker.  In addition to feeling good, it produces many effects.

Here are only a few of them:

  1. Your voice becomes a healing balm and it soothes and mends the wounds of those who hear you.
  2. Your words come under the jurisdiction of the heart instead of the mind and you begin saying wise and loving things – also seemingly involuntarily.  For a full explanation of how this works, please read chapter 13 of Rooted in the Infinite.
  3. Your cells communicate with each other with greater harmony, cooperation, and what I’d like to call "cell-song" which produces what the world calls "healing."
  4. Your relationships can completely transform right before your eyes from this type of alignment.  This is a great time to call your mom and tell her you love her or ask your boss for a raise or talk to your kids about God or call an old friend and go out for lunch. You may end up with a completely new relationship with any or all of them.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 8-20-08

YOFA jhe SessionsI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session focused on the 2nd chakra and the harmonizing of the Paradox of Desire.

(For a full explanation of the Paradox of Desire please see page  133 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

Water is the element that rules the 2nd chakra and water sets the tone for this session.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel these things:

  • You may notice that you have greater harmony with your desires.
  • You may feel this as a clarity that your unfulfilled desires are surely on their way into joyful manifestation. 
  • It may feel like a sense of confidence in the appropriateness of you receiving all that you have been asking for.
  • It may show as eager anticipation. 
  • It may even bring such vivid awareness of what the desire would feel like fulfilled that you cease to care if it ever manifests.

All these feelings are evidence of the releasing of resistance.

You may sense greater flow in your movements, in your experience of time and in your experience of events.  This can become apparent in your awareness of

  • the flow of traffic
  • the flow of your language
  • the flow of your thoughts
  • the flow of  love through you and to you

In your body this session energetically supports the bladder, kidneys, reproductive organs, and the liquid portion of the blood and lymph.

One more thing.

This session also helps you take your attention off of what others are thinking about you and your desires and keeps you centered in your own essence. It helps purify your desires for their most joyful unfulfillment and their most satisfying fulfillment.

It is a great privilege for me to do this jhe session for you.  Thank you.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice forSpiritual awareness, healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises In the Practice Section of  "Rooted in The Infinite."

Disclaimer: Please note that this session is not meant to diagnose nor treat medical conditions.

Abraham-Hicks on Appreciation

I knew it might stir up a bit of controversy but it seemed worth it. 

It was my intention, in offering the post and video of Byron Katie on money, to bring something to light about the process of manifestation. 

Did it work? 

In response to Andrew’s comment (and I think he speaks for many) I thought I’d explain this a bit further.

I want to show you different ways that you can instantly release your fears and anxieties about money. 

Then 2 things happen.  

  1. You get happier in your now.
  2. You open yourself to more satisfying manifestations.

I like to talk about these different desires as running along the different axes of our 3 dimensional world and body. (I explain this all in great detail in Rooted in the Infinite. )

Now, here is where it gets interesting.

Those 2 things that happen when you release resistance are happening along 2 different axes.

Let’s look at it again:

  1. You get happier in your now. 
  •  This happens on the Y-axis.  It resides in your upright spine.  It aligns you with spirit and give you access to Infinite Consciousness.   
  1. You open yourself to more satisfying manifestations. 
  •  This happens on your Z-axis.  It resides in your forward facing awareness of time and journey.  It aligns you with the preferences of your unique incarnation and the choices you make as an individual creative being.

So, we can see Byron Katie’s message as a Y-axis teaching or what we would traditionally call a spiritual teaching.  It does not depart from the now.

And we can see the Science of Deliberate Creation as more of a Z-axis teaching.  It focuses on the journey and reveals the process of manifestation.

And once Abraham strated calling this "The Art of Allowing," the focus came back toward the Y-axis.

And both axes live in your body and your world.

The Abraham-Hicks video above bridges the two.  Any true Z-axis teaching must be based in the Y-axis.  And Abraham is.

The harmony between the 3 axes and their native desires is at the heart of our YOFA Training.  The mystical meeting point of the three is the center point of consciousness. 

The art of aligning these 3 axes is:

I know this is a bit abstract.   I hope you find it useful.

The harmony between your Y-axis and Z-axis desires is revealed in the living of your life in every moment.

Your comments are welcome.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at: