Inner Master Mind Technique

Here is an idea that can zoop up your
manifesting and make it unusually fun.

First ingredient:

Let’s start with a quote from Napoleon

“Men (and women) take on the nature and the
habits and the power of thought of those
with whom they associate in a spirit of
sympathy and harmony.”

Second ingredient:

Ponder historical figures:  People who
inspire you and thrill you at the mere
thought of them.

Ponder currently living figures, too.

They can be musicians, spiritual leaders,
move stars, etc.  Find people who inspire
you. The mere thought of them brings
out the best in you.

Gather a small list of these great figures
who live inside you as phenomenal forces
of inspiration and empowerment.

(I have had people like Rev. Martin Luther King,
Hilda Charlton, Ghandi, and many others in my
inner Master Mind group.)

Third ingredient:

Meet regularly in your imagination with
this group of beings who live within you.

This is your ancient Master Mind group.

* Ask them for advice

* Model their mastery and ability.

* “Take on the nature and the habits
and the power of thought” of these
great inner friends and watch your life

Alternate method #1:

Gather pictures of these same people and
look at them daily as if they are your
friends, your private Master Mind group.

Let the inspiring qualities that you see
in them flow into your thoughts words and deeds.

Open yourself to their influence so that you tune
yourself to their greatness.

Alternate method 2:

Make a Mind Movie with the pictures of these
people and watch it every day.

This can also be used very powerfully in
combination with the 3rd ingredient.

Here is the key:

* Make sure to use inspiring music and
choose quotes from these people along
with your affirmations in the Mind Movie.

* As you watch the Mind Movie, float your
awareness into connection with their
wisdom and strength that lives within you.

* Then have your Master Mind meeting where
you consult with these great advisors who
live right there inside of you.

I think you will find it is super fun and
surprisingly fruitful.

*** But please be warned.  Only do this if you
really want your life to get noticeably better.

Whether it’s about your financial state,
your relationships or anything else, get
ready to step into huge transformation and
manifestation.  This technique, when combined
with Mind Movies, is very powerful and can
catapult you into a whole new phase of life.

Handle with care! (and fun!)

With Love,

PS – If you are even considering getting
the new Mind Movies Creation Kit, today is
the last day of the launch. So please be
sure to get in on all the extras (it’s a lot)
before midnight tonight.

Get it here:

PPS – You will still be able to purchase Mind
Movies 2.0 after today but the price will
be $197 instead of $97 plus you won’t
receive any of the special launch bonuses.

It comes with a complete guarantee and
it really works… Now is the time…

Prosperity: Joe Vitale’s 4 Stages of Awakening






YOFA Blog  Joe VItale

Dr. Joe Vitale found a place in my heart when he introduced me to Ho’oponopono.

You can listen to this post here:

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I am deeply grateful to him for that and if you don’t know about Ho’oponopono, you’ll learn a little bit about it in this video.  We can explore that more in another post.  But right now, the gift at hand is a concise presentation, in this informal video, of Joe Vitale’s view of The Four Stages of Awakening.

This brings a mystical flavor to our topic.  Before you watch this video, close your eyes for one quick moment and get a feeling of where you are on the emotional scale regarding your financial reality.  Then check in again after the movie and see how much you have shifted.

Do 2 things:

  1. Watch the video CLICK HERE TO WATCH
  2. Download FREE eBook Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Here is the email I received about this video and I’m passing it along to you:
There are three things you need to know right now about
attracting your desires:

1. There are Four Stages of Awakening.

2. 90% of us remain stuck in the first stage of awakening.

3. It is impossible to achieve our desires in this first stage.
But we only need to make a subtle but profound shift to move
into the second stage of awakening!

One of the most recognized masters of "The Secret," Joe Vitale
helped me recognize this. And today, the folks over at The Masters
Gathering were able to grab Joe for a fascinating discussion on
The Four Stages of Awakening is guaranteed to generate at least
one powerful "AHA" for you.


I can promise you, this video is unlike anything you’ve seen.
If you loved what Joe had to say in "The Secret," imagine
listening to his insight and brilliance for more than 20

And he goes deep with this one.

Joe reveals the MUST DO process we have to begin before we
can make all the other stuff we’ve learned work.

How do I know this? Well…

I have a confession to make…

This is the secret weapon I’ve been using to build my business
and, more importantly, to build my life.

It’s what makes the difference between succeeding and just surviving.

And Joe nails it in this video. It’s some of the most profound advice
I’ve heard in a long time and its easy.

You’ll discover:

* Why our attempts to manipulate our lives, our experience, and the
universe don’t work, and a simple shift to opening the floodgates
to success.

(This one alone is priceless because most people misunderstand The
Law of Attraction. Joe clears this up for us.)

* How to use your own challenges to breed results. Most of us deny
or shy away from pain, but pain is a very spiritual place to be.

You can use your challenges to directly produce your desires!
That’s actually what they’re meant for.

* The secret to a happy life. This happens naturally as you progress
through the four stages of awakening.

Discover the Four Stages to Awaken Success Now!


You’re crazy if you don’t jump all over this! 

Also be sure to catch the other two videos available from The Masters
Gathering. Billionaire John Assaraf and "Millionaire-Maker" Loral
Langemeier round out this staggering collection of video interviews.

If you haven’t heard about The Masters Gathering yet, you will.

(Though I have to ask, "Where the heck have you been the past week?!")

These guys have somehow wrangled the biggest, brightest, and most
successful masters of business, personal transformation, health,
and more.

But here’s the kicker…

The Masters Gathering hasn’t even pulled their Ace yet!

You can take my word for it, the geniuses behind The Masters
Gathering will blow your mind with what they’ve cooked up.

So take my advice and stay tuned!

Word on the street is that a major announcement is coming next
week! But don’t wait. In the meantime, you’ve got to check out
these videos.

Don’t delay!

P.S. I don’t know how long they’re keeping these videos up, so
make sure you grab them now.

Just go here NOW


Over 40,000 people have watched and are raving about these videos.
Wait till you see the glowing comments!

Prosperity: Loral Langemeier Makes Millionaires

Loral Langemeier








YOFA Blog Prosperity #2

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A friend told me about Loral Langemeier a number of years ago and, in all the information overload, I let that name slide from my awareness.  Now she is coming to my attention again and this time I’m listening more closely. 

Funny how it’s all about timing.

Well, it’s the Masters Gathering that keeps tapping me on the shoulder and saying. "Look at this, look at this."  And I go.

So Loral’s video is due to come out today and I’m eagerly awaiting it.  You see, I’ve been studying Law of Attraction for ages.  I’ve been hooked up to Abraham headphones since 1993 and at some point I got so filled up that it just started pouring out of me into a microphone.  Like a big electronic metaphysical circulatory system. 

But when it comes to money I kind of glaze over.  So this is a topic where I sit as a basic student and listen with you for what my inner guidance tells me feels good.

As I’m posting this I have not seen the video yet so, let’s watch it together and see how this information shifts us toward empowerment on the subject of money.

And you can still go to  to get a free download of Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich as an ebook. I’m not sure how long this will be available so please get it while it’s there.

Here is the email I received about this free video and I’m passing it along to you:

If you’ve recently been laid off, know
someone who’s been laid off, fear losing your
job or you’re just plain nervous about the
economic recession…

I have a heartening and inspiring message for

I’d like to share with you a candid,
in-your-face video fresh from Loral
Langemeier where she weighs in on the economy
and tells you exactly how you can release
your fear and embrace abundance during this

How to Be a Recession Millionaire & Know
You’re Worth It!


In case you don’t know, Loral is a recognized
"Millionaire Maker" and was the featured
financial guru in "The Secret."

100% of her personal students make money and
lots of it.

Be sure to watch the entire video to the
finish. She actually GIVES AWAY a six-week
course that will teach you exactly how to
transform your current challenges into
abundant opportunities and massive wealth.

Loral proves that it’s easier than any of us
let ourselves believe.

She also reveals:

* The #1 Emerging Business that ANYONE can
earn a living in, online or offline, with no
other skills than what you need in your
daily life anyway (cooking, cleaning,
driving, etc.).

(Trust me, this one alone is PRICELESS!)

* Exactly what to do to bring money into your
life, beyond just thinking about it.

* Where your debt comes from and how to
eradicate it forever

And plenty more.

And did you know that more millionaires were
made per capita during The Great Depression
than at any other time in history?

Now is YOUR time to thrive!

Learn exactly how, and I mean exactly what
you can do TODAY to forever transform your
personal economy.

The Secret to Not Just Making Money, But
Making a LIFE


Did you know that the #1 concern among
followers of "The Secret" and those who
practice the Law of Attraction is how to make
money and manifest abundance?

Who better to learn from than the woman
*known* for creating millionaires. It’s her
job title!

But BEWARE if you’re not ready…

Loral Langemeier is no timid soul. She
delivers it to you straight from the hip,
with no nonsense and absolutely no room for

If you aren’t ready to transform your income,
your business, and your life, don’t even
bother with this video. It’ll just tick you
off. Because it is absolutely impossible to
listen to this woman and not feel the urgent
need to take action and change your life.

And please:

Don’t forget to grab her free course at the
end of the video!

She’s handing your success to you on a silver

Hear it Straight From the Millionaire-Maker’s


P.S. Almost forgot to mention this…If you
haven’t seen it yet, there’s another
incredible video you’ll receive access to,
from billionaire John Assaraf on the power of
your mind and Meditation. From the glowing
reviews we’ve been getting, that one is not
to be missed either.

P.S.S. Oh, and I hear John also GIVES AWAY a
free course or special report in the video.
So please go watch these videos.  They’ll
make your day!

Here they are:


Oh and you’ve probably heard the chatter all
over the net about a Masters Gathering
that’s taking place.

Here’s a HINT: you’ll find yourself smack dab
in the middle of the largest gathering of
living success and transformation masters
when you enter the world of these videos.
There’s a community already waiting for you.


Prosperity: Napoleon Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie


I want you to prosper spiritually, financially and in your relationships.

I want you to prosper regardless of the state of the economy or the messages blasting from the media.

Listen to this blog post here:

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 Both the economy and the media’s reporting of the economy are in the category of things already manifested. I like to call these things “already baked bread.” 

I want to support you in continually tweaking the recipe of your vibration so that the economic reality that you are baking up right now is abundant, bright, and satisfying to you.

So I have decided to create a series of posts here on the blog that are designed to inspire you. They consist of carefully selected videos, quotes, and suggested material for your ongoing and expanding prosperity regardless of conditions.

I will also be sprinkling in the role of your inner alignment in this exploration.

Please check back frequently and be sure to add your comments. Let me know what rings your bells and what you want to see more of here.

And now for the practical part.
How will you actually make money? How will you receive from Infinite Abundance?

The initial step is to bring yourself into alignment with your knowing, trusting, and accepting of the principle of abundance.

After you listen to Napoleon Hill’s message in the video posted above, please consider these 2 questions:

How do I currently, most authentically, take possession of my own mind?

How can I more fully bring myself into alignment with my knowing of Infinite Supply?

Now here is a very quick recap of Napoleon Hill’s recommendations:

  1. Get a notebook.
  2. Write your major desire in life (your idea of success)
  3. Write what you intend to give in return (and start giving)
  4. Memorize both statements
  5. Repeat them at least a dozen times daily
  6. End with this statement:
I ask not, oh Divine Providence, for more riches, but more wisdom with which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends I desire. – Napoloen Hill

Go to  to get a free download of Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich as an ebook. I’m not sure how long this will be available so please get it while it’s there.

Knowing your true nature as prosperous,