Food, Money, and Manifestation – Where to click first?

food-money-manifestation.jpgCLICK FOR FOOD




This is a distilled message.

I’ve boiled down pages of info into just a couple of key ideas.

You see, I’ve got colleagues who are continually producing powerful tools for all of us to find more joy in the journey.  I love sharing these with you and I totally love getting your emails saying how great each new offering is as you partake in both the free and paid versions of all these launches and promotions.

On the other hand, I know that these promotional emails can be overwhelming.

On top of that, these launches seem to come in waves.  So you may notice you don’t get many of these emails from me for a while, then you get a whole bunch.

So, in an effort to give you the most value with the least words, here is my distilled message for today:

Law of Attraction and Affirmations (Start Manifesting with More Ease)

I have worked with affirmations with enormous success for many, many years.  If you want to increase the power of your affirmations, and start manifesting with the power of your word, click here.   This one is for you.

You are What You Eat – What Are You Eating?

Now what about the body temple?  Are you caring for the energy field that we know of as the physical body with love and appreciation?  What do you feed your body? 

If you want to energize, heal, and promote joyful longevity within the very personal system you call your body, click here for free access

Reach Into the Bag of Your Life Experience and Pull Out Money

You have money that you don’t know you have. 

It is hiding in your life experience.  I want you to learn how to extract the money that is woven into your past journey and not only bring it forward in your life, but help others in the process.

I want you to prosper.  And I have a feeling I know a way that you can make money that you have not thought about.  Or if you did think about it, you didn’t know how to get started. 

Here is what I recommend:

Find something you know about and love, maybe a hobby,  a talent, a passion.  And then what?  Teach others.  Knowledge that you take for granted is like gold to those who are seeking it.  And they will pay you to stay home, and teach them over the phone.  How do you do it?  Find out here

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 8-25-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This session focused on the Z-axis (the road before you) in a way that promotes joyful manifestation.

(For more about the Z-axis read Rooted in the Infinite.)

It’s all about the point where the Z-axis (forward-backward axis) touches the Y-axis (up-down axis).  That is the point where your manifestation begins and it rolls and flows out before you as your reality.  That is the place where this session took its focus.

As you find joy in your now, your manifestation transforms, sometimes right before your eyes.

We’ll be talking about this in tonight’s Results Workshop as it relates to financial prosperity. 

As a result of this session, I expect you to manifest your desires with greater ease.

The desires of your heart are rich with color and texture. They are deep with feeling and high with spirit.  As you come into greater alignment with your essence your manifestations become rich and deep and high and this all makes for a very satisfying life experience,

As an immediate effect of today’s session, your shoes may feel more comfortable (strange, I know…), your car may feel more powerful (or whatever vehicle you ride), and you may suddenly be acknowledged and praised for your work.

These are just signs of the specific alignment of this session.  The greater value of this session is the harmonization of your now with your creative process and your ongoing manifestation.

If you are dealing with a health issue, this session might lead you to new treatments, practitioners, or healers who can help you in ways that will carry you forward.

I am grateful for the opportunity to do this jhe session for you.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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