Here is free access to David Wolfe’s latest video where he explains the relationship between nutrition and your manifestation of money.
As the founder of YOFA and one who shares about the Law of Attraction with many people on a regular basis, I’m very happy to hear David Wolfe talking about how what you eat affects what you attract.
As a certified clinical nutritionist, I’m very happy to hear David Wolfe talking about adding rather than taking away foods. I’m thrilled to hear him dissolve the belief system that says that it takes harsh discipline to eat well. He makes it sound so easy because it is.
As a member of planet earth, I’m grateful that David Wolfe has decided to launch his Longevity Now program in such a big way so that many many many people can get hold of this valuable information with the ease of clicking a link for a free video.
As a person who has lost count of the juicers and blenders she has owned and used through the years, I am eagerly awaiting more and more info from David about what to put in my latest super-duper blender to feed to my body temple.
If you missed the first video of this series, you can see it here: