Happy Birthday YOFA jhe Sessions!

The YOFA jhe Sessions are 5 years old!  As the birthday approaches, I decided to let you tell me how to celebrate.  I’m going to give you a birthday present.  But which one?



Listen to the 10 minute audio to hear your choices.  Then click above to vote.  Whichever gift wins the vote is the one you will get so be sure to vote today.

I’ll be offering 2 free YOFA jhe Sessions.  You vote for what you want as thier focus:

  • Physical Well Being
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Loving Relationships
Which focus will win the vote?  Only time will tell.
Happy voting!

Energy Antidote to Fear Prompted by Watching the News about Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

seiza1In this article I will give you a simple inner alignment meditation that you can do anytime you feel anxiety, fear, or a sense of doom as a result of hearing frightening updates about the nuclear reactors in Japan.

There is a collective consciousness of fear of nuclear disaster that hums in the background around our planet – but it is usually kept in check.   There is usually a sense of a norm that allows other things to occupy our minds.  But when the news is filled with updates of radiation leakage from nuclear reactors, that hum starts to throb and it can easily set off an emotional meltdown.

Whether you feel overwhelmed with compassion for those who are in the thick of it, or fear for your own life and that of your lived ones, now is the time to commit to your vision of a joyful journey on this planet.

But how do you hold to a vision of joy when faced with images of smoking nuclear reactors, images of devastation, and news of more to come?  It’s hard to make that leap.  We need a stepping-stone between the feeling of doom and the feeling of light-hearted joy.  We need an adapter, a connector, some way to more easily move ourselves energetically from resonance with the problem to resonance with the solution.

The Pure Heart of Creativity

In the same way that you can pivot on your feet and change the direction of your journey, and you can move your eyes and change the direction of your gaze, you can also move your thoughts and change the direction of your manifestation.

When events in the world are extreme, it can be easy to cave in and feel defeated but there is an error in that logic.  It’s going backward round the circle.  (Like if you tried to track time by going counterclockwise, two o’clock would come before one o’clock and you would not show up for one appointment on time.)

Let me explain.  If you let world events determine your thoughts, your outlook and your emotional state, then you are letting what has already manifested determine your vibratory offering for the next reality.  This is  going counterclockwise round the manifestation clock.

But if you recognize that your thoughts create your reality, then there is no disaster big enough to interfere with your clockwise motion from consciousness to manifestation.  By committing to your knowing of the forward motion of creative thought, you can do more for this world than all those who are walking in the opposite direction, looking outward to find what is inside of them.  You, by taking the time to look inward first, create your world from the pure heart of creativity.

Inner Alignment Meditation

  • Sit upright and close your eyes.
  • Imagine yourself standing looking at the problem.
  • Imagine the problem becoming somewhat transparent like an apparition.
  • Imagine yourself walking through and past the problem.
  • When you are on the other side of the problem continue to walk forward.  Move toward the image of a beautiful earth.  Let the desire of your heart for the earth and its people guide your steps.
  • See the flowers blooming, the sky bright and blue. See children laughing.  Know that you have the power to create this reality.

This Z-axis meditation is based on the YOFA system of Inner Alignment.  I teach this system of meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Energy Antidote to Fear Prompted by Watching Videos of Japan’s Tsunami

YOFA MeditationIn this article I will give you a simple inner alignment meditation that you can do anytime you feel anxiety, fear, or a sense of losing your emotional stability as a result of watching video footage of the tsunami in Japan.

Here we are, on the other side of the globe, and yet we are all connected and we feel major earth shifts energetically.  Some of us more than others.  But when we see the videos of the devastation… when we see cars and houses washing by and crashing into each other, all subtlety vanishes and the feeling in your gut can be hard to shake.

Why Get Yourself In Alignment Now

Your inner alignment right now is of great value to you and to your world.  Your emotional stability during this crisis can be the greatest gift you ever give yourself.   This is a rare opportunity to achieve a new level of mastery.  By taking this extremely unwanted occurrence and transmuting it into a spiritual gym, you get a powerful workout and build your spiritual muscle in a way that can lift you to a new level of inner stability and freedom.

This stability will serve you through the rest of your life, for sure.  But it also does more.  You become a point of stability for others.  As their energy fields are thrashing about, sloshing about, and reeling from the tidal wave images, you become a place of high ground that assists them in finding their own stability.  Not necessarily through your words or direct guidance, but from your mere presence.

How to Find Your Stability

Once you have seen the images of the tsunami, even if you stop watching them, the images can repeat themselves in your mind and each time they do, they can have the effect of uprooting you energetically.  If these images persist, you can feel a combination of powerlessness, fear, and dread.

One antidote to this feeling of overwhelming anxiety is to establish a more stable inner root.  By doing this you do not erase the images but you become more stable and more able to deal with the world you are now living in.

The following inner alignment meditation is designed to fortify your energetic rootedness so that you maintain your emotional stability through this crisis.

Inner Alignment Meditation

  • Sit upright and close your eyes.
  • Sense a vertical column of light running right through your spine.  Imagine this column of light to have the density of a wooden pole, like a broom stick.  Imagine that this pole of light is made of peaceful glowing energy and it is sitting right at the center of your body.
  • Now follow the bottom of this pole down into the earth and notice that it continues straight through to the center of the earth.  Its profound essence of peace sets the tone for the entire planet and it extends its peaceful glowing essence into every cell of your body.
  • Notice that this stream of glowing peace is 100% pure and cannot be shaken by physical matter.  It remains a pure light of peace regardless of the movements of the earth, or the waters, or your body.
  • And both you and the great Mother Earth have direct access to this stream of glowing peace essence at all times and in all places.
  • Take as long as you like to come into greater and greater awareness of this stream and return to it whenever you feel the need or desire.

This stream is always vital, vibrant, powerful and available.  With continued practice, your awareness of it will become more reliable and more useful in all aspects of your life.

This Y-axis meditation is based on the YOFA system of Inner Alignment meditation.  I teach this system of meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.

When Meditation Gets Boring

There is a hot and constant molting process that each of us lives as we shed what has formed to become what is forming.  If we could see this energy transformation it might look like a trail of light.  Each of us a comet with a long trail of experiential skin blazing off of us as we tear into our next reality.comet

Meditation is a moment of standing between the formed and the formless and finding unnamed awareness.  When there is an imbalance in that stance, meditation appears boring.  I think we have all experienced this.  One antidote to this imbalance (which appears as boredom) is the practice of karma yoga.

In the action of service we weave invisible threads that blend us with the whole.  We engage willingly in the field of vibrational congruencies that extend just beyond our awareness.  We don’t know what these congruencies are, but we blend and blend and soon we find our stance.  In that delicate awareness – that zone between the already formed and the yet unformed – we are like wind and wave.  We extend beyond our skin.  Here, we tend the inner garden and find that the science of happiness has nothing to do with conditions.  Its laboratory sits fully in the space where nothing is.  As we come into greater harmony with the field of vibrational congruencies – even though we are not consciously aware of them – we find peace.

The Healing Energy of Gratitude – Root Chakra Healing

IMG_0458By Rebbie Straubing

In this brief article, I want to share with you a chakra healing technique you can use any time to promote healing in your body. You can use this method before or after a session of meditation. You can also use it while running for a bus or driving in your car. This technique is utterly simple and surprisingly effective. Of course, if you want to get more involved with its complexities, you can. But for now, let’s keep it nice and simple.

It is based on the resonance between two powerful waves of energy that you can easily activate in your awareness. As powerful as any one modality may be in the self-healing toolbox, when you skillfully combine two resonant tools, you increase your results exponentially.

1 – The Root Chakra

We begin with the energy of the root chakra. This energy center is located at the base of your spine – or more specifically, at the base of your torso. This is not a physical structure but a constellation of energy. Like the magnetic field around a magnet, your root chakra also exerts an invisible force. This chakra represents an energetic vortex of influence in the root region of your body consciousness.

Begin this simple process by focusing your attention on this area of your body – the base of the torso. As you do this, realize that it is not your body you are activating. You are awakening this region of your consciousness.

2 – Gratitude

Next, bring into your awareness the words, “thank you.” Let these words create a tapping sensation in the root region of your consciousness. Like the mallets inside a piano, let the repetition of “thank you” tap your consciousness so that it rings the tone of gratitude throughout your awareness. This technique sends waves of appreciation through your system and brings your physical body into alignment with the energy of gratitude. This harmonizing energy has the effect of healing.

Another Version:

For a more complex version, and to add more feeling, you can say “thank you for…” As various blessings cross your mind, add them to the next tap. This is not a physical tap. It is a feeling of the power of each impression of the words, “thank you.”

When to use Which Version

The simple version (using only “thank you”) is best for times when you are very busy and doing this in the background. It is also best for use in meditation when this is your sole focus. The more complex version (using “thank you for…”), where you list the things you are grateful for, is best for times when you are upset and your mind is going in a negative direction.

As you combine the energetic influence of your root chakra with the healing power of gratitude, you take possession of yet one more facet of your ability to promote your own healing. The conduit of the root chakra amplifies your experience of gratitude and sends a clearer message for Law of Attraction to match. This process enriches your life experience on a deeper level than we can usually access with the conscious mind.

And now I’d like to invite you to get the full story on the hidden powers of the root chakra in the book “Rooted in the Infinite.” Get your free introductory download at http://www.rootedintheinfinite.com . And be sure to claim your Free eCourse “7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” at http://www.yofa.net. You’ll receive 3 simple lessons by email that can transform your life and bring you into alignment with the desires of your heart. This helps you manifest more joyfully, with more ease, and in a way that makes life more fulfilling. YOFA is the place where Law of Attraction meets meditation.

Free Meditation Workshop: Empowerment



CLICK HERE to Register for the next f ree meditation workshop (on the phone)

The subject is empowerment.

Power is such a tricky word.

Your personal power might just be the most important jewel you could ever possess.  And yet so many of us lose track of our power every single day.

  • We give it away.
  • We think it means having power over others and so we shy away from it, thinking it is bad.
  • We think it makes us egotistical and so we opt for false modesty.
  • It can get so complicated and the result is we step out of our personal power and we give away our joy.

What you already know

Well, there are many great teachers who you can follow to boost your sense of empowerment.  And I will not bother trying to duplicate what they teach you.

Something you probably don’t know about power

I have something else to share with you and it is at the esoteric center of your personal empowerment. And it might surprise you.

  • But once you understand the spiritual basis of freedom…
  • And once you understand the profound gift it is to give to yourself…
  • And once you know a simple way to activate it in your life…

…You will never be the same.  You can step into your power with renewed creativity every single day.

I will teach you this simple process on the phone in the next 20 minute workshop.  There is no charge for the live workshop.


Will there be a recording?

The recording will only be available in the members site for those who have bought the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Wishing you all your heart desires,


YOFA is the place where Law of Attraction and Meditation meet.

My Roots: Hilda Charlton

I’ve talked to you about Hilda on many occasions. This is the first time I’ve found some video to share with you.  Hilda was my teacher when I was a teenager.  Even in this little clip, I think you’ll see very clearly how strong her influence was on me and how it remains a big part of me to this day.

I hope you enjoy spending a few moments with my teacher, Hilda Charlton.

With Love,

PS – The next YOFA 101 Meditation Workshop has been scheduled.  I’ll be telling you more about it very soon.  You can sign up here: Learn How to Meditate



Post  your comments!

Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances


Scroll Down to Listen to this Post

It’s easy to be peaceful when the sun is shining, the butterflies are fluttering, and the birds are singing.

A peaceful day, a peaceful feeling.

But when you can remain inwardly peaceful even as your world is rocked by challenges, you become a true liver of life.

We can all begin to cultivate this unrockable peace in small ways. These incremental contributions to our energetic stability add up and in time we become well established in peace.

[mc id=”460″ type=”audio”]Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances-Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction[/mc]

And while it may seem nearly impossible to reach that pure state of peace that has many names in many languages, we don’t have to make that huge leap all at once.   We can take small, deliberate, steps.

And the notion of a small expansion of peace within us seems quite doable.  There are no obstacles to taking a small step.  And these easy, small steps toward inner peace combine to create a state of profound aliveness.

Many people feel turmoil and try to attain inner peace by calming down the inner noise.

We will approach this differently.

Rather than addressing the upset and trying to get it to conform to peace, we will address the peace.

By looking for the peace that inherently lives within you, you set a wave in motion.  You engage Law of Attraction on the subject of inner peace and you eventually find the seed of peace that lives within you.  And then it grows and blossoms.

Here is a contemplative meditation that I recommend to begin this process:

Sit upright with eyes open or closed.  Ask yourself silently, “Where is the peace at the center of me?”

Then sit and let your awareness explore the dimensions of consciousness that you are.  Let yourself discover the seed of peace within you.

This is a profound beginning.


PS – Is losing weight one of your goals for the New Year?  Find out something you probably don’t know about how to burn fat. The Free recording is here.

YOFA Meditation for Upliftment

YOFA Meditation to Reverse Holiday DepressionClick the play button below to listen to this post.

As we get close to the holidays it seems like some people get very happy and full of holiday cheer.

Others have a tendency to get depressed.

Still others are dealing with major life challenges and while they may really want to feel happy and full of cheer, they find it difficult to get into the spirit.

[mc id=”425″ type=”audio”]Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – A YOFA Meditation to Move from Holiday Depression to Natural Upliftment[/mc]

So, today, I want to give you a very quick meditation that you can use to lift your spirits just in case you are struggling with any of the difficult emotions that tend to ride in on the holidays.  And as an aside, if you deal with depression you can visit the website http://yofa.net/getlight and sign up for the free program there that will help you find a completely new way feeling better emotionally.

So, we’re talking about lifting your spirits but, actually, the expression “lift your spirits” is not very accurate.

Here’s why:

From the perspective of your physical human personality, your spirit is always rising.  It’s like a helium balloon. It is lighter than air.  It lives in the up direction.

I’ve been talking a lot about the Y-axis lately.  There is this vertical line of force that runs through your upright spine.  I call this the Y-axis and it is what you might want to call the spiritual axis within the human system.  And there is startling information on the Y-axis and how to engage it in meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  More than I can go into here.  You can find out more at http://rootedintheinfinite.com/

So the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy running through your upright spine.

It provides what I like to call the “up-force.”  And so you don’t lift your spirits.  And a good movie or a loving friend’s phone call doesn’t lift your spirits.

It feels like it does.

But what is really going on here is what we think of as that “uplifting” influence helps you release your resistance to the already lifted state of your spirit.

And once there is even a little bit less resistance, you feel uplifted.  You know how they cut the sandbags off a hot air balloon and it goes up?  Well, when you cut the sandbags of resistance off of your awareness, your sprit lifts.

It lifts all by itself.  That is its natural state:  Upliftment. Joy. Empowerment. Freedom.

So, if you feel worried, anxious or depressed, you can cut some of those emotional sandbags and find some relief.  And in some cases this can happen very quickly.

Now, here’s the peculiar part of all this.

When we feel heavy and depressed, when we feel overburdened and hopeless, we have a tendency to get confused about what to do about it.

This Doesn’t Work…

And since we know all about gravity, we believe that what goes up must come down so we try to “lift our spirits.”

But this doesn’t really work.

When you try to lift your spirits, you are in effect trying to hold up your own Y-axis. (Remember, the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy that runs through your upright spine. And its natural direction is up.)

That would be like getting in a hot air balloon and trying to lift the balloon with your muscle power.  You won’t go very far.

This Does Work

But when you cut the sandbags and let the hot air balloon do what it naturally does, you go up.

And the same is true emotionally.

When you release resistance and let your sprit do what it naturally does, you feel uplifted.

When you release your burden you naturally rise.

So, today, I’d like to give you a very quick little Y-axis meditation that is intended to have the effect of lifting your sprits.  But you and I both know that that is not what it is doing at all.

It does feel that way though.

This mediation is actually intended to help you release resistance so that you naturally and effortlessly feel better emotionally.  This is another Y-axis meditation.

Try This:

Sit upright, and close your eyes.

Sense, feel, or visualize a beam of white light running vertically through the center of you.  It begins at the center of the earth and continues through you and beyond, into the unknown reaches of the sky.

Your body is like a straw and this light energy pours through it in the most easy and comfortable way imaginable.

This beam of light is made of pure love.  It feels peaceful and kind.  As it flows through you it is infinitely compassionate toward you. Feel your posture shift to accommodate your growing awareness of this core of love that flows through your energetic spine.

And as you become more and more aware of this energy, whether you can feel it or not, whether your can picture it or not, even if it is just a thought in your mind, as you become more and more aware of this energy, its field of love and peace and ease and acceptance of all that you are begins to permeate your body.  All your cells become magnetized to this unconditional love at the core of you.

This peace permeates your mind so that all thought forms turn themselves around in space until they find an alignment that is harmonious with the love and peace at the core of you.

For just these few moments, your mind and body rest, floating in the field of love and peace that is generated by the love light flowing through the straw of your human instrument.

You can stay in this awareness and bask in the energy field for as long as you like.  When you are ready open your eyes and step into your life empowered by this alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS. – Right now You can get the complete recordings of a YOFA Y-axis Law of Attraction Workshop ($35 value) for free when you buy Revolutioniz by midnight Friday, December 11.

Inner Alignment Meditation: The Time is Now

Rooted in the Infinite

You carry the now around with you.  I know that may seem like a strange way to understand your relationship with the mystical now.  If you get really quiet, you might be able to feel the now breathing through the vertical energy of your spine.  I like to call that your energetic spine.  And I like to call the vertical axis that runs through your upright spine the Y-axis.   And so the Y-axis meditation (which is how we align with the vertical) offers a direct route to awakening to the now within our awareness.

[mc id=”414″ type=”audio”]Untitled Media[/mc]

Meditation for Spiritual Awareness

If you come to the YOFA system of Inner Alignment seeking spiritual awareness and upliftment, the Y-axis meditation is all that is needed. Its orientation gives you access to the spiritual awakening that you seek.

Meditation for All Other Reasons

If you come to this system seeking healing, loving relationships, prosperity and all other forms of joyful manifestation, the Y-axis meditation is the starting point.  It’s always the starting point.  And no other axis can replace it.  At least not as long as you are living here on earth!

(You can find out the inner meaning of the 3 dimensions and the 3 axes and their relationship to the earth in Rooted in the Infinite.)

So you can see that your alignment with the vertical is a fundamental aspect of the YOFA system.  As you work with the meditations in the book, I’d like you to give special attention to the Y-axis.  Like the trunk of a tree, it is the basis from which everything else that we do in this system branches.

Try This

Sit upright.  Feel the vertical “up force” as it lifts you from within. Allow all your muscles to relax so that you become a vertically balanced system.  Energy within you moves up and your relaxed muscles cooperate with gravity.  Feel the peace and stability that result from this awareness.  This is a wonderful structure for the now to live in as you.