The Best *Digital* Gifts

The tipping point has come.

We used to think giving someone a sweater or a DVD that was gift wrapped with a bow was a more substantial gift. Giving something digital was like giving nothing.

It’s still like that for some, but for a growing number of people, that box and that wrapping paper says, “Here is a gift you don’t want and don’t need, and it’s more clutter to collect

YOFA Recommendations for Digital Gifts

dust for you.”

For those plugged in people, a digital gift is the way to go.  It’s useful, it’s juicy, and it integrates seamlessly into their lives.  A digital gift enriches their lives – as a gift is meant to do.

Who is this for?

For the conscious individual.  But not just any conscious individual.  This is for the recipient of your gift who always has headphones dangling from her ears or who is glued to his laptop.  For those electronically oriented enlightenment enthusiasts, here are some gift ideas:

The Science of Getting Rich Membership

This 7 month training offers mystical insight into how to attract universal abundance. With a combination of audio and video recordings, your friend receives new insights each month in this transformational training. (Recordings delivered by yours truly)

Cost: $9/month for 7 months – Total $63  Click to find out more

Zero Limits Live From Maui

Let Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teach your loved ones how to get to the INCREDIBILE & EUPHORIC state of “Zero” – (this is where you clear yourself of past limitations and open yourself up to a world filled with UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES)

This mind blowing transformational course takes you right into the seminar room in Maui with 8 full length digital videos.

Cost: $149  Click to find out more

Affirmative Contemplation Recordings: I Am Love

Here is a simple tool anyone can use to cultivate a space of Awareness and Divine Love ?in everyday life.  The meditation recordings  offered here help you build a bridge between the pace of your daily life and the inner peace you seek.

Your friend will receive access to 6 audio meditations of varying lengths and for a variety of purposes.

Cost: $7  Click to find out more


How Ho’oponopono Found Me

drhewlenIt was practically glowing.   But wait. I’m getting ahead of myself.

Waiting for the Book

Years ago, the editor of a paperback collection of self-help tools invited me to contribute one of my articles. I knew there would be some big name authors on the roster and I eagerly awaited my sample copy of the book.

When the shiny brick of self-help pages finally found its way to my receptive eyes and hands, the strangest thing happened. I can’t even remember exactly how it all unfolded but the focal point of that book became one single article for me. Like an old vinyl record spinning around and around with one simple peg at its center, my mind kept wrapping around and around this article.

When I recommended the book to my friends, I almost forgot that I too had an article in this book. I was quick to show them my favorite: The one that had captured my attention from the moment I received the book.

======= Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Cured Patients He Never Saw. =======

This magnetic article was more of an outrageous story than a self-help technique. It took place in a hospital ward for the criminally insane. (Not usually the kind of story that grabs me.) But in this true story something seemingly miraculous happens. A Hawaiian therapist is able to cure all the criminally insane inmates in the hospital ward by doing nothing but looking within himself.

The startling notion that someone could have such a beneficial impact on others by becoming 100% responsible in his own life and consciousness breaks the status quo. It completely quakes our cultural belief systems. At least it did for me.

======= Total Responsibility =======

The possibility of becoming completely 100% responsible (for everything) rocked my world. The funny thing is that this is not the first time I encountered this type of approach. But the message was finding a new way into my awareness. A way it never had before.

I read and reread the article trying to extract the technique. I wanted to know how he did it. As far as I could tell, it was all described in this slim article. And yet it seemed way too simple. Could this miracle have come from something as simple as taking full responsibility and saying, “I’m sorry,” and, “I love you,” over and over again?

======= Fast Forward a Few Years =======

In time, Dr. Joe Vitale, the author of that article, would come to partner up with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (often called Dr. Len for short) to create a book, seminars, and recordings on the practice of Zero Limits. Together they would bring this method called Ho’oponopono to more and more people like me.

And so, as I sit here at my desk watching videos of a Ho’oponopono Zero Limits seminar, and as I have Joe Vitale and Dr. Len right here on my computer screen, explaining this method to me in step-by-step fashion, I am once again amazed. And as I am finding out that it really is as simple as was described in that first article, I’m also finding out that “simple” runs very deep.

Ho’oponopono found me years ago, and I am very grateful to Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len for offering more and more materials so that this is no longer just a story. It is now a method I can use from moment to moment to moment.

Click here to find out about the Ho’oponopono Zero Limits videos I’ve been watching.



Speak Gratitude With Your Hands

“Things like to be told, ‘Thank you.'” – Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Words of gratitude spoken with the voice have enormous power.

Words of gratitude spoken silently in the mind, like a mantra, cleanse the mind.

But what about your hands?

Words of gratitude spoken with your hands bring success in the world. When the hands speak the harmonious language of gratitude, the work they produce is beneficial and attracts prosperity.

What Are Your Hands Saying?

It is easy to understand that you speak with your voice. Now I’d like you to consider the idea that you also speak with your hands. I’m not talking about sign language. I’m talking about every movement, every gesture, and every contact initiated by your hands. Your hands are generating waves of harmony or disharmony with every movement. You can increase the harmonious field around your hands by filling their “conversation” with appreciation.

How to automatically say, “Thank You” with your hands

This is a simple process you can do everyday to improve your life in dramatic and unpredictable ways.

First, look at your hands.

Your hands are in almost constant motion. They are either moving through the air or they are making contact with another person, with each other, or with an “inanimate” thing. You can use your hands in a way that causes them to automatically say, “thank you,” with each gesture.

Try This

  1. Take a moment in the morning to consciously feel the unconditional love in your heart. This is a love that is innate and needs no specific object. It is pure love. It is the essential nature of who you are. You may find easiest access to this pure form of love through words of gratitude.
  2. Let this Divine Love flow down your arms and pool in your hands.
  3. Let your hands become so filled with love that this love spills from your hands onto everything they touch. They spray and splash love forward whenever you wave your hands about.

It may take a few moments of meditation to feel this as real. Take your time. A small authentic awakening of this love is more powerful than a big idea with no real feeling.

Three shifts take place in sequence as a result of this practice:


When your hands become so fully attuned to love that they habitually send love out, there is an automatic shift in what they receive.


They receive the best from everything they contact.


And with that, comes an effortless “thank you,” from your hands. In other words, your hands automatically speak words of gratitude.

To sum it up, the intentional generation of love creates an automatic receiving of good which prompts an automatic state of gratitude.

As the flow of love from your hands causes them to become automatic in their speaking of gratitude, there is a double message always emanating from your hands. They vibrate in a constant alternation between love and gratitude. This is the perfect energy to promote everything you want your hands to accomplish.

With this energy vitalized in your hands, your hands speak gratitude almost all the time. You become highly effective. The work of your hands becomes light filled and you cannot help but prosper.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Now, be sure to claim your Free eCourse “7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” at

You’ll receive 3 simple lessons by email that can transform your life and bring you into alignment with the desires of your heart. This helps you manifest more joyfully, with more ease, and in a way that makes life more fulfilling. YOFA is the place where Law of Attraction and Meditation meet.

Find out the deeper meaning of (and the secret power in) the words “Thank You.” You can watch the videos from a full weekend course in Ho’oponopono with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale. Visit for details.

Joe Vitale and John Assaraf and Bob Proctor, Oh MY!

There is still a little time left.

I recently sent you a link to a video to help you manifest your desires but the sign in page was not working.  Sorry about this technical glitch.

If you were one of the thousands of people who could not get in to see Joe Vitale yesterday, you can still get in today.


These videos will be coming down soon so be sure to watch Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, and the rest of them in this video series as they give you the golden nuggets of success.  (There is no charge for any of this.)

Take notes!

With Love,
PS – While you’re on that page, be sure to click on the top menu to see the Bob Proctor video.  Good stuff!

I Love You. I’m Sorry. Happy New Year.

Dr. Hew Len

Dr. Hew Len

Ho’oponopono Zero Limits

After so many decades of setting New Years resolutions, intentions, goals, or whatever else I called them at different stages of my life, I have come to a phase of desiring simplicity.

For the last number of years, I have found myself wondering what is the most succinct, all encompassing New Year’s Resolution?  What would be the one resolution or intention or focus that would click all others into gear automatically?

Well, here it is New Year’s Eve, and I find myself deep in the mantra “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” According to Dr. Hew Len, Dr. Joe Vitale, and Ho’oponopono, these words clean.  This cleaning is so profound that it extends beyond us by generations.  It extends deep into thought forms of which we are completely unaware.  And most importantly, these words (from a YOFA perspective) correct our alignment so that we have greater access to the Divine.  We come into greater alignment with our true essence, which is rooted in the infinite, rooted in Divine Love.

And so this year, it seems to be my intention to keep cleaning and to make my connection with Divine Love my highest priority.

Ho’oponopono and Gift

In the last Weight Drop Gift Workshop, a question came up about how the Gift Formula relates to Ho’oponopono.

The YOFA Gift formula is:

  • Gratitude
  • Intention
  • Forgiveness
  • Transformation

This is also a clearing process specifically for achieving and maintaining your ideal weight.  It includes many of the same elements but it is more directed toward a specific outcome.  It has greater focus.  The Ho’oponopono cleaning is more of a complete release and surrender orientation.  The Gift workshop has that too, with a little deliberate creation mixed in for a specific purpose.

What is your focus for 2011?

To join me in cleaning for the new year, I highly recommend these videos  They are fully guaranteed for 2 months but I sincerely doubt that you would want your money back.  I know that watching these videos might just be the most important thing you do for yourself this whole year.  Get it done now and it will work for you for the rest of your life.

Weight Loss Goal?

If you keep having that same old , diet/weight loss goal on your list year after year, it may be time for a change.

Make a resolution to let go of your weight issue and achieve your ideal weight.  How?  By doing the Weight Drop Workshop Visualizations.

I wish you a Happy New Year filled with Love, jhe and many moments of soul satisfying joy.

With Love and Appreciation,

How to Use Mind Movies for Healing


Want to know how to use Mind Movies for healing (including general well being, weight loss, physical appearance, and healing of specific conditions)?

To advance your healing (jhe), you can use the pre-made Mind Movie or make your own:

How to use the pre-made Mind Movie for Healing

Depending on when you are reading this, you can get a free pre-made Mind Movie that promotes physical and emotional well being. Simply enter your email address here and you will be able to download all 6 premade mind movies:

#1 – Health
#2 – Spirituality
#3 – Money
#4 – Friends and Family
#5 – Attracting a Man
#6 – Attracting a Woman

Get it here before it goes away.

Be sure to download the “Health” Mind Movie.

  • Before you watch it, rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 about how you feel, generally.
  • Watch the movie everyday for 21 days.  Re-rate  yourself.  I think you will find a big difference.

How to make your own Mind Movie for Healing

Once you decide to purchase Mind Movies, you can make as many movies as you like.

  • You can make one to heal a specific problem.
  • You can make one to boost your attractiveness, lose weight, or gain more muscle.
  • You can make one to give you more energy or wake up feeling better in the morning.
  • The possibilities are endless.

Once you see how the Mind Movies platform works, pick one topic about your body, and do the following exercise:

  1. Ask yourself, “What is bothering me in my body?”
  2. Ask yourself, “What is the opposite of that?”
  3. Ask yourself, “What images feel really really good to me about this?”

Then get started on your personal, customized, unique Mind Movie.

Here is an example of how this would work.

Q1 – “What is bothering me in my body?”

A1 – “My back and neck hurt.”

Q2 – “What is the opposite of that?”

A2 – “I am comfortable in my body.  I can completely relax because my body feels so good and peaceful.  I also have great energy and agility.  I am strong, flexible and my body does everything I ask of it with vitality and strength.”

This is the perfect jumping off point to start making your very powerful healing Mind Movie.

Q3 – “What images feel really really good to me about this?”

A3 – Find images online that offer relief as you look at them.  Find pictures of you where you are happy, fit, strong, and comfortable in your body.

Find out how all this works and get the 6 pre-made Mind Movies here.

Please note: Mind Movies is a great tool to use as you apply what you are learning from Abraham.

The Healing Energy of Gratitude – Root Chakra Healing

The Healing Energy of Gratitude - Root Chakra HealingIn this brief article, I want to share with you a chakra healing technique you can use any time to promote healing in your body.

You can use this method before or after a session of meditation. You can also use it while running for a bus or driving in your car. This natural healing technique is utterly simple and surprisingly effective. Of course, if you want to get more involved with its complexities, you can. But for now, let’s keep it nice and simple.

It is based on the resonance between two powerful waves of energy that you can easily activate in your awareness. As powerful as any one modality may be in the self-healing toolbox, when you skillfully combine two resonant tools, you increase your results exponentially.

1 – The Root Chakra

We begin with the energy of the root chakra. This energy center is located at the base of your spine – or more specifically, at the base of your torso. This is not a physical structure but a constellation of energy. Like the magnetic field around a magnet, your root chakra also exerts an invisible force. This chakra represents an energetic vortex of influence in the root region of your body consciousness.

Begin this simple process by focusing your attention on this area of your body – the base of the torso. As you do this, realize that it is not your body you are activating. You are awakening this region of your consciousness.

Read the rest of this article HERE

Find out the deeper meaning of (and the secret power in) the words “Thank You.” You can watch the videos from a full weekend course in Ho’oponopono with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale. Visit for details.

Ho’oponopono: Dr. Hew Len


Click HERE for Ho’oponopono Zero Limits audio

Click HERE for Ho’oponopono Zero Limits video (Live From Maui)

When I get so many emails about something, I take notice.

Thanks to all who wrote to me about the Joe Vitale Ho’oponopono video.

I’m so glad that was meaningful for you.

In that talk he introduced you to Dr. Hew Len.

Here is another video where you can meet Dr. Len.

With Love,

Prosperity: Dr. John Demartini on Owning Your Magnificence





CLICK HERE to Watch the Video

(Watch this one more than once!)






YOFA Blog  Dr. John Demartini

 Listen to my "John Demartini in a restaurant" story here:

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Here is the email I received for this video:

Here is a brand new Free video you are sure to enjoy.

It is from one of the teachers of "The Secret" and "The Masters of the Gathering."

In this revealing interview with Dr. John Demartini you will learn:

  • How to make a difference in your life

  • How to realize the mastery inside you

  • How to blow the socks off of every area of your life

  •  How to rise to another level in your life

  • And a whole lot more

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

P.S. While you are there, check out the other great interviews with John Assarf, Loral Langemeier, and Joe Vitale.

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

As you watch this video, consider taking notes.  There are many valuable messages packed into this 18 minute interview and Dr. Demartini talks fast!  Make sure you take away some practical instructions from this segment because they are there and they will impact your life in wonderful ways if you open to this message.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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