Law of Attraction and Your Third Chakra

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

With this recording, you will learn a quick visualization to strengthen and clarify the energy of the 3rd chakra – all in the context of Law of Attraction.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the pertinent links:


Start Creating Your New Reality Today

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

We’ve all heard that “You create your own reality,” but what does that really mean? With this recording  you can start digging deeper into your own knowing on this subject.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are links to resources mentioned in the audio:


Instantaneous Manifestation

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the links mentioned in the audio:


Thanksgiving Empowerment Process & Special Discount

The Holiday Season has begun!

Click the Play Button Above (9 Minute audio) and Step Into Your Empowerment for Truly happy Holidays!

  • Use this quick, simple process to make this the best holiday season ever.
  • Get my special Extreme Discount for one week ONLY!

CLICK the Purple Vortex to Join the YOFA jhe Sessions for only $9!!!!

Today’s YOFA jhe Session

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the jhe birthday members today.

This session promotes the manifestation of prosperity in your life.

As a result of this session you may find something that you have been asking for,
possibly for a very long time, suddenly pops into your reality.

If this does happen, it will be very noticeable and recognizable as a result of this session.

If nothing like that pops through for you, that’s fine too.  It is more of an encouraging sign than of inherent value.

The point here is that you are shifting your energetic alignment for the allowing of
prosperity to flow into your life.

This is less about isolated bursts of manifestation and more about making prosperity a way of life.

And today’s session clears up some of the fog that has been blocking your access to prosperity.

Watch for spontaneous moments of increased appreciation of what you do have.  This heightened sense of appreciation draws to you more of what is wanted.

Also, watch for unusual opportunities to advance your station in life.  Opportunities
are now flowing in your direction and they are yours to recognize and claim.

Sessions vs. Workshops

To clear up some confusion about these sessions, this email is an update for a remote energy alignment treatment that I did for you.

  • This is what I call a jhe session.
  • These sessions are not scheduled.
  • And you do not have to be available for them.
  • I do them purely energetically and they reach you wherever you are.

The workshops we will be doing on the phone are something different.  There, we engage the conscious mind.

  • These are actual meetings.
  • They are scheduled.
  • And you do have to be available to participate.
  • Of course, if you cannot make the date, you will get the recording.

Thank you for celebrating the birthday of the YOFA jhe Sessions.

We still have 2 more workshops before our celebration comes to a close.  You can still sign up here if you have not done that already.

With Love


And the Winner is. . .


The message came in loud and clear.  You voted and the winner won by a mile.  In fact, the winning focus came in so strongly that it set off an avalanche in a whole new direction.

The winning focus for the birthday present for the jhe sessions is (drumrollllllll):

==>> financial prosperity  (You can still sign up. Click Here for 2 free sessions.)

And so I will be offering two jhe sessions
focused on cultivating prosperity (at no charge.)

But that’s not where it ends.

In fact, it is just beginning.

I have much more to tell you but I haven’t worked out all the details yet.

Let’s just say that since this focus won by such a large margin, I am going to do more than I promised. I just can’t say anything yet because I have to work out some of the fine points before I go public with this.

(It’s hard to keep this quiet because it’s so exciting!)

This is indeed turning out to be a very special birthday for the jhe sessions!

And as Thanksgiving approaches here in the US, I want to thank *you* for your companionship on this journey of inner alignment.

More soon. . .

With Love,
PS – You can sign up to get the f ree sessions here:

Happy Birthday YOFA jhe Sessions!

The YOFA jhe Sessions are 5 years old!  As the birthday approaches, I decided to let you tell me how to celebrate.  I’m going to give you a birthday present.  But which one?



Listen to the 10 minute audio to hear your choices.  Then click above to vote.  Whichever gift wins the vote is the one you will get so be sure to vote today.

I’ll be offering 2 free YOFA jhe Sessions.  You vote for what you want as thier focus:

  • Physical Well Being
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Loving Relationships
Which focus will win the vote?  Only time will tell.
Happy voting!

YOFA jhe Sessions Q & A

YOFA jhe Sessions Q&A

The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote Inner Alignment sessions.  Here is a question I received after one of the sessions.


how did you do it?

I am feeling great right now! but my only problem with this is that i didn’t do it:/ Which means that i need an outside source to make me feel great. Or am i missing the point? Could you direct me to a better understanding of these sessions? I know that i have gotten these feeling without help before but……I don’t know….help?

Here is my audio answer:

(If you do not see the audio controller, you can access the recording HERE.)

[mc id=”555″ type=”audio”]YOFA jhe Sessions Q & A[/mc]

Strength and Inspiration: The YOFA jhe Sessions are Now Open for New Members



Sign up for the
YOFA jhe Sessions




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The YOFA remote inner alignment sessions that I call the YOFA jhe Sessions are now open for new members. I will only be accepting new members for a few days, maybe a week.  So, please tell your friends and loved ones, now is the time to sign up. 

I’ll be answering as many questions as possible over the next few days.  If there is something you need to know to get clear about whether or not this is right for you, please post your questions right here as a comment on this post.

Here is the email update I sent to the members today. You will receive 8 sessions per month when you sign up as an Active or Inner Circle member.

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the Active and Inner CIrcle jhe members today.

I expect you to feel the result of today’s session in two main areas of your life.

The first is in the vitality and well being of your body.  This would conventionally be called physical healing. The effects of this session on your body occur due to an alignment of your natural, innate ability to heal from within.

For your body, the effects to expect from this session are primarily*:

  • A feeling of increased energy, strength, stamina.

    • If you are dealing with fatigue or depression, the beneficial effects of this session can come through as sudden bursts of feeling like "you" again (the "you" who you love being).  While these moments may come and go, they are signs that you are coming into alignment with your joyful true self.  If you are already strong and healthy, you may feel this effect of today’s session as greater coordination and power in your muscles

  • Balancing of the energy of the immune system for greater immunity to pathogens.

    • While this is not a medical treatment, this session can boost the energetic level of your immune system.  If your body is actively fighting an infection, this session can help you win.  If you are strong and healthy, this session can help keep you that way.

  • Greater clarity of vision. 

    • This session supports the energy of the eyes and your ability to see clearly.

The second effect I expect you to notice as a result of today’s session is a dissolving of the negative aspects of ego and a rising of your magnificent, unique, individual expression.  I sometimes call these the negative vs. the positive aspects of ego, but that can get confusing since many people hear ego and can only think of the negative. 

So, for simplicity’s sake, let’s call this access to inspiration.  This session opens the channels for you to commune with the essence within you and bring forward sparkling, dynamic, unique, spontaneous, elegant, powerful, effective, beneficial, radiant forms of expression.  It all comes down to you fulfilling the reason for your incarnation.  It is about you fully being you.  It is a joyful experience for you and a blessing for others.

In your relationships, you may notice the effects of this session as bursts of appreciation within you for the people you love.  If you have been taking any of them for granted, you may find a blazing awareness of your love for them.  You don’t have to say anything.  They will feel it and your hearts will recalibrate to each other.  This always leads to a deepening of love and an expansion of communication.

In your work, you may notice increased effectiveness, precision and power.  You may be quicker to make decisions, more confident in your abilities, and take on more responsibilities as a leader (with ease). 

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love,

* Disclaimer: This is not meant to diagnose nor treat medical conditions.  The effects described here are purely energetic.  Please consult your health care professional for health-related concerns.

Please be sure to check the YOFA jhe Sessions guarantee before signing up.

I’d be honored to see your name on the jhe list. Sign up at while registration is open.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session:
How Apparent Problems Dissolve into Nothingness

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgSIgn up for
YOFA jhe Sessions

Listen to Rebbie here:

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I did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the YOFA jhe list today.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel noticeably more at home in your body, in your life, and in the broader evolution of you soul.

I also expect things that have felt like major obstacles in some area of your life to begin to dissolve.

The effect of today’s alignment transcends the desires of this lifetime and brings your current awareness into harmony with the desires and intentions that you have set in motion previously.  Even in innumerable past lifetimes.

The effect is one of feeling embraced, swaddled, and loved – especially loved – by your past incarnations.  Like you have this invisible team of "yous" cheering you on, understanding why you do what you do and nurturing your development into the you you desire to be.

The way you may notice this as in an unusual richness in your experience. You may feel things more deeply, see things with more detail, perceive more connections between things, understand things more profoundly, love more purely.  It can feel like the tapestry of your ancient journey is revealing some of its golden threads that let you feel connected with the timeless beauty of your essence.

When you connect a little more than usual, even unconsciously, with the broader design of your soul’s journey, something wonderful happens. 

Things that you have been perceiving as stuck, as unchanging obstacles or solid problems start to reveal their lightness.  They begin to float like bubbles suspended in the air.  They can even begin to pop like bubbles.  And then, they are gone.

The reason this can happen is simple.  The problems never really were solid.  As you come into alignment with your soul’s truth, you see more truly. And what appeared as in impossible to solve problem turns out to be a distortion.  Like a funhouse mirror.  And once your energy field is better aligned, and accurate perception is restored, you see a clear pathway to the solution of what seemed to be an insoluble problem just a moment ago.

Now the question always is, how directly will you feel or manifest the results that I am describing here.

I’m sure there is a range from very obvious, full-blown manifestation to more subtle or even imperceptible changes in the configuration of your energy field.

The jhe Sessions are a cumulative process and so sometimes the sessions are working underground, other times they are at the point of full fruition.

At the very least, I expect you to feel greater, ease, comfort, and a feeling of being lovingly held in spirit.

At the other end of the spectrum, you may have a major breakthrough with something that has been troublesome for you – maybe for a very long time.

However this session shows up in your unique life journey, it is my intention for it to be profoundly beneficial to the experience and expression of the love in your heart.

With Love,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at