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Let’s Make 2104 Your Best Year!
- Clean the slate.
- Commit to your highest intentions for 2014
- Let’s do it!
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Let’s Make 2104 Your Best Year!
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This is all about your empowerment in the manifestation process. Law of Attraction is always working, but sometimes we don’t recognize our part in the creation of our reality. This recording is here to remind you that you are powerful and you can create the fulfillment of your desires.
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With this recording, you will learn a quick visualization to strengthen and clarify the energy of the 3rd chakra – all in the context of Law of Attraction. Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount. Here are the pertinent links:
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We’ve all heard that “You create your own reality,” but what does that really mean? With this recording you can start digging deeper into your own knowing on this subject. Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount. Here are links to resources mentioned in the audio:
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Click the Play Button Above to Listen…
In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation. Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount. Here are the links mentioned in the audio:
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The Holiday Season has begun!
Click the Play Button Above (9 Minute audio) and Step Into Your Empowerment for Truly happy Holidays!
CLICK the Purple Vortex to Join the YOFA jhe Sessions for only $9!!!!
Your voice vibrates into your reality.
Your voice and the words you speak vibrate into the field around you creating a pattern that Law of Attraction then responds to.
Your voice helps you manifest your desires.
Yes, the actual sound that comes from your vocal cords is part of your manifesting power.
Do you ever think of yourself as a musical instrument?
Every muscle and bone in your body contributes to the sound and vibration
of your voice.
* And your voice speaks the song of your heart.
* And your heart offers the message of your soul.
* And Law of Attraction responds to your vibration.
Sound Vibrates Potential into Reality
When the sounds, words, and songs of your voice are pure and in resonance with your inner truth, amazing things happen in your life.
You see this in the power of prayers, affirmations, mantras, chants and other deliberate use of the power of sound.
So here is the question of the day…
What reality is the tone of your voice vibrating in you?
And what notions are your words bringing forth into manifestation in your life?
Speak and sing your reality into being with the joy and love that you desire in your life.
With love,
Today I did the first YOFA Energy Sessions teleseminar in months. Now, I have been leading teleseminars for years. I’ve studied with some of the best. I think I’m pretty good at this. (Guess where this story is heading!)
I’m sorry to say that most of the people who intended to be on this call got blocked in one way or another. In fact, I might not be exaggerating when I say it was probably easier for a football player to get….wherever football players need to get to, than it was for most people to get on this call. Well, maybe I am exaggerating.
Fortunately, some people did beat the odds and found their way onto the call and I have been getting some great feedback on the actual energy session. But hey, I actually talked for 17 minutes not realizing everyone was listening to music on hold. And when I say everyone, I mean the folks who figured out who to get on despite the wrong conference ID I sent out. Crazy!
Here’s some of the feedback on the actual energy clearing session results:
While on the call, I received a surprise rebate check on my property taxes. I was stressing as to how I was going to have enough money this month, and this made a great difference
Thank You and Blessings
Here’s another one:
I can’t thank you enough for the free energy clearing today. I feel as though a cloud has lifted. My thinking is much clearer. My dinner tasted wonderful. I feel balanced and energized. I am amazed at the results. Please let me know if you plan to do this sort of thing again!
Many thanks ~
Thank you to all who made the extra effort to be on the call and who waited for me to join the call for real. The YOFA community is awesome.
Emmet Fox begins the tiny and wonderful book, The Golden Key, by stating, “Scientific Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the face of the earth.”
That, my friends, is a powerful statement!
And the conviction behind that statement houses its power. The knowing behind that statement gives the words the ability to transfer empowerment to you, to me, and to anyone reading them.
He goes on to offer the simplest technique for training your mind to move from worry, upset, or any other negative state, to one of peace, prayer, and demonstration.
The pivotal action all happens in your mind. That’s your role in the process. As you train your mind to move in a new and deliberate way, your energy field changes. Your point of attraction shifts from a problematic focus to one of Divine perfection. This allows Law of Attraction to bring to you all that is in harmony with your heart’s desire.
We can, at times, get upset or frustrated when we can’t see our way out of a difficult situation. But it helps to remind yourself that that is not your job. Your job is, in a sense, the opposite. Instead of focusing on, grappling with, and trying to solve the problem, your job is to lift off of it. This can be a harder job! Shifting your mind is the key.
CLICK HERE to attend the next free YOFA Energy Session to help change your mind on any difficult issue in your life.
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The process of erasing chronic, severe pain is simpler than you might think. Click the play button if you are interested in dissolving, erasing, and waving bye-bye to your pain. The real question is, “What do you want to say, ‘Yes!’ to?” Law of Attraction is on your side. In this recording I talk about how to use Law of Attraction to find ease, freedom and joy in your low back, knees, and other joints.