Behind the Curtain of the Healer – or – Unfashionable Healing

Bill Cunningham

I recently watched a documentary about Bill Cunningham, famed NY Times fashion photographer.   In fact, I recommend this film for many reasons, not the least of which is the pure New Yorkiness of it.  It’s called Bill Cunningham New York.

But that’s not what I’m here to write about.  I simply bring it up because one of the glaringly simple truths revealed in this movie sheds light on the relationship between the healer and the healing.  It can help us choose a healer, and it can help us succeed in our own healing.

I’ll get right to the point.  I bring up Bill Cunningham here because celebrities seem to be tripping over themselves to be photographed by this fashion icon whose camera has delineated fashion for years.  And yet the charming and humble man behind the camera is typically clad in the blue smock worn by Parisian street sweepers.

I hang around some heavy duty healers.  I’m talking about people who perform what many would call miracles.  But someone recently asked me why one of these amazingly talented and devoted fellows is struggling so with his own physical challenges.  He was pointing out the irony.  But there is more than irony here.  There is a trap that can snag you and prevent you from benefiting from these folks.

The point is that if Bill Cunningham saw himself walking down the street, he probably would not stop his bicycle to snap a picture of the slightly hunched over, blue smocked, gentleman who turns no heads.  And yet, this modestly dressed artist knows exactly what to shoot and why.  His understanding of fashion and his ability to express it through his camera flows independent of (some might even say in spite of) his own wardrobe.  And this is much like the powerful healer whose understanding of the energy body and whose ability to promote healing in another transcends the challenges within his or her own body.

Does this seem weird to you?  Is it counterintuitive?

I invite you to suspend your judgments when selecting someone to help you heal.  Because whether it’s irony or something deeper, more causal, some of the greatest healers are themselves dealing with some of the most unfashionable challenges.   Remember that these people are human.  They simply have a great talent.

I wish you wholeness.

Hilda Charlton, Spiritual Healing, and the YOFA jhe Sessions




Hilda Charlton Official Website

YOFA jhe Sessions Website

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When I was a teenager I used to attend Hilda‘s Thursday night Satsang. At that time we met at St Luke’s Church in New York City’s Greenwich Village. That was a profound experience for me, but there is way more to the story of Hilda’s role in my life than what took place at those meetings.  (And, for anyone who was there, and I know you folks are out there because you write to me from time to time, you know that the energy of those gatherings was powerful, extra-ordinary, and inspiring enough to last a lifetime.)

There is more though…

I have to back up a bit. 

The reason I knew Hilda was because she was working intensely on healing my sister, Shelli.  In fact, one of my clearest memories of Hilda was when the doorbell would ring and my mother would open the door to our apartment. And there was Hilda, in her sari, and her English accent, and an aura of Love expanding out in every direction, unlike anyone else who ever rang our doorbell. 

And yet, this was a common occurrence.  Hilda was there, ringing our doorbell and entering our apartment like clockwork.

So, I’ve been reflecting on how huge Hilda’s influence has been on me.  Her presence as a healer was such a big part of my formative years, that now, as I sit to do a YOFA jhe Session two times a week, I’m so grateful for my roots with someone who is probably one of the most remarkable healers and spiritual teachers of the 20th Century.

It’s hard to describe the specific influence that Hilda still has on these remote inner alignment sessions that I do, but I want to acknowledge her and give her credit for much of my training – even if it was largely by osmosis!

When I do an inner alignment session for the people on the jhe list, I send an email explaining the specifics of the session.  I’m posting the email update that went out to the members today after I did today’s jhe session.

You can sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions HERE.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session Email Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

With today’s alignment comes an
intensification of personal empowerment.

This comes not from having power over others
but as a result of an intimate relationship
with the source of all creation.

Abraham ( teaches us of the
profound relationship between freedom and
empowerment.  These are different names for
the joyful end of the emotional scale.

With today’s inner alignment with your
essence, you gain access to great personal
freedom and empowerment. This happens as a
result of deliberate alignment with the
ever-present, sacred freedom at the portal
where the *now* enters your personal energy
system.  (Find out more about how this works
in the root chakra section of "Rooted in the

As a result of today’s session I expect you
to experience breakthroughs in any area of
your life where you have been feeling stuck.

You may notice that you are no longer driven
by old self-sabotaging habits, addictions,
or negative tendencies. 

What a relief! 

When those patterns release-even just a little
bit-and Law of Attraction gets hold of your
true brilliance and brings you more of that,
well, let’s just say there are fireworks in
your field of attraction and you shine your
true light.  This is the fast track to
success in any venture.

You may notice the results of this session in
funny ways.  You may have an enhanced
feeling of rhythm in your body and you may
find yourself tapping your toe or wanting to

You may find the faces of the people you meet
to be unusually beautiful – friends, family
and strangers alike.  When you see their
light shining through their human form, their
beauty is remarkable. That is one of the
probable results of this session.

You may have a surge of authentic positive
self-esteem.  This is because as the ego
comes into balance, you can own your
magnificence in a way that does not threaten
others.  In fact, it inspires the expression
of their greatness. Mutual appreciation
springs spontaneously from these

I am honored by, and grateful for, the
opportunity to do this session for you.

With Love,


Heal Yourself: How to Be Your Own Healer

jhe.gifThis may sound crazy, but the first step toward becoming your own healer is to throw out the whole notion of "healing." 

I know this sounds extreme, illogical, and impractical.  But I can show you why it is the most effective way to advance your healing.



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Punching Through the Bag

I’ve heard Kung Fu masters teaching their students how to punch the punching bag.  They do not tell them to hit the bag.  They tell them to hit through the bag.  When you aim at the bag, your punch has limited power.  When you aim past the bag, you summon tremendous power (and you make a loud noise when your glove meets the bag).

Same thing here. When you focus on healing, you are aiming at the bag.  You are focused on the problem.  How do you aim past the bag in healing?  You focus on the desired result which is joyful harmonious expressiveness.  I like to call this "jhe" (pronounced jee).  Planting the seed of jhe in your imagination, brings forward images of you:

  • doing the things you love doing
  • laughing with the people you love
  • enjoying nature
  • feeling really really good in your body
  • looking fantastic
  • being happy and generous and purposeful
  • you can add many more things to this list

These images generate the feeling that promotes healing. And when you think about, talk about, and aim for jhe, you are moving in the direction of joy.  When you think about, talk about, and aim for healing, you have mixed the problem into your aim and you’ve made it very hard to hit your target.

As Easy as Changing One Word

Can you really begin to heal yourself by simply replacing the word "healing" with the word "jhe"?

Yes.  You can.  Sprinkle the word jhe (or enjoy the long form, joyful harmonious expressiveness) into your conversations with yourself.  For example:

  1. When you wake up in the morning, say to yourself, "I devote all my actions today to promoting jhe."
  2. As you eat lunch, check in with yourself by asking, "How can I experience more jhe this afternoon?"
  3. Before you go to sleep at night, give thanks for any moments when you experienced jhe in that day.

Only you know what is jhe for you.  Basically, when jhe is flowing, you feel good. When jhe is flowing, even if there is pain in your body, you feel better than you felt before because the pain no longer rules your emotional state.  You have taken your power back. You feel more like you when you are in the flow of jhe.

Even a child can do this simple effective healing practice. I wish you great jhe in all your endeavors.

You can find out more about how to cultivate joyful harmoinious expressiveness at