How to Create Double Manifestations with Law of Attraction and Mind Movies

Mind Movies Law of Attraction Double Manifestation Click Here to Start Getting Double Manifestations with Law of Attraction

[mc id=”861″ type=”audio”]YOFA Double Manifestation with Law of Attraction[/mc]

In this audio I tell you how to double manifest on the same single effort.  No matter how many times you have tried to manifest that loving relationship or the prosperity you desire, you can do this and you can do it now.  All it takes is the right tools.  Whether it’s about money, relationships, peace of mind, or anything else you want to manifest, you can do it.  In fact, not only can you do it, but you can do it double (listen to the recording above)!

I hope you enjoy my story about Kung Fu, VCRs, and underground threads! Listen to my recording to find out how to double your manifestation.

Get the Mind Movies Creation Kit now to get in on the special promotion with all the bonuses and discounts.  And be sure to get my special bonus (#8 – The brand new YOFA audio ecourse:  3 Weeks to Freedom- To Be Who You Truly Are) as soon as  you make your purchase. CLICK HERE NOW for more details.

How to Use Mind Movies to Manifest Money


CLICK HERE To Get the FREE Money Manifesting Mind Movie

You Can Use Mind Movies to Manifest Money?

Yes, you can.

You can use Mind Movies to manifest money, a home, a car, or anything else.


  • The visual images reach deep into your creative mind.
  • The music activates your emotion.
  • The affirmations displace your negative programming.
  • Law of Attraction does the rest.

You can get the free pre-made Mind Movie for manifesting money here.

When you buy Mind Movies, you can be much more specific.  You can  combine the images, music and affirmations that specifically sing to your soul.

You can use this very powerful tool to bring yourself to a state of attracting all that you desire.

Get the free pre-made “Money” Mind Movie here.

Abraham-Hicks 68 Seconds and Segment Intending

Abraham-Hicks tells us that 68 seconds of pure thought is enough to launch a creation.  I invite you to get much more deliberate about your placement of your 68-second processes.  Ponder your subject as if it already were the way you want it to be and feel the sweetness of its fulfillment.

One for Each Segment

If you insert one 68-second segment in between each of the segments of your day, you can increase your efficiency, joy, and satisfaction.

I’ll show you how…

Example #1: Work Segment

I am about to sit down at the computer to do some work.

I do 68 seconds about my enthusiasm about my project and the usefulness of its completion.

Example #2: Time for Lunch

I do 68 seconds about my gratitude for the beautiful nutritious food produced lovingly by mother earth. And about how this vibrant food transforms into a beautiful powerful body as it becomes part of me.

Example # 3: Practicing the Piano

I do 68 seconds about how much I love the sound of the chords and how good my fingers feel as they fly knowingly across the keys, always landing securely, accurately and creating beautiful music.

Get the idea?

Law of Attraction reads these signals loud and clear.

To help you focus for 68 seconds I have uploaded 2 video timers.  You may want to turn off the volume so the sound does not distract you.

Video Time #1 – Water (above)

Video Timer #2 Sea Gulls in slow motion


With Love,

PS – Only read this part if one of your strong intentions is to create more money this year, and if you are interested in Internet Marketing.

Registration for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula 3.0 has just opened and it is engineered to sell out quickly. (After all that is what he teaches you how to do!)  If you have an online business, or if this sort of thing tickles your fancy, you can sign up here.

Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances


Scroll Down to Listen to this Post

It’s easy to be peaceful when the sun is shining, the butterflies are fluttering, and the birds are singing.

A peaceful day, a peaceful feeling.

But when you can remain inwardly peaceful even as your world is rocked by challenges, you become a true liver of life.

We can all begin to cultivate this unrockable peace in small ways. These incremental contributions to our energetic stability add up and in time we become well established in peace.

[mc id=”460″ type=”audio”]Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances-Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction[/mc]

And while it may seem nearly impossible to reach that pure state of peace that has many names in many languages, we don’t have to make that huge leap all at once.   We can take small, deliberate, steps.

And the notion of a small expansion of peace within us seems quite doable.  There are no obstacles to taking a small step.  And these easy, small steps toward inner peace combine to create a state of profound aliveness.

Many people feel turmoil and try to attain inner peace by calming down the inner noise.

We will approach this differently.

Rather than addressing the upset and trying to get it to conform to peace, we will address the peace.

By looking for the peace that inherently lives within you, you set a wave in motion.  You engage Law of Attraction on the subject of inner peace and you eventually find the seed of peace that lives within you.  And then it grows and blossoms.

Here is a contemplative meditation that I recommend to begin this process:

Sit upright with eyes open or closed.  Ask yourself silently, “Where is the peace at the center of me?”

Then sit and let your awareness explore the dimensions of consciousness that you are.  Let yourself discover the seed of peace within you.

This is a profound beginning.


PS – Is losing weight one of your goals for the New Year?  Find out something you probably don’t know about how to burn fat. The Free recording is here.

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Happy New Year!

YOFA New YearCLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group

CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website

Happy New Year my friends.

I want to talk to you today about all those very powerful desires that you may be formulating right now.

(Scroll down to listen.)

[mc id=”443″ type=”audio”]Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Happy New Year![/mc]

Are you creating a list of resolutions, goals or intentions for the New Year?  I love doing that because this shifting of the calendar gives us an amplified feeling of a clean slate.  And a clean slate brings with it a feeling that anything is possible.  So we feel empowered as we look at desires that we may even have become very frustrated about in the past.  And now, with the New Year we have a renewed sense of possibility.  A rising of a feeling of empowerment and freedom to live the life your heart desires.

I was just listening to an Abraham CD and I want to share with you a perspective that dovetails perfectly with this energy of the New Year.

“When we speak of your past present and future, we acknowledge that during your past and even your present you are launching vibrational requests forward into your vibrational reality… What you call your future manifested reality is what we see as your present vibrational reality.”

From the teachings of Abraham

And so as we celebrate this landmark in time, and we look at the past year as the past and the new year as the future and we see our desires and goals as incomplete in the now and hopefully fulfilled in the future, we are not taking the Vortex into account.

My suggestion to you as you engage in this fun ritual of prepaving the New Year is to include your awareness of The Vortex. It’s really just a simple flip of a switch.

Instead of seeing the items on your list as things you want to manifest as future realities, acknowledge them as your present vibrational reality.

Then you can resolve all your resolutions into one simple aim:  to be become a vibrational match to the you who lives in your Vortex.

Happy 2010!

With Love,

Food, Money, and Manifestation – Where to click first?

food-money-manifestation.jpgCLICK FOR FOOD




This is a distilled message.

I’ve boiled down pages of info into just a couple of key ideas.

You see, I’ve got colleagues who are continually producing powerful tools for all of us to find more joy in the journey.  I love sharing these with you and I totally love getting your emails saying how great each new offering is as you partake in both the free and paid versions of all these launches and promotions.

On the other hand, I know that these promotional emails can be overwhelming.

On top of that, these launches seem to come in waves.  So you may notice you don’t get many of these emails from me for a while, then you get a whole bunch.

So, in an effort to give you the most value with the least words, here is my distilled message for today:

Law of Attraction and Affirmations (Start Manifesting with More Ease)

I have worked with affirmations with enormous success for many, many years.  If you want to increase the power of your affirmations, and start manifesting with the power of your word, click here.   This one is for you.

You are What You Eat – What Are You Eating?

Now what about the body temple?  Are you caring for the energy field that we know of as the physical body with love and appreciation?  What do you feed your body? 

If you want to energize, heal, and promote joyful longevity within the very personal system you call your body, click here for free access

Reach Into the Bag of Your Life Experience and Pull Out Money

You have money that you don’t know you have. 

It is hiding in your life experience.  I want you to learn how to extract the money that is woven into your past journey and not only bring it forward in your life, but help others in the process.

I want you to prosper.  And I have a feeling I know a way that you can make money that you have not thought about.  Or if you did think about it, you didn’t know how to get started. 

Here is what I recommend:

Find something you know about and love, maybe a hobby,  a talent, a passion.  And then what?  Teach others.  Knowledge that you take for granted is like gold to those who are seeking it.  And they will pay you to stay home, and teach them over the phone.  How do you do it?  Find out here

Begin the Transformation




I want to talk to you.

On the phone.


I want to talk to you about how you can begin immediately to transform even the most difficult aspects of your life.

There is no charge.

I simply want to share with you a perspective that has worked miracles in my life. In fact, it has been so profound for me that I wrote a book about it.

On this call you will begin a process that can change your life in ways that you may hardly even be able to imagine right now. 

How can I say that with such confidence?


I can promise you this because the Laws of the Universe (like Law of Attraction) are consistent and they work every time.


You can get instant access to this phone call (and webcast):

  1. Click on this link or paste this address into your browser:
  2. Enter your name and email – That’s it!

Then here’s what happens:

  • You’ll get an instant email from me with a link to the phone number to dial and all the details. 
  • You can also listen online to avoid long distance charges.
  • You’ll also get instant access (as a f ree download) to the introduction and first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite.

You are invited!

F ree Teleseminar and Webcast

Inner Alignment: The Key to the Inner Garden

Friday, July 24th
8:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Pacific.
Dial in or listen online
No Charge

Sign Up Here

I hope you can make it.

And please tell your friends.

Oh yeah, one more thing…

I might be re-opening registration for the jhe sessions on this call.

I haven’t decided yet because it takes me a good amount of time to get all the technical bits and pieces in place to re-open the jhe website.  I just don’t know if I can get it all set up in such a short time.

So please be patient with me if I haven’t gotten it in place by tomorrow’s call.

I only mention it here because if I do reopen the jhe sessions on this call, I will be offering bonuses to those who sign up.  So, be sure to pay attention to how to get the bonuses if this interests you.

That’s all I want to say about that right now.

Thank you for joining me on this inner adventure.

With Love,

PS – If you have already signed up, you should have received webcast and dial in link by now.  If you have not, please check your spam folder.  If you still can’t find it, please send me an email – rebbie(at) – and I’ll send it to you personally.

Inner Alignment Sessions – Current Registration Closes at Midnight Tonight






Ernest Holmes, in The Science of Mind, says, "Absent and present treatments are the same, for there is no absence in the One presence.

The YOFA Inner Alignment Sessions can be called "absent treatments" or "remote treatments."  And while the notion of how a session can be so effective when we are not in the same place can seem mysterious, their purpose is simple:

The Purpose of the YOFA Remote  Inner Alignment Sessions

The purpose of the YOFA Remote Inner Alignment Sessions is to bring you into alignment with your essence so that you become a field of joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe).

This process promotes:

  • Heightened spiritual awareness
  • Physical and emotional healing (jhe)
  • Loving relationships
  • Joyful manifestation of the desires of the true heart
  • Material abundance of things wanted

The inner alignment process is described in detail in the book Rooted in the Infinite and by practicing the exercises in the book, you can tap into the jhe that wants to express through your unique instrument,

The YOFA Inner Alignment Sessions, or YOFA jhe Sessions, amplify the benefits of your practice – OR – if you do not practice the meditations yourself, these sessions bring you these benefit passively.

Current Registration Closing

Tonight, June 1st, 2009, at midnight Eastern Time (9 pm Pacific), I am closing the registration for the YOFA jhe Sessions for a while.  You can find out more about this and why I am doing it here

 When you sign up, you get 8 sessions per month and the results are guaranteed.

You can find out more about the YOFA jhe Sessions (and the YOFA Inner Circle) at by clicking the links.  Also, take a look at some of the feedback I’ve received here.  I’m not sure when I will open registration again, so if this interests you, please be sure to register before Midnight Eastern, 9 pm Pacific tonight.

All Love,

Receiving Law of Attraction’s Gifts

yofa-wind.jpgThe YOFA jhe Sessions do not fit neatly into the categories of "energy healing" or "remote healing."  Since my training and experience of decades has charged my hands and my consciousness for what the world likes to call healing, I use those words so that if you are looking for what I am doing, you can find me.  

But I prefer to call what I do YOFA jhe Sessions.  It just makes more sense. 

  • These sessions are based on the system I call YOFA® (I teach this in the book Rooted in the Infinite). 
  • They promote jhe (joyful harmonious expressiveness)
  • and they are provided via remote sessions

So, YOFA jhe Sessions. Good name, right?  Well, yeah if you like made-up words (which I obviously do).  But if you are looking for what is provided by the jhe sessions, how in the world will you find them if I’m using made up words?  Hmmm.  Guess it’s all in the great big hands of Law of Attraction. (bye bye Google, hello loa)

Here is the email update that went out to the YOFA jhe Sessions members today.  If this is what you are looking for and Law of Attraction brought you here (and even if Google did) you can get on the list here.

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

Have you ever felt the freshness of the air
after a big windstorm?

Today’s session took any accumulation of
conflict, tension, frustration, and upset
that may have been hovering in your internal
environment and, like a storm, blew it right

As a result of this session I expect you to
feel the following:

1 – You feel more at peace with your current
condition and more accepting of your sweet
self (for better or for worse, in sickness
and in health, etc). This provides the
crucial step of releasing resistance and it
is the beginning of the manifestation of
everything you want.

It is also the beginning of feeling good
right here right now which is the only reason
you want those other things anyway.

2 – You start to see the solutions to your
so-called problems that have been right in
front of your nose all along.  When you
notice the words running though your head
like, "That’s so obvious!" or "How did I not
see that before?"  you’ll know that the wind
storm blew the fog and smog from your mind
and now you are seeing clearly.  Your heart
is back in command (ah, what a good

Where your health is concerned, today’s
session helps you release tension so that the
life force can get where it needs to go for
you to express great jhe.

Where your relationships are concerned,
today’s session allows you to see people with
new eyes.  I bet you didn’t know they were
so beautiful.

Where your money is concerned, today’s
session brings ideas to your mind that verge
on genius.  They are the answers to the most
intense questions you have been asking.
Follow them.

With love overflowing,