Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Are there two of you, too?



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I want to begin today’s focus with what I always thought was a nursery rhyme.  It turns out it’s a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  Apparently he wrote this with his baby in his arms. 

You probably know it:

There was a little girl,
    Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
    When she was good,
    She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

    — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This poem comes to my mind right now as I think about myself (minus the curl).

You see, sometimes I access mystical states of awareness.  Sometimes I extract wisdom from the living of my life in a way that is thrilling to me.  And I receive feedback (for which I am very grateful) that my insights are helpful to others.  Sometimes I am "very good indeed." And when I am in those states I love pouring those realizations into writing or recordings or some form of expression so that I can have an imprint of that moment or that awareness.  And, as you might guess, I do my best to let that be the side of me that acts as my public persona.

Well, then there’s the part of me that my friends and family know.  This is the part that can get hooked into focusing on what is not wanted in a way that is not fun to be around.  And while these moments are difficult, they do provide sharp contrast that sooner or later turns into an article or a website or something useful in the YOFA system.

Well, the reason I’m telling you all this is because I was just in one of these states. In fact it started yesterday. I went to sleep with something unwanted on my mind, woke up with it, and had been obsessing and getting myself more and more upset about it all day, and it’s really a relatively unimportant event in the greater scheme of things.

Finally it occurred to me to use the YOFA Gateway into the Vortex which is a website I had created for my own personal use for moments just like this.  It’s got two main tools for getting me back in the Vortex – the Simple Gateway and the Profound Gateway.  I decided this was a job for the Profound Gateway because I was pretty steeped in seeing the worst possible aspects of this situation.  In fact I was so convinced of how justified I was to be disappointed and bummed out about this particular subject that when I opened the Profound Gateway webpage and began doing the process, I found myself unable to answer the questions in a useful way.

Now mind you, I am the one who created this gateway tool.  Well, it’s a matter of semantics.  It was the me who is very very good who created it.  Now it was the me who is horrid who was trying to use it!

So here is what I did. I clicked on the video tutorial and I went question-by-question, listening to what the in-the-Vortex version of me had to say about how to answer each of the questions.  So there we were.  The in-the-Vortex version of me offering a  hand to the out-of the-Vortex version of me.  And by going question by question, with the video in one tab of my browser and the profound gateway in another tab, I moved through the  process and came out so transformed that I felt inspired to express it here.  Because now, suddenly I am the in-the-Vortex version of me.  And when that happens, this is what I do.  I write, or I somehow share how I got here. 

In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if I did not have a way of getting myself so far out of the vortex and then so consistently finding my way back in, there would be no YOFA! 

So here are the points that I want to make today.

  1. If you are using the YOFA Gateway into Vortex (simple or profound), which is the tools set at http://HappyintheVortex.com , and you are having trouble finding your way into the contemplation, here is what I recommend: Use the video tutorial as a step by step coach helping you answer each question.
  2. If you, too, have a very very good (in-the-Vortex) version of yourself and a very very horrid (out-of-the-Vortex) version of yourself that you are very very familiar with, here is what I recommend.  Take a moment to:
    1. Thank your out-of-the-Vortex self for stimulating all that great contrast which puts better and better things in your Vortex.
    2. Thank the in-the-Vortex version of yourself for being so magnificent and lending a hand to you when you are out of the vortex.

And if you are wondering how to do that, you can begin with the scripts you create with the Gateway processes.

In the website you’ll be contemplating questions that bring you into the Vortex and you’ll be typing in the answers (your unique answers).  Then, you take the script that is created, (and that will be a very in-the-Vortex script) and save it. Then, the next time you are horrid, you can simply read this script, you can carry it in your wallet for those moments.  Then the two of you (both are you) can keep tossing the ball back and forth.  You help yourself by getting out of the Vortex and experiencing the contrast, then you help yourself by getting in the vortex and being the joyful loving being that you truly are, then you help yourself by getting out of the vortex again, then you help yourself by getting back in the Vortex…

And this volley that happens is the grist for the mill.  It’s the stuff of your life and it becomes very joyful when you know that you’re empowered to go in the Vortex and go out of the Vortex and go in the Vortex.  You discover the joy of the journey.

I wish you love,

Application of Deliberate Association
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #4

lightbulb.jpgIn this episode of  "Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction" Rebbie shows you how to flip the switch and turn on your iinner light.

 episode 4

[mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-qt004-2008-11-06.mp3″/]

Post your insights about this podcast as a comment below and you could win free admission to the next monthly Law of Attraction Results teleseminar and webcast.  Thanks for listening.

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Love Your Challenges
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #2

YOFA podcast Love Your ChallengesIn this episode of  "Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction" Rebbie gives  you a simple technique for loving your challenges.  It’s easy to feel down when you’re challenged in your body, mind or emotions. . . or when your relationships or finances are not going the way you intended.

But those rough times can actually be the starting point of magnificent manifestations.  It begins with loving your challenges.  Listen in. . .

episode 2

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Post your insights about this podcast as a comment below and you could win free admission to the next monthly Law of Attraction Results teleseminar and webcast. Tell us why or how you are loving your challenges and affirm your joy regardless of circumstances.  


Embodied Insights

banner-results1.jpgWhen you want to get results in your life . . .

I mean you really want to get results. . .

what do you do? 

Do you try harder?  Do you work harder?  Do you push with all your muscle?

A small group of us have been meeting monthly on the phone and the web and we are taking an opposite approach.  We are exploring what some might call "Let go and let God."  In the Abraham-Hicks language it might be called "Letting go of the oars." 

The people in this ongoing workshop are learning how to bring themselves into alignment with their own essence.  They are feeling the pulse of their own true desire. And they are coming into conscious relationship with Law of Attraction. 

Here is an email I received after the last workshop.  Thank you, Kim, for offering your permission to publish this.

Dear Rebbie,

I REALLY enjoyed the workshop.  Even though it is long, the time just flies by and I didn’t even notice the minutes ticking away.  I’m very busy and have a lot to do, so this is a big thing for me.  🙂 
I have been working with your material and with the Abraham/Hicks material for around a year now and have found it immensely helpful. Previously, I had no awareness about how I was holding my energy and holding myself back.

Even with a pretty good understanding of the material, I still had deeper insights last night.

I was more of an embodied insight related to the quote that you talked about -something to do with calling/creating the desire with your thoughts and receiving it with your actions.  As I was going to sleep, I could sense the projection of my thoughts when I thought about my desires and how my body felt joyful and open.  

I stayed in this blissful state for as long as I could.  I realized how much I loved it here.  As I imagined my desire coming to me, I suddenly felt how my body/energy/vibrations would close down.  I associated this feeling to times when my desire was being answered and yet the overflowing amount that was coming to me felt overwhelming and I started constricting. 

This is when I understood the process of the action and receiving the desire and this is where I need to keep my attention and practice more these days.  When the desire is being answered the action, I learned in that moment, has to do with maintaining the openness and blissfulness with all that is coming so I can then choose with more clarity from the answering of my desires. 
It is always a wonderful experience to embody a teaching that someone offers me and a special treat to feel it last night after you talk.  The experience of sensing the concepts in my body help me to remember the concepts forever and put them into practice more easily. 
Thank you for the workshop and the cue that allowed my body to learn this work more deeply last night.  It makes much sense right now to my actions and feelings of overwhelm when I experience abundance in proportions more than I am used to, leading to a sense of "backing off" and the resulting experience of my work "backing off".  As I grow more adept at the action of allowing I’m looking forward to being more continuously open to the abundance of my desires.
With joy, appreciation, and blessings,

Did you miss this workshop?  You can still get it here.

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Your comments here help others and they affirm your progress.  Post your insights below.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at: