Michael Beckwith brings the Agape Church Experience to Your Door

Rickie Byars Beckwith, Rebbie Straubing, Rev. Michael BeckwithBack in the mid 1990s (can’t remember the exact year) I was cleaning out my chiropractic office.  I don’t talk about this much, but I had become quite  ill and had to stop working.  After years of not being able to practice, and after having a string of other doctors covering the practice for me, and then subletting the space, I finally came to the realization that I had to let go of the office.

[mc id=”775″ type=”audio”]Rebbie Talks about Rev. Michael Beckwith and Agape[/mc]

The reality was hitting pretty hard that I was not coming back to the office and the whole life that I had worked so hard to build for myself and that I truly loved.

I remember sitting on the floor in one of the adjusting rooms amid the boxes and feeling so sad.  I couldn’t understand why this had happened and where I was headed.  It was a very hard time for me.

So this was about 15 years ago, and there I was, overwhelmed with the feeling of my life not going the way I had planned and with no relief in sight.  So I called m my sister Marsha and she told me about a song that they sing all the time at Agape.  And she told me the song says, “Use me.”

I said, “Use me?”

She told me it was about making yourself available for God.

The song goes “Use me, Oh God. I stand for you and here I’ll abide as you show me all that I must do.”

At that moment I chose to take on that stance.  “Use me.”

The essence of this “classic Agape” song, written by Michael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith, and transmitted by my sister’s clarity and insight, dramatically shifted my state in that moment.  And I still refer back to that moment and sing that song to myself when I feel lost or discouraged. And it always releases resistance in me and I come into alignment with the help of that song.

This is just one of the innumerable times when the words of Rev. Michael Beckwith and the music of Rickie Byars Beckwith have provided a profound presence in my life over many years.  I am deeply grateful for their energy, wisdom, light, music, and guidance.

Why am I telling you all this right now?

Because the folks at Agape have put together a great big package that has videos, DVDs, CDs, books, cards, music, and even several subscriptions to Rev. Michael Beckwith’s live calls, community and classes so you can start to take your life to the next level and get the support you need to really master your inner self.  This is an extraordinary opportunity to get so many resources for such a low price from someone who I consider to be one the most valuable spiritual teachers in my personal journey.

This is a hugely generous offer and I invite you to take a look at it right now.



With Love and Appreciation,

‘Serving the Emerging Paradigm’ – Rev Michael Beckwith

Rev. Michael Beckwith is inviting us to ask the question, “How can I serve?”

As a YOFA® exercise to support this message, please read the section of Rooted in the Infinite entitled “Karma” that begins on page 124 of the book.  Then, as you do your Inner Alignment meditations, bring the words, “How can I serve?” into your practice.

Notice the difference in quality as you flow this question along the X-axis vs. flowing it along the Z-axis.  Your insights are welcome here.

With Love and Gratitude,

For a full training in the inner meanings of these axes and how to transform all aspects of your life using the YOFA system of Inner Alignment, follow the instructions in the book Rooted in the Infinite

Law of Attraction: Love Your Resistance?

simple.gifEvery month I give an online workshop for a small group of advanced students of Law of Attraction.  The workshop consists of recordings, processes, and then a live teleseminar/webcast.

In the last workshop, I had the participants draw a map of their journey in a way that promotes profound compassion for your past.  This process grew out of a realization I had that involved B.B. King, yogurt, TImes Square, and the Catresian coordinates. I won’t take you through the whole trail of events but the short version of the story is that there is trememdous power in embracing past resistance.  We don’t often think kindly toward our negative staes, but there is a time to love them and it is simple: always love past resistance in the now.  The result is major release of resistance in the now.

Here is an email I received about this workshop :

Dear Rebbie:

I want to say THANK YOU to you, Kathy and Grace for a FANTASTIC workshop last night.  It was perfect for me.  I had not completely finished the homework due to scheduling but I had done enough to understand what was going on with the drawing of the picture etc.  Having done a Visioning seminar this past weekend in Chicago with Michael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith, I was in a strange zone and I guess not courageous enough to be live on the phone with you all.  I went online instead.  So the experience of Kathy’s cruise helped me tremendously.  I am still in a zone and have to go through the uncomfortable feelings to get to the next step in my expansion, but I wanted to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to you for all you give me.  I may be silent during this time but I am here.

Have a magnificent day.


Linda’s email reminded me that not everyone wants to share and participate, and there are those moving quietly and privately through this material.  And so this is a quick note to let you know that whether you participate on the call or not, you are included in the space of the workshops and your energy contributes to the advancement of everyone’s process.

Once again, that part is invisible, but it’s there. 

The great authenticity you bring to your own private work with the lessons uplifts the whole group. Thank you to all who are part of the YOFA Results Workshop — vocal or silent.

  • To register for this workshop and go through the full process with the recordings.  CLICK HERE
  • To become a monthly member CLICK HERE