Manifestation and Missing Pieces

I was just listening to an Abraham CD and it reminded me that one step before the manifestation is the feeling.  We often point our efforts toward the manifestation.  We want the car, or the relationship, or the body condition, right?  So we visualize and affirm and use all our nifty tools to manifest the life condition that we want.

That’s all great, but it’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that’s missing half the pieces.  It’s harder than it needs to be while you’re working on it, and when it’s done, it’s a big disappointment.

So what is the alternative?  Focus your efforts on achieving the feeling you would have if that desire were joyfully fulfilled.  Focus on the feeling rather than the manifestation.

In that way, there is joy in the journey, and when you get there, it is even better than you expected.

It basically comes down to placing your relationship with your self and your Source above any other relationship.

My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.

Prosperity Quiz

There are no wrong answers!  Just insights to be gained and action to move you toward manifestation.  But be sure to do this before midnight tonight to get the most value out of this.

Prosperity Quiz
Click the answer that best describes you for your financial recommendations. 

(1) How do you know what you know?

(2) How do you take action?
I asked you what area of your life you most want to get aligned. You told me loud and clear.  Financial Prosperity.  Well here are two opportunities – one is practical, the other is metaphysical:
  1. Energy Alignment for Prosperity Click to see promotion
  2. To Turn These Times Of Economic Chaos Into Massive Wealth Click to see promotion
Both are running BIG promotions that end tonight.  I urge you to check this out while you can get such drastic savings.

Vibration and Manifestation

YOFA-TSOGR WorkshopCLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the next Prosperity Workshop

Do the YOFA jhe Sessions get results every time, all the time?  I just made this recording to explore why some people get instant manifestation and others don’t  – and why, in the bigger picture, the results come, whether they are instant or not.

Law of Attraction is always consistent. And in this recording, I explain why it doesn’t always seem that way, and how the jhe sessions can help.

We have one more prosperity workshop in the 5 year birthday celebration for the YOFA jhe Sessions.  Have you marked your calendar yet?

The Final jhe Celebration Workshop is Tuesday (tomorrow).
December 13, 2011
8:30 pm Eastern (5:30 pm Pacific)
Find your time zone here
No Charge


How to Predict Your Financial Future

Let’s switch things up.

I’ve been talking to you a lot about energy alignment for prosperity.

Now let’s talk about the nuts and bolts of prosperity.

This is *definitely* not my field of expertise.  But I know someone who *is* a major expert.  In fact, he discovered something extraordinary.  He found a “map” back in 2007 that’s allowed him to basically predict the financial future. (I know, it sounds impossible.)

I’m about to watch his videos. You can watch all three videos (no charge)
along with me this week by clicking here to go to his site

It’s kind of unusual for me to send you info that is not energy related. But this came along right while we are focused on prosperity. Don’t you just love Law of Attraction?

What Are the YOFA jhe Sessions?

Listen to this 10 minute recording once  you sign up for your free YOFA jhe Sessions.

At this time you can still sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions Birthday Celebration.  You will receive 2 YOFA jhe Sessions focused on prosperity plus you will be invited to the special prosperity workshop by phone. All this for no charge.

After you sign up, watch for my email messages telling you about the sessions once I have done them and with the dial in info for the workshop.

Click the audio controller above to find out the relationship between the YOFA jhe Sessions and yoga mediation, the Abraham-Hicks teachings on Law of Attraction, and more.  In this recording I also tell you how I found out that the YOFA jhe Sessions promote prosperity.

And the Winner is. . .


The message came in loud and clear.  You voted and the winner won by a mile.  In fact, the winning focus came in so strongly that it set off an avalanche in a whole new direction.

The winning focus for the birthday present for the jhe sessions is (drumrollllllll):

==>> financial prosperity  (You can still sign up. Click Here for 2 free sessions.)

And so I will be offering two jhe sessions
focused on cultivating prosperity (at no charge.)

But that’s not where it ends.

In fact, it is just beginning.

I have much more to tell you but I haven’t worked out all the details yet.

Let’s just say that since this focus won by such a large margin, I am going to do more than I promised. I just can’t say anything yet because I have to work out some of the fine points before I go public with this.

(It’s hard to keep this quiet because it’s so exciting!)

This is indeed turning out to be a very special birthday for the jhe sessions!

And as Thanksgiving approaches here in the US, I want to thank *you* for your companionship on this journey of inner alignment.

More soon. . .

With Love,
PS – You can sign up to get the f ree sessions here:

Happy Birthday YOFA jhe Sessions!

The YOFA jhe Sessions are 5 years old!  As the birthday approaches, I decided to let you tell me how to celebrate.  I’m going to give you a birthday present.  But which one?



Listen to the 10 minute audio to hear your choices.  Then click above to vote.  Whichever gift wins the vote is the one you will get so be sure to vote today.

I’ll be offering 2 free YOFA jhe Sessions.  You vote for what you want as thier focus:

  • Physical Well Being
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Loving Relationships
Which focus will win the vote?  Only time will tell.
Happy voting!

Law of Attraction: How vs. What

In this episode of “Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction” we explore a process for getting into the allowing mode.

Step three of the manifestation process is what Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) affectionately calls, “Lettin’ it in.”  From the desire for a new car to the desire for inner peace and connection to Source, the process is the same.   Today we focus on one way of lettin’ it in.


PS – After you do the process with me in the podcast, check out what Dr. John Demartini has to say in this video.

Inner Master Mind Technique

Here is an idea that can zoop up your
manifesting and make it unusually fun.

First ingredient:

Let’s start with a quote from Napoleon

“Men (and women) take on the nature and the
habits and the power of thought of those
with whom they associate in a spirit of
sympathy and harmony.”

Second ingredient:

Ponder historical figures:  People who
inspire you and thrill you at the mere
thought of them.

Ponder currently living figures, too.

They can be musicians, spiritual leaders,
move stars, etc.  Find people who inspire
you. The mere thought of them brings
out the best in you.

Gather a small list of these great figures
who live inside you as phenomenal forces
of inspiration and empowerment.

(I have had people like Rev. Martin Luther King,
Hilda Charlton, Ghandi, and many others in my
inner Master Mind group.)

Third ingredient:

Meet regularly in your imagination with
this group of beings who live within you.

This is your ancient Master Mind group.

* Ask them for advice

* Model their mastery and ability.

* “Take on the nature and the habits
and the power of thought” of these
great inner friends and watch your life

Alternate method #1:

Gather pictures of these same people and
look at them daily as if they are your
friends, your private Master Mind group.

Let the inspiring qualities that you see
in them flow into your thoughts words and deeds.

Open yourself to their influence so that you tune
yourself to their greatness.

Alternate method 2:

Make a Mind Movie with the pictures of these
people and watch it every day.

This can also be used very powerfully in
combination with the 3rd ingredient.

Here is the key:

* Make sure to use inspiring music and
choose quotes from these people along
with your affirmations in the Mind Movie.

* As you watch the Mind Movie, float your
awareness into connection with their
wisdom and strength that lives within you.

* Then have your Master Mind meeting where
you consult with these great advisors who
live right there inside of you.

I think you will find it is super fun and
surprisingly fruitful.

*** But please be warned.  Only do this if you
really want your life to get noticeably better.

Whether it’s about your financial state,
your relationships or anything else, get
ready to step into huge transformation and
manifestation.  This technique, when combined
with Mind Movies, is very powerful and can
catapult you into a whole new phase of life.

Handle with care! (and fun!)

With Love,

PS – If you are even considering getting
the new Mind Movies Creation Kit, today is
the last day of the launch. So please be
sure to get in on all the extras (it’s a lot)
before midnight tonight.

Get it here:

PPS – You will still be able to purchase Mind
Movies 2.0 after today but the price will
be $197 instead of $97 plus you won’t
receive any of the special launch bonuses.

It comes with a complete guarantee and
it really works… Now is the time…