Podcast: Play in new window
Click play to listen to a quick YOFA highlight of a powerful Abraham quote.
Podcast: Play in new window
Click play to listen to a quick YOFA highlight of a powerful Abraham quote.
Podcast: Play in new window
Let’s talk about the relationship between Law of Attraction and Meditation. Here I discuss two different ways to use meditation to cultivate a wonderful, satisfying relationship with Law of Attraction.
You can subscribe to this podcast at http://yofa.net/podcast
I invite you to spend this week in a meditation process that vibrates freedom. Want to join me? (You can do this whenever you happen to find this page.)
If you’re not sure how to begin, click here for a meditation process on freedom. (When you click you will find insights on the nature of freedom that came to me back in 2005. I recommend reading that article slowly as a meditation.)
Here are some other ways to jump in:
Every day this week, spend some time in the vibration of freedom. Feel its energy signature.
Let me know how it’s going for you by leaving comments below as you go. Can you feel your resonance with inner freedom strengthening?
Podcast: Play in new window
How effective are your Mind Movies? Are your affirmations working? Click the play button above to listen to this very quick tip to power up your affirmations for manifestation.
Most important – make sure your words feel good to you as you see them., speak them, hear them, and feel them. Your word has power.
“If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing. You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.”
— Abraham-Hicks
Doesn’t the simplicity of that just knock your socks off? It takes all our stories and complaints and explanations about why we are not where we want to be and pops them like a bubble.
It’s like watching sand pour through a sieve. We can watch all our reasons for why we think things are not working out for us flow out of our minds. And when it’s all over, only one thing is left: “You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.”
So, how do you become a vibrational match to that fit, slender body, or that robust bank account? I mean, if all we need to do is become a vibrational match to what we want, you would think we would be sharpening our skills in that department.
Here is a really simple trick that I have found to be very effective. Give thanks for the thing you want before it manifests. I get much more elaborate on this idea on the Uncommon Gratitude recording (listen free here) but it’s really that simple. Give thanks for what is swirling into creation even though you can’t see it yet. Try it and let me know how it feels. The trick is that in order to authentically give thanks for it, you must get the feeling of having it. And when you do that you are a vibrational match to that fulfillment. So be sincere in this process and have fun.
Today I am sending out a booklet that explains the meaning of “the deleted sentence.” At this time it is only going to my trusted subscribers. If you are one of the few who got it, please post your comments below.
Do you think I should make this public?
Thanks in advance for your perspective.
With Love,
Just yesterday a friend said to me something like, “Do you even listen to Abraham?” I was going on about some out-of-the-vortex subject and I got caught! And yes, I have been listening to Abraham. In fact, I’ve been listening for so long that since I first met Abraham my hair has had a chance to go from almost black to almost white and back again (a modern miracle!) In this video, Abraham brings forward a most important distinction between the aging that occurs by simply moving through time vs. the decline we think is inevitable. Happy aging!
I’m grateful to see the subtle coexistence of Abraham’s absolute clarity and Esther’s more familiar human experience. In this beautiful video, Abraham answers questions about Jerry and his transition into non-physical. They also explain some of Esther’s process after losing the physical form of her life partner. Amazingly enough, if you knew Jerry, and loved his presence, and appreciated his enormous contribution to the Abraham-Hicks evolution, you are more likely to laugh at times during this light-hearted presentation of death, than to cry as Abraham explains what’s going on here. I send my love and appreciation to Jerry and to Esther and to Abraham. I hope you enjoy this.
“What is the definition of procrastination? It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.” — Abraham-Hicks
I know a lot of people who believe that you must push through your resistance, break through your procrastination, and “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Hmmm. I have been listening to Abraham for so many years that the pushing through idea just doesn’t cut it. So when I notice that I am procrastinating, I have taken to aligning my axes in preparation for successful action.
Want to Try This?
The forward flowing Z-axis, the one marked by the path before you, is the place where the block is. So, to move forward, what you can do is to first tend to the Y-axis. This is the vertical axis that runs through your upright spine. After some time in Y-axis meditation, the Z-axis finds its own flow and action becomes spontaneous, inspired, and fruitful.
The Y and Z-axis meditations are fully described in the book Rooted in the Infinite. Look inside the book here.
I was just listening to an Abraham CD and it reminded me that one step before the manifestation is the feeling. We often point our efforts toward the manifestation. We want the car, or the relationship, or the body condition, right? So we visualize and affirm and use all our nifty tools to manifest the life condition that we want.
That’s all great, but it’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that’s missing half the pieces. It’s harder than it needs to be while you’re working on it, and when it’s done, it’s a big disappointment.
So what is the alternative? Focus your efforts on achieving the feeling you would have if that desire were joyfully fulfilled. Focus on the feeling rather than the manifestation.
In that way, there is joy in the journey, and when you get there, it is even better than you expected.
It basically comes down to placing your relationship with your self and your Source above any other relationship.
My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.
— Abraham-Hicks