Byron Katie and Law of Attraction: Part 3 – Money

NOTE to those registered in the August Results Workshop: Please watch this video before the call on Monday, August 25, 2008. Not registered yet? CLICK HERE



In the YOFA Results Workshop, people are finding ways to release their resistance to abundance and prosperity.  You might be wondering why or how you would resist prosperity.

Here is how we all do it.

  • We get focused on how much we don’t want what we don’t want.
  • We get fearful of the lack of money.
  • We get angry at those who have money (Especially those for whom it seems effortless.)

All that static creates a barrier.  Just like static blocks you from hearing the music on your radio, static blocks you from receiving the manifestation you are so masterfully creating.

So, if your experience is not one of prosperity, then you can know that you are resisting it.  If it’s noon and the sun is shining and your room is dark, you can know that you’ve got your curtains closed. 

It’s really simple.

The sun is always high in the sky of prosperity. The question is what are you doing with your curtains?

(First step: Forgive yourself, love yourself, know that it’s all perfect right this very moment.)

In this video, Byron Katie takes you on a delightful journey of letting go of your resistance on the subject of money.  Open your curtains and enjoy!

Love and Blessings,

For a catalog of YOFA Results Workshop recordings, please visit