YOFA jhe Sessions: Spirutal Healing, Law of Attraction, and Time and Space


The only complaint I hear about the YOFA jhe Sessions is "I don’t know how to talk about them…"

How do you talk about something that is invisible in a world that lives by the motto "seeing is believing"?

The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions. 
Well, that’s how I describe them. 

But what in the world does that mean? How can they be invisible and be effective?

It means that we are coming from the understanding that there is one mind.  We are trusting the all pervasive Divine Design and the power of Law of Attraction to keep it in the perfect swirl. And we have an intuitive experience of the mystical here-now that sits silently, dynamically, infinitely, within all points of space and time.  

So the distance between us at the time of the session is a non-issue. Even the time of the actual session is irrelevant.

The jhe sessions assist you in performing your only job: Keeping yourself in alignment with your essence so that all the good that has been generated by your life experience can come to you. And it can come generously and lovingly and in ways that let you recognize the benevolence of the Universe and the Love that is your nature.

Hmmm. Is that too vague?

I guess I don’t know how to talk about the jhe sessions either. I promise I’ll keep working on it.  Because the people who are being helped by the jhe sessions keep proving to me that it’s worth the exploration to keep figuring out how to talk about this invisible thing I call the YOFA jhe Sessions.

Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) often says, "Don’t answer a question that hasn’t been asked."  And so I usually remain pretty quiet on the subject of the jhe sessions.  But today I received an email that was bursting with questions.  That was the inspiration for this post.

Here are my answers:

Dear Rebbie,

i’m considering joinig your [YOFA jhe Sessions] active membership and have some questions bevore signing up:

What do i have to do?

Nothing.  If you want to, you can do the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite to augment the sessions but that is not necessary.

What about the intention?

Your intentions and desires are born in you on an ongoing basis.  The jhe sessions help you get in alignment so that they can come to you more swiftly, more effortlessly, and in a form that is more satisfying when it arrives. 

Unlike goal setting or visualizing, the jhe sessions are passive and they help you (if you’ll excuse the expression) get out of your own way so that the things you have been asking for can find their way to you (that part is the work fo Law of Attraction.)

Do i have to hold my intention, or do i have to write my intentions down or does the process know what to do?

You do not have to do any of that.  You can if it brings you greater clarity and joy to do so.  But it is not part of the jhe sessions process.

Are there special times for the sessions?

No.  You will receive an email from me after each session with a description of the focus of that session and what you might expect as a specific results of the session. 

But really, these sessions are cumulative and the results of an individual session are sort of like candy while the ongoing long term effect is where the real nutrition is.  Some people have been on the list since the very beginning.  It is an ongoing process like brushing your teeth or meditation or physical exercise.  You can consider it part of your spiritual hygiene.

Do i have to do anything during the session or do i only have to enjoy? :o)

Just enjoy. 😎 

If you want more training, you can join the Inner Circle.  That membership includes the Active membership in the jhe sessions plus monthly recorded lessons, plus membership in the YOFA "Law of Attraction Gets Results" monthly online workshop, plus more bonuses than I can list here. 

The Active Membership is for people who don’t want one more thing to do.  There is nothing to do in the Active Membership but sign up.

The Inner Circle Membership is for people who are hungry for more and want to get their hands in the clay.

Does my membership start from the 1st day of the month or from the day i sign up?

Your membership starts on the day you sign up.


Law of Attraction: Transforming Pain into Joy

YOFA Transforming Pain into Joy MapGet instant Access
to this online Workshop here:

 The journey of past suffering can lead you to joy. It can lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. The suffering that you have experienced in your life is rich with potential. In fact, it carries within it the exact blueprint for the joyful fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

In the April YOFA “Results” Workshop you’ll be creating a map – a very personal map – that leads you to the joy that is encoded in your past pain.

There is an inter-dimensional shift that occurs when you see the Z-axis journey of your life (your unique timeline) as a simultaneous picture that includes the manifestation. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite) Your journey becomes deeply meaningful and you recognize that the pain of the past requires a completely different treatment from the pain of the present. And when you apply that treatment, the pain transforms into relief.

We will go through this process step by step in the April “Law of Attraction Gets Results” online workshop. In the recordings, I use the example of wanting a relationship, but you can apply this to anything from the desire for material wealth to the desire for spiritual enlightenment. The process applies to any journey.

Once you sign up, you get instant access to the recorded workshop (audio and video). Then we’ll meet on the phone together on April 27th. If you can’t make it to the live call, you’ll get the recording.

I’m especially interested in the material for this month’s workshop because the subject of past suffering is frequently the cause of much of our current suffering. And yet, it is really like a goldmine that we are sitting on without any awareness of it.  Once we realize the value and wealth of our journey, it nourishes and strengthens us in our now.

You can begin the process immediately, any time of the day or night. 

Get instant Access to this online Workshop here: LAW of ATTRACTION WORKSHOP

I call this YOFA workshop series "Results" because we uncover the subtleties and nuances of Law of Attraction that produce noticeable results. All are welcome. Become a member and get a discount every month.

With Love,

Law of Attraction and Success


* Watch this video

* See the card trick
   that demonstrates
   how your mind works

* Get your free recorded
   coaching session


Who knew a simple card trick would cause such havoc! 

I sent you an email a couple of days ago directing you to a Free video featuring Adrian Law from Law to Success and Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies. 

For those of you who are not familiar with Adrian, he is a Peak Performance Coach, and has appeared on TV, Radio and National Newspapers. 

In this video Adrian divulges 3 Keys to Living Abundantly which, I might add, you can implement in your life RIGHT NOW plus he gives away an incredibly powerful coaching session… 

He also does this weird and funky card trick (not playing cards if you think you’ve seen them all before). 

This seems to have really struck a chord with many people. 

Word spread so quickly about this video that the link directing you Adrian’s blog the other day may not  have worked for you. 

This is because his blog page crashed from the unexpectedly high traffic. 

But he has managed to get the "stronger, better, faster" blog back up. 

If you missed out you can see it here now.

When you watch this, you might even want to take a few notes so you don’t miss a thing. 

I promise you’ll feel the difference as soon as you start doing this. 

This is really powerful stuff. 

See What All the Fuss Is About Here

Energy Healing: The Vertical Alignment of the Root Chakra



Find Out More About the YOFA jhe Sessions

The Place Where Meditation
Meets Law of Attraction.



 [mc src=”http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/YOFA-jhe-Session-3-11-09a.mp3″/]

This recording is here for the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions and anyone else who wants to better understand the power of inner alignment.  This is where spiriutal healing occurs.  Within the energy body, there is a template of alignment which opens you to the fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

This session focuses on the vertical alignment of the root chakra.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions based on the YOFA system I present in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  I am honored to offer these session to those who feel resonance with my work.  You can get on the jhe list HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,

Inner Peace: Juggling Daily Details

The focus of the February 2009 Law of Attraction group coaching call was "information overload" and I thought this video summed it up perfectly.  We feel we are juggling so many things and yet look how graceful it can be!


[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-blog-peace.mp3″/]

I wonder if you’ve been feeling any of the craziness of information overload like I have been lately.  I can be calm one minute and then as soon as things get complicated where I thought they’d be simple, or there are just too many buttons to push to get to a live operator, or something just takes me to my limit, I kind of snap.  I hate to admit it but there are a couple of tech support people who I’ll be doing Ho’oponopono about for quite a while (I love you. I’m sorry…).

Anyway, that’s why I decided to make the February Results Workshop about finding your sweet focus and your balanced inner alignment in the face of the multitude of details that we face day after day.

I figured this would be of value to others and I knew this exploration would be helpful to me.

What I hadn’t anticipated was the intense shift that would happen in me after the workshop.

During the live call one of the very generous participants put his life on display and gave us an enormous gift.  Because the unfolding that came from his sharing, there was an opening of the door, at least in me, to a heightened awareness of the Divinity in everything.

The dish towel. 

The plastic spoon I use to scoop out the dog food. 

The chair. 

The garbage pail. 

I have heard it said, “There is no spot where God is not.”  Well, somehow that experience was awakened in me about a day after the workshop.  Funny how these things happen in ways that I certainly cannot explain.

And if you know me, you know I really love explaining things.  But sometimes I know to just leave it alone.

I hope you enjoy the video that I’ve placed here on this post.  I thought it was the most perfect display of turning information overload into a graceful work of art.

You can still get the 3 audio segments of the workshop plus the mp3 of the call that went on for over 2 hours.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book “Rooted in the Infinite”
Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com 

Law of Attraction, Swami Sivananda & Thought Power











Law of Attraction is the Universal principle that brings things of a like vibration together.  And since thoughts vibrate, they are always attracting other thoughts.

Now bring in the factor of information overload.  Well, when you are in the midst of scrolling through screens full of email or pouring over paper piles of to-do-lists ***and*** you have been cultivating your awareness of Law of Attraction, you can find yourself in a pretty noisy mental landscape.

Every micro-thought has a constellation of associations scintillating around it pulling in even more thoughts.  And the multitude of directions of movement of mental energy can create a chaotic manifestation factory in the ethers.

The most obvious result might be the outcry, "Why is this happening to me?"

Or it can be the plea to the Universe, "I’ve been doing everything right, why haven’t I manifested __(fill in the blank)___  ?"

Or even worse, the feeling can arise as, "I’ve done everything right and that person over there is doing everything wrong (according to me!), and they have what I want!"

In a nutshell, the result of vibrating all over the place is that we wonder why our manifestations are not what we think we’re asking for.

Abraham has offered us the antidote to this condition as 68 seconds of pure thought.  Swami Sivananda has offered us the more ancient reminder of thought power from the yogic tradition. 

Then we have the creative challenge of merging this into the living of our lives.

The Next Results Workshop

In the February 2009 YOFA "Results" Workshop, we’ll be tapping into some of Swami Sivananda’s wisdom on the power of thought and relating it to what we know about Law of Attraction. 

The workshop is now live.  As soon as you sign up you get instant access to the recordings and if you sign up before the live call on Monday, February 23, you can also participate in the workshop.  You can still sign up after the live event and you’ll get the recording of the call.

This is a monthly online workshop where advanced students of Law of Attraction get together to fine-tune their relationship with Law of Attraction so that they get soul-satisfying results in all 3 dimensions of their energy flow (spiritual, healing (jhe), and manifestation).

To find out more and sign up for this single workshop, CLICK HERE.

To become a member of the "Results" group and get a discount each month, CLICK HERE.

To Join the YOFA Inner Circle and get this workshop as a free bonus with your membership, CLICK HERE.

Wishing You Love,



Relationship Question: If I imagine it too clearly will Law of Attraction think I already have it?



Here is my quick answer to Devin’s question.  For more indepth coaching, sign up for the Monthly YOFA  Group Coaching Call (Results Workshop).  (Or leave a comment on this blog post and you may win free admission.)

[mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-qt005-2009-02-07.mp3″/]

CLICK HERE to subscribe to this podcast

Love and Blessings,
Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Prosperity: Teleseminar and Contest Prizes







YOFA Blog Teleseminar (Scroll down to read the email)

You can listen to my comments about this post here but be sure to read the whole letter.

[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/prosper/yofaprosperity020209ts.mp3″/]

 Sign up for the free teleseminar – CLICK HERE

Get your free copy of Think and Grow Rich CLICK HERE

Since I recorded this, I found out just how limited the spaces are on this call.  Here is the email I received with all the details:

Boy have I got some GREAT news for you today! I’ve just been notified
that a bunch of the stars from "The Secret" are getting together for an
exclusive live call and I wanted to make sure YOU heard about it first.

The call will be on Wednesday February 4th at 12 Noon EST.

Reserve a Spot on the Call Now!



Sure that sounds like a lot but let me assure you…

This call is being hosted by a *massive* group called The Masters Gathering.

I’d be shocked if you aren’t familiar with them by now. In just 8 days
they’ve amassed hundreds of thousands of visits to their website and have received
nearly a thousand rave reviews.

Those 1000 seats are going to fill up FAST.

So I suggest you grab yours now. Even if you can’t make the call, they’ll
send you a recording.

You’d be positively crazy to pass up this opportunity to hop on a live call
with some of the wealthiest, happiest people in the world who want to answer YOUR

questions and solve YOUR problems.

During the call they’re going to:

* Answer your questions

* Make a thrilling announcement that already has thousands of insiders
literally at the edge of their seats with bated breath…

* Delve deeper into The Law of Attraction and how to put it to work in your
life to get EXACTLY what you want

* Introduce you to the Master behind The Masters Gathering: Harrison Klein.
He’ll share his inspiring story battling 30 years of depression, abuse, and
suffering and how he encountered a life-changing episode.

That singular event instantaneously relieved his pain, self-hatred, and
sadness and led him to into a staggering 30-year practice coaching thousands of
people and triggering instant transformation in their lives as well.

This exclusive call is NOT to be missed.

You’ll see a side to Harrison Klein that has inspired the world’s greatest
success and transformation masters to not only welcome him inside their inner
circle, but to call him a valued friend.

Register to Be On This Incredible Live Call


Oh and one other thing…

JUST ANNOUNCED: Win a Fully Loaded iPod, $100 Amazon Gift Card & More!

The folks over at The Masters Gathering have been so impressed with the
hundreds of inspiring stories and conversations being posted at their website that
they’ve decided to hold a contest! You could win tons of cool prizes!

You see, they’ve also given away several videos from billionaire John
Assaraf, Millionaire-Maker Loral Langemeier, Attractor-Factor Master Dr. Joe Vitale,
and more! They want YOU to weigh in on what you think and they’re gonna throw
cool prizes at you in return.

So rush your booty over there and weigh in to win. They want to know:

* Have you been impacted by the videos we’ve shared so far?

* Have you had a powerful "AHA" moment, taken action on something you’ve
learned, or developed a new awareness or perspective on your life?

They’d also love to know:

* Who your favorite Master is

* The most valuable thing you’ve learned from them and how it’s changed your

Submit Your Story For a Chance to Win NOW!


Follow the link above and you’ll get all the details on the live call with
the Masters and how to enter their contest.


P.S. They’re giving away special prizes for video entries so if you’ve got a
camera (even a digital photo camera with a movie function or a web cam!) you
DEFINITELY want to submit for this contest. There will be less video entries which
means you have a better chance of winning!




Prosperity: Loral Langemeier Makes Millionaires

Loral Langemeier








YOFA Blog Prosperity #2

[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/prosper/yofaprosperity012909.mp3″/]

A friend told me about Loral Langemeier a number of years ago and, in all the information overload, I let that name slide from my awareness.  Now she is coming to my attention again and this time I’m listening more closely. 

Funny how it’s all about timing.

Well, it’s the Masters Gathering that keeps tapping me on the shoulder and saying. "Look at this, look at this."  And I go.

So Loral’s video is due to come out today and I’m eagerly awaiting it.  You see, I’ve been studying Law of Attraction for ages.  I’ve been hooked up to Abraham headphones since 1993 and at some point I got so filled up that it just started pouring out of me into a microphone.  Like a big electronic metaphysical circulatory system. 

But when it comes to money I kind of glaze over.  So this is a topic where I sit as a basic student and listen with you for what my inner guidance tells me feels good.

As I’m posting this I have not seen the video yet so, let’s watch it together and see how this information shifts us toward empowerment on the subject of money.

And you can still go to http://AlignmentforProsperity.com  to get a free download of Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich as an ebook. I’m not sure how long this will be available so please get it while it’s there.

Here is the email I received about this free video and I’m passing it along to you:

If you’ve recently been laid off, know
someone who’s been laid off, fear losing your
job or you’re just plain nervous about the
economic recession…

I have a heartening and inspiring message for

I’d like to share with you a candid,
in-your-face video fresh from Loral
Langemeier where she weighs in on the economy
and tells you exactly how you can release
your fear and embrace abundance during this

How to Be a Recession Millionaire & Know
You’re Worth It!


In case you don’t know, Loral is a recognized
"Millionaire Maker" and was the featured
financial guru in "The Secret."

100% of her personal students make money and
lots of it.

Be sure to watch the entire video to the
finish. She actually GIVES AWAY a six-week
course that will teach you exactly how to
transform your current challenges into
abundant opportunities and massive wealth.

Loral proves that it’s easier than any of us
let ourselves believe.

She also reveals:

* The #1 Emerging Business that ANYONE can
earn a living in, online or offline, with no
other skills than what you need in your
daily life anyway (cooking, cleaning,
driving, etc.).

(Trust me, this one alone is PRICELESS!)

* Exactly what to do to bring money into your
life, beyond just thinking about it.

* Where your debt comes from and how to
eradicate it forever

And plenty more.

And did you know that more millionaires were
made per capita during The Great Depression
than at any other time in history?

Now is YOUR time to thrive!

Learn exactly how, and I mean exactly what
you can do TODAY to forever transform your
personal economy.

The Secret to Not Just Making Money, But
Making a LIFE


Did you know that the #1 concern among
followers of "The Secret" and those who
practice the Law of Attraction is how to make
money and manifest abundance?

Who better to learn from than the woman
*known* for creating millionaires. It’s her
job title!

But BEWARE if you’re not ready…

Loral Langemeier is no timid soul. She
delivers it to you straight from the hip,
with no nonsense and absolutely no room for

If you aren’t ready to transform your income,
your business, and your life, don’t even
bother with this video. It’ll just tick you
off. Because it is absolutely impossible to
listen to this woman and not feel the urgent
need to take action and change your life.

And please:

Don’t forget to grab her free course at the
end of the video!

She’s handing your success to you on a silver

Hear it Straight From the Millionaire-Maker’s


P.S. Almost forgot to mention this…If you
haven’t seen it yet, there’s another
incredible video you’ll receive access to,
from billionaire John Assaraf on the power of
your mind and Meditation. From the glowing
reviews we’ve been getting, that one is not
to be missed either.

P.S.S. Oh, and I hear John also GIVES AWAY a
free course or special report in the video.
So please go watch these videos.  They’ll
make your day!

Here they are:


Oh and you’ve probably heard the chatter all
over the net about a Masters Gathering
that’s taking place.

Here’s a HINT: you’ll find yourself smack dab
in the middle of the largest gathering of
living success and transformation masters
when you enter the world of these videos.
There’s a community already waiting for you.


From a YOFA “Results” Workshop: The Beauty of the Moment


The Old Guitarist – Pablo Picasso
Oil On Panel, 1903 

Eavesdrop on a few minutes  of the January 2009
YOFA Metaphysics of "Results" Group Coaching Call (8min 5sec)

You won’t have the context but I trust you’ll get right in the groove.

[mc src=”http://resoltswkshp.s3.amazonaws.com/yofaresults200901excerpt.output.mp3″/]

You are beautiful! How do I know that?  I just do.  You are unconditionally beautiful because you are the fulfillment of the beauty of the moment.

At the January “Metaphysics of Results” Group Coaching Call I got on my soapbox about all this. 

I thought I’d share an excerpt from the call with you.

We have fun on these calls and they have been evolving into a warm and casual conversation. My thanks to those who attend these calls for inspiring the rich exploration that keeps flowing each month.

Do You Feel The Pain of Blame or the Joy of Responsibility?

People write to me and say that the Law of Attraction perspective has them feeling blamed and judged for anything that is going wrong in their lives. They feel guilty and embarrassed if their health fails or if they have financial problems.


That is the opposite of the intention of this teaching. And yet, haven’t we all felt that way at times?

Do you know anyone who is feeling this paradoxical reaction to the otherwise empowering teachings of Law of Attraction?

If so, they might enjoy this little audio segment in which I sing the praises of the beauty of contrast.

You can still get all the recordings from this pre-recorded workshop and live call. CLICK HERE

 With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube: