Getting Ready for “Inner Guidance Revealed”

I’m getting down to the finishing touches on Inner Guidance Revealed and waiting on some third party website details to be ironed out before I let this balloon fly!

Step 1 continued…

In my last post I told you how you can get started before the program even comes out.  I invited you to start looking at your negative emotion as an indicator.  I know I made it sound easier than it might really be for you.  It’s tricky because the negative emotion is a painful experience.  So, even though your head might be making a valiant effort of declaring that this negative emotion is just an indicator, the pain might still be hitting you in the gut.  So let’s add another piece to this early step in our exploration of inner guidance.

2 Kinds of Pain

Imagine this. Maybe you’ve had an experience like this.  You’ve got a sharp, prickly sensation somewhere inside your clothes and you don’t know what’s causing it.  Is it a bug stinging you?  What could it be?

There are two components to the discomfort:

  • the physical pain
  • and the concern about its cause.

Then you realize that it’s a hard edge of a label inside your clothing or a staple from the dry cleaner or some other innocent irritant.

Now you’ve still got the physical pain but the worry is gone. Relief!

Getting the Sense of the Innocent Indicator

I’d like you to be able to start to develop this sense of relief when a negative emotion still causes pain, but you understand that it’s only an innocent indicator and nothing worse.

When you separate your pain from its cause, you can actually even start to value that negative emotion for the useful message it delivers.  And the message of the negative emotion is not that everything is terrible (as it might seem).  I’m calling you to start receiving the true message of the negative emotion which is that you are focused in a way that is causing friction between you and You.  You are out of alignment with yourself and that is inherently painful.

Good + Bad = Neutral = Relief

Ok, let’s look at this.  At first the negative emotion felt very bad. Then, once you realized that its message has value, you could see that its message is good while it’s feeling is bad.

This instantly shifts you out of some of that bad feeling.  And this is guidance. As you start to feel some relief, you know you are headed in the direction you want to go.

If you’re a student of the Abraham Hicks teachings, you might recognize the basis of that teaching in this lesson.  And if you want to spend some time training yourself into high power access to your inner guidance, watch for my new course Inner Guidance Revealed.  


Inner Guidance Revealed is Coming Soon!

Inner guidance is hard-wired into you.

It is part of you whether you’re aware of it or not. And I’m on a mission to take you by the hand – if you are interested – and show you how to make this a reality in your life.

They’re Scratching Their Heads…

I’ve been preparing Inner Guidance Revealed for over a year now. My friends and family have been watching me, scratching their heads, wondering what in the world has kept me so completely occupied and passionate about this project.

I mean, they know it’s about inner guidance. But what they can’t see by just looking at my back (as I am forever at the computer), is the vast and powerful process that’s been going on in me in preparation for the release of this course.

Get Started…

For now, here’s a way you can get started before the course comes out.

Abraham ( teaches us that your emotions are your guidance system. So whenever you’re experience a negative emotion, I’m inviting you to break the habit of thinking that the emotion is a “thing” or that it’s a state that you’re stuck in. You can actually start your training by simply acknowledging that that negative emotion is a valuable indicator.

You don’t even have to know what it is indicating or what to do with it at this point.  Simply reframing your relationship with your negative emotions, and seeing them as valuable information, can free you, empower you, and even start shifting your emotional state right then and there.

Instantaneous Manifestation

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the links mentioned in the audio:


Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Flawed Premise #2




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Flawed Premise #2 is on page 15 of The Vortex.

(I’m giving page references rather than quoting everything here on the blog to respect the copyright of the book.)

I’d like to ask you to consider flawed premise #2, not only regarding your parents, but also regarding anyone else who you see as an authority figure.

How often do you give up authority to someone else?  How often do you assume someone else knows better than you what is good for you?

And since we all do this to one degree or another, what can you do, or what are you doing, to reinstate your inner guidance as the primary authority in your life?

I invite you to contemplate this last question. What can you do in your life to highlight your inner guidance and your relationship to it?

Looking forward to your insights. . .

With Love,

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Flawed Premise #1



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In The Vortex, Abraham uncovers many of the flawed premises that we tend to live by.  These distort our sense of how to navigate through life and often lead us away from what our heart desires.

Flawed Premise #1 is on page 13 (paperback).  I invite you to contemplate this statement and it’s relationship to your inner guidance.  In fact, you may read that first flawed premise and say, "Nope, not me, I don’t have that one."

Before you completely dismiss this, consider how you can increase your awareness of your inner guidance by more fully correcting this belief.

Click Here to try out the YOFA Gateway to the Vortex

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Enjoying the Process

"The Vortex" by Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham


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How different would your life look if you went from enjoyment to enjoyment?

Listen to today’s focus here:

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 Today’s focus may surprise you with its simplicity.  And yet it is at the basis of everything we are about to do. (Can you see how this is a hint about your Inner Guidance System?)

And have you been reading the comments? They are uplifting and filled with light and wisdom. Your "word snapshots" of your process carry us all forward. Thank you for such beautiful participation.

Here is a suggestion from Cathy that I want to highlight for those who might not be aware of this: 

I haven’t received my book yet… it’s on backorder from Hay House, but I thought I’d pass this on.  You can subscribe to Abraham-Hicks’ Daily LOA Quote at the link below. The quotes are all from ‘The Vortex,’ I believe. So, in a way I’ve gotten started with my reading.

Yes, right now they are from "The Vortex" and what a great idea, especially for those who are eagerly waiting for the book!

With Love,

Begin the Transformation




I want to talk to you.

On the phone.


I want to talk to you about how you can begin immediately to transform even the most difficult aspects of your life.

There is no charge.

I simply want to share with you a perspective that has worked miracles in my life. In fact, it has been so profound for me that I wrote a book about it.

On this call you will begin a process that can change your life in ways that you may hardly even be able to imagine right now. 

How can I say that with such confidence?


I can promise you this because the Laws of the Universe (like Law of Attraction) are consistent and they work every time.


You can get instant access to this phone call (and webcast):

  1. Click on this link or paste this address into your browser:
  2. Enter your name and email – That’s it!

Then here’s what happens:

  • You’ll get an instant email from me with a link to the phone number to dial and all the details. 
  • You can also listen online to avoid long distance charges.
  • You’ll also get instant access (as a f ree download) to the introduction and first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite.

You are invited!

F ree Teleseminar and Webcast

Inner Alignment: The Key to the Inner Garden

Friday, July 24th
8:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Pacific.
Dial in or listen online
No Charge

Sign Up Here

I hope you can make it.

And please tell your friends.

Oh yeah, one more thing…

I might be re-opening registration for the jhe sessions on this call.

I haven’t decided yet because it takes me a good amount of time to get all the technical bits and pieces in place to re-open the jhe website.  I just don’t know if I can get it all set up in such a short time.

So please be patient with me if I haven’t gotten it in place by tomorrow’s call.

I only mention it here because if I do reopen the jhe sessions on this call, I will be offering bonuses to those who sign up.  So, be sure to pay attention to how to get the bonuses if this interests you.

That’s all I want to say about that right now.

Thank you for joining me on this inner adventure.

With Love,

PS – If you have already signed up, you should have received webcast and dial in link by now.  If you have not, please check your spam folder.  If you still can’t find it, please send me an email – rebbie(at) – and I’ll send it to you personally.

David Wolfe’s Longevity NOW! revealed



David Wolfe has put together a program that I am recommending to everyone who has a body.

The cutting edge information that he offers in this program is the type of information that is usually VERY hard to find, even harder to understand, and practically impossible to apply.

David has packaged it in a way that is:

  • so simple
  • and USABLE

…that it feels a little bit like a miracle. 

I don’t know about you, but I have not spent every day of my adult life researching the best ways to eat.  David has.

I have spent every day, for many many years, studying Law of Attraction and tuning myself to my inner guidance.  And as I listen to David talk, I feel my energy move toward the knowledge he is sharing. My inner guidance is saying, "Yes!" to Longevity NOW!

As a certified clinical nutritionist, I can easily recognize the difference between nutritional hype and true food wisdom. 

This is wisdom folks.  And I urge you to listen.  If joy, freedom, love, and kindness are what you’re after, why not let your body support you on that soul satisfying journey? 


Oh, and one more thing…

  • To my fellow baby-boomers who want to keep feeling great (or start feeling great again)…
  • To women taking calcium…
  • To everyone of us walking through the cell phone, wifi, and other emfs everyday…

Please watch this video to help yourself achieve your optimal state, in balance with Mother Nature, and in tune with your joy.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session: Influx of Quiet Joy

practice-intro4-web.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for all of you who are on the jhe list (including the free list) today.

Today’s alignment has the effect of putting a beneficial, invisible, scintillating, attractive, fairyland-like field around you. 

The way you may perceive it is that you feel more open to whatever life brings you. You feel the goodness of simple things and you feel more at home in your unique life’s journey.

I hesitate to use the word cocoon, but that is the image that keeps presenting itself to me. If you can imagine an invisible, all-good cocoon around you that you can feel as distancing you from anything you might perceive as unwanted, a nurturing field that envelopes you and gives you the freedom to find your true, beautiful joyful expression without the interference of the outer world, that is the effect of this session. 

This session resonates with spiritual surrender (for more detail about what I mean by those words, please refer to pages 129-130 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

This has the effect of dissolving the distortions of the negative aspects of ego and bringing you into joyful alignment with the infinite Creative impulse as it streams through the center of your being.

The result is a relaxing of habitual tensions in the personality and an influx of joyful energy.

  • In your spiritual practice, this can manifest as periods of prayer and/or meditation that touch your essence and remind you why you do these things in the first place. 


  • In your spiritual awareness, this can manifest as a sense of spontaneity in your actions. You feel open to what some might call Divine Inspiration or a "calling".  To you it might feel more like putting one foot in front of the other with trust that your inner guidance is doing the walking.


  • In your body, today’s session has the effect of strengthening your core.  Like the strength of a mountain, this is a quiet, still, relaxed strength that lives in you as untapped reserves.  It is especially beneficial in cases of fatigue, anxiety, or debilitation. It brings steadiness, stamina, calm readiness, and an outward revealing of inner beauty. If you already enjoy what the world calls "good health," this session can increase your sensory awareness and bring great richness to your enjoyment of life.


  • In your relationships, this session can have the effect of releasing you from old ties that no longer serve you (and that you desire to be released from) and recalibrating your relationship with yourself.  It can also have the effect of reorganizing old relationships that have become distorted and bringing back your openness to the love and resonance that was the reason for the relationship when it began.


  • Financially, this session can help you let go of some of the stress and strain you may be feeling on this subject.  The words trust, confidence and faith come to mind.  If you are already feeling financially prosperous, this session can have the effect of opening you to appreciate some of your earlier acquisitions in new and deeper ways.

I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to do this session for you. Thank you for giving me the honor of participating in your energetic alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Law of Attraction: Transforming Pain into Joy

YOFA Transforming Pain into Joy MapGet instant Access
to this online Workshop here:

 The journey of past suffering can lead you to joy. It can lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. The suffering that you have experienced in your life is rich with potential. In fact, it carries within it the exact blueprint for the joyful fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

In the April YOFA “Results” Workshop you’ll be creating a map – a very personal map – that leads you to the joy that is encoded in your past pain.

There is an inter-dimensional shift that occurs when you see the Z-axis journey of your life (your unique timeline) as a simultaneous picture that includes the manifestation. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite) Your journey becomes deeply meaningful and you recognize that the pain of the past requires a completely different treatment from the pain of the present. And when you apply that treatment, the pain transforms into relief.

We will go through this process step by step in the April “Law of Attraction Gets Results” online workshop. In the recordings, I use the example of wanting a relationship, but you can apply this to anything from the desire for material wealth to the desire for spiritual enlightenment. The process applies to any journey.

Once you sign up, you get instant access to the recorded workshop (audio and video). Then we’ll meet on the phone together on April 27th. If you can’t make it to the live call, you’ll get the recording.

I’m especially interested in the material for this month’s workshop because the subject of past suffering is frequently the cause of much of our current suffering. And yet, it is really like a goldmine that we are sitting on without any awareness of it.  Once we realize the value and wealth of our journey, it nourishes and strengthens us in our now.

You can begin the process immediately, any time of the day or night. 

Get instant Access to this online Workshop here: LAW of ATTRACTION WORKSHOP

I call this YOFA workshop series "Results" because we uncover the subtleties and nuances of Law of Attraction that produce noticeable results. All are welcome. Become a member and get a discount every month.

With Love,