The Heart Rich With Love: Today’s YOFA jhe Session

yofa-jhe-shrub.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for all of you who are on the jhe list today (including the free list).

Today’s session focused on the richness of your experience and the love in your heart.

Have you seen a very large dense shrub with so many little leaves on it that it makes the shrub look almost like a solid object? But then when you get closer you can see that there are many leaves, all facing in different directions with sunlight and shadow creating a rich texture of life, all connected to one major root.

Well, today’s session reminded me of that.  There are so many aspects of your magnificence and each one has its own integrity.  Some come forward into the light, some remain hidden, deep inside you.  They combine together to be what you think of as you.  Today’s session cultivated the richness of all those brilliant facets of who you are.

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel the richness of your life in the following ways:

  •  A shift in how you feel/think/experience yourself. This could be called a shift toward high self-esteem.  It feels like an authentic knowing of your inherent value as a human being.  It is neither humble nor boastful. It is not a comparison with others.  It is simply a direct perception of the richness of your being.
  • A heightened sensitivity to the beauty of the sounds around you. This can be birds tweeting or horns honking.  It comes forward in you as an awakening to the richness of this moment as sound. 
  •  An expanded capacity to love.  This can feel like a layering effect.  Like you can feel the different layers of love within you – maybe different forms of love that you’ve felt for different people or different variation of your experience of love at different ages in your life.  The way you might experience it is with a surprisingly open feeling as you look at someone you love.  Maybe even tears of joy.  This love, when it resonates through the layers of you, gives you access to deep feeling and it is a gift when it happens.

Regarding the body, this session supports the energy of the heart. 

Regarding relationships, this session supports forgiveness and compassion.

Regarding the material world, this session resonates with rich, colorful fabrics, weaves, velvets, silks, carpets, etc.  Who knows, maybe someone will give you a gift! (Or maybe you’ll suddenly find a scarf you love – I’m always amazed at how these things work themselves into manifestation.) Or maybe you will simply feel your beauty, inside and out, and radiate like a royal garment in your blue jeans.

Thank you to all who participated in this jhe Session. I am honored to have your name on the jhe list.

If you found your way to this post and this is all new to you, you can find out more and receive remote inner alignment sessions like this one at

With Love,

Prosperity: Dr. John Demartini on Owning Your Magnificence





CLICK HERE to Watch the Video

(Watch this one more than once!)






YOFA Blog  Dr. John Demartini

 Listen to my "John Demartini in a restaurant" story here:

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Here is the email I received for this video:

Here is a brand new Free video you are sure to enjoy.

It is from one of the teachers of "The Secret" and "The Masters of the Gathering."

In this revealing interview with Dr. John Demartini you will learn:

  • How to make a difference in your life

  • How to realize the mastery inside you

  • How to blow the socks off of every area of your life

  •  How to rise to another level in your life

  • And a whole lot more

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

P.S. While you are there, check out the other great interviews with John Assarf, Loral Langemeier, and Joe Vitale.

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

As you watch this video, consider taking notes.  There are many valuable messages packed into this 18 minute interview and Dr. Demartini talks fast!  Make sure you take away some practical instructions from this segment because they are there and they will impact your life in wonderful ways if you open to this message.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Today’s YOFA jhe Session 6-21-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list (including the free list) today.

This session brings joy to your decision-making. 

This session helps you step out of your habit-based, sometimes self destructive, patterns and brings you to a place of making choices from your inner knowing. 

It bridges your innate magnificence with your daily activities and your choices and actions.

This can manifest in small things like whether or not to eat that cookie. 

It can manifest in larger things like whether or not to marry that person.

More importantly, it manifests in the flow of how you conduct yourself in you life and brings skill in all areas by connecting your personality-consciousness with your Source.

As a result of this session, I expect you to make decisions more quickly and with more clarity.  You may find yourself more easily tapping into your inner knowing and moving forward with authority. 

If you are a teacher, a parent, a coach, a supervisor, a doctor, in political office, or in any other position of leadership, this session will add to your charisma as a leader and will help you to tap into your highest purpose and lead with wisdom, compassion, and power.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I added an extension onto this session today for the Inner Circle.

Inner Circle members,  this extension carried today’s alignment out along the Z-axis for the fulfillment of life long dreams. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, plese read Rooted in the Infinite.)

As a result of this part of the session, I expect you to feel unreasonably happy.

Out of that, comes:

  • things given to you
  • things "dropping in your lap"
  • and the feeling of bright sunshine on your projects.

As you get greater clarity with your decision-making, you manifest things with greater ease.  I have the image of you rubbing your eyes (to make sure you are really seeing what you are seeing) in amazement at your new creation.

This is the direction that this session established.

To everyone on the Free, Active, and Inner Circle lists, today’s session was strong and I expect you to see noticeable results.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson