Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Step One – Get the Book

Wow.  What a great response to the idea of a study group. Okay.  We’re on.

If you just landed here, to fill you in, yesterday I sent out a mailing suggesting a blog-based study group focused on the Abraham-Hicks book The Vortex. I said if we had 20 comments on yesterday’s blog post by the end of the week, I’d do it.  If we had 40 comments I’d lead a live teleseminar.

Well, within 2 or 3 hours we had 40 comments. Now there are even more. Thank you for so clearly expressing your interest. I hear you!

So, here’s the plan:

Since so many of you already have the book, we’ll get going very soon.

Today I want to cover 2 main points:

  1. Get the book if you don’t already have it.
    • Special offers when you buy the book:
      •   Even if you already bought the book, you might still be eligible.
  2. The focus/purpose/aim of this study group.


  • Hay House has very generously put together some audio bonuses when you buy the book from them.
  • Hay House has also organized some tasty bundles at discount prices
  • If you prefer to buy the book on Amazon or B&N (or if you already did) you can still get bonus recordings and enter a contest to win Abraham goodies. Click here and scroll down and click on the book. In the middle of the page you will see the words "Hay House is offering a variety of prizes and gifts to celebrate the release of The Vortex"


It’s kind of funny to use the word "study" because this is far from an intellectual pursuit.  We are involved in an experiential/vibrational process as we immerse ourselves in this material.  And yet the word "study" pleases me because it implies deliberate focus.  And that is closer to the point.

One way to describe the purpose of this study group is to use the power of our virtual connection with each other to create a hum.  Like a vibrational choir – one that you hear with your heart rather than your ears.  That hum is in harmony with the Vortex of Creation that is individual for each one of us and yet rings out in the richness of all of our relationships.

A simpler way to say it is that the purpose of this study group is to encourage us all to get in the Vortex.


We tend to read passively.  This blog now offers you another option.  You are invited to read, digest, move the message through the uniqueness of your life, and then share something that others will read. You also have the good fortune to be able to read what other wise travelers experience with the book as they comment here. I’ll offer the structure and do my best to answer questions, but this is your show. You get to shine your light here.  Get to know each other. Have some fun. Let’s see how it goes!

If you like, you can begin your comments with a one word category. Here are some suggestions:

  • Question – This will be helpful to me so that I can scan through and get to questions as quickly as possible.
  • Aha – Good for sudden realizations.
  • Sharing – How it is working in your life.
  • Pondering – Think out "loud" as you process

You can also indicate the page(s) that prompted your comment.  That way the others in the group can refer back to the book for greater insight into your comment.


Please comment with any format related suggestions, questions, or celebrations.

See you in the Vortex,

Abraham-Hicks: The Power of the Mind

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA "The Vortex" Study Group

"I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts… You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction."


From "The Vortex" – Abraham-Hicks

 So many people think of staunch stoicism when the idea of controlling the mind enters a conversation.  It’s like you must become the general of an army to control your thoughts.  It sounds like really hard work. You need a uniform or a badge and as you start policing your thoughts they just get more outrageously misbehaved.

Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) offers a completely different approach to the notion of controlling your thoughts. And in my experience it is way more effective. Rather than conjuring law enforcement images with our thoughts as the criminals, Abraham’s approach inspires the fresh breeze of freedom. It conjures bread crumb trails through the forest, flowing streams, and now, the Vortex.

By using what some might call the power of the subconscious mind, Abraham maps out a plan based on joy.  Some people call it the power of the subconscious mind because they recognize that it takes no conscious effort.  It seems to happen all on its own.

The ease of including Law of Attraction in your plans makes controlling your thoughts natural, spontaneous and almost effortless.  It does takes some effort to set the wave in motion, but once you take conscious control of your focus, the rest happens thanks to Law of Attraction.

 Want to read "The Vortex" with me?

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA "The Vortex" Study Group

Leave a comment below if you have the book (or are planning to get the book), and you’d like to have a place here on the YOFA blog to follow along, post your comments and insights, and move through the book together (after all, it is all about relationships!)

Post a Comment Below if You Want a Blog-Based Study Group for "The Vortex"