YOFA jhe Session: Getting in The Vortex

Registration for the YOFA jhe Sessions is now open.

CLICK HERE for more information.

I did a YOFA jhe Session for all of you who are on the jhe list (including the free list) today.

This was a Y-axis focused session and, in a nutshell, this alignment brings access to joy. (To understand the central role of the Y-axis in consciousness, please refer to chapters 8 and 9 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

In the language that Abraham has been using lately, this session is about getting in The Vortex. (You are invited to join the YOFA study group focused on this Abraham-Hicks book.)

As a result of today’s YOFA jhe Session, you may notice the following:

  • Expanded Consciousness:
    • You have greater access to the richness of the here/now.  This is a mystical reality that is always right where we are and yet is rarely perceived. By tuning your  alignment with here/now in this remote session, you may notice a change in the look and feel of things you see everyday.
      •  The trees may look more vital.
      • The sky may look bigger.
      • Inanimate objects like the kitchen chairs, or the street signs on the road, or the pens and pencils on your desk may seem more three-dimensional.  You may be more aware of the empty space around things.
  •  Positive Outlook:
    • You may have a brighter, more compassionate take on your memories of the past. You may find it much easier to forgive yourself and others as you ponder your personal history. In fact, you may find nothing that needs forgiveness as you recall your journey and your thoughts gravitate to all the good you have lived.
    • The path before you reveals itself with greater ease. You have a sense of confidence and a knowing that all is well.
  • Fun (Belly Laughs): In your relationships, today’s alignment is conducive to light-heartedness, laughter, and enjoyment of others.
    • You may find yourself noticing the beauty in the face of someone you have never before thought of as beautiful. 
    • You may notice yourself having a relaxed moment of connection with someone you usually guard against. 
    • You may have some real fun and a deep sense of love with the ones you call your family and friends.  In this state of alignment, those words, "family" and "friends" reveal their true meaning.
  • Ease:  In the body, today’s alignment is beneficial for digestion.*

Unconditional Love

The greatest power of this alignment is in its cultivation of your ability to find your joy independent of circumstances.  As you come into alignment with your essence, you do not depend on conditions for your happiness. And, from that place of what we can call "unconditional love," paradoxically, you attract conditions that fulfill your heart’s most profound desires.

Thank you for being part of this jhe session. 

If you found your way to this post and are not yet on the jhe list, you are lovingly invited to sign up here while registration is open: http://AlignmentforHealing.com

With Love,

Registration for the YOFA Jhe Sessions is now open.

CLICK HERE for more information.

* Disclaimer: This is offered for general well being and does not diagnose nor treat medical conditions.


Law of Attraction, Swami Sivananda & Thought Power











Law of Attraction is the Universal principle that brings things of a like vibration together.  And since thoughts vibrate, they are always attracting other thoughts.

Now bring in the factor of information overload.  Well, when you are in the midst of scrolling through screens full of email or pouring over paper piles of to-do-lists ***and*** you have been cultivating your awareness of Law of Attraction, you can find yourself in a pretty noisy mental landscape.

Every micro-thought has a constellation of associations scintillating around it pulling in even more thoughts.  And the multitude of directions of movement of mental energy can create a chaotic manifestation factory in the ethers.

The most obvious result might be the outcry, "Why is this happening to me?"

Or it can be the plea to the Universe, "I’ve been doing everything right, why haven’t I manifested __(fill in the blank)___  ?"

Or even worse, the feeling can arise as, "I’ve done everything right and that person over there is doing everything wrong (according to me!), and they have what I want!"

In a nutshell, the result of vibrating all over the place is that we wonder why our manifestations are not what we think we’re asking for.

Abraham has offered us the antidote to this condition as 68 seconds of pure thought.  Swami Sivananda has offered us the more ancient reminder of thought power from the yogic tradition. 

Then we have the creative challenge of merging this into the living of our lives.

The Next Results Workshop

In the February 2009 YOFA "Results" Workshop, we’ll be tapping into some of Swami Sivananda’s wisdom on the power of thought and relating it to what we know about Law of Attraction. 

The workshop is now live.  As soon as you sign up you get instant access to the recordings and if you sign up before the live call on Monday, February 23, you can also participate in the workshop.  You can still sign up after the live event and you’ll get the recording of the call.

This is a monthly online workshop where advanced students of Law of Attraction get together to fine-tune their relationship with Law of Attraction so that they get soul-satisfying results in all 3 dimensions of their energy flow (spiritual, healing (jhe), and manifestation).

To find out more and sign up for this single workshop, CLICK HERE.

To become a member of the "Results" group and get a discount each month, CLICK HERE.

To Join the YOFA Inner Circle and get this workshop as a free bonus with your membership, CLICK HERE.

Wishing You Love,



Byron Katie and Law of Attraction: Part 2 You Are Good

Have you been around YOFA for a while now?  Have you been a student of the Abraham-Hicks teachings for years?  For me it’s about 15 years now. 

And so I have been going along my merry way quite content, not looking for much else.  I hardly even go to bookstores anymore.  I have pretty much stopped looking for answers in that way.  There is nothing that is important to me that Abraham is not answering. 

In fact, as my relationship with Law of Attraction has been maturing, I have come to understand something very clearly.  (And if you come to my workshops you know this is also what I have come to teach.) 

This "in-a-nutshell" realization is that the only thing I need to do is release resistance. That’s really what it all boils down to.  Once there is no resistance (or less than usual), the inherent goodness in any situation can shine through.

Yes, you can say it more positively.  You can say that it’s about allowing, but since it’s the resistance that is so "in your face" when it’s there, it becomes clear that the work is just to keep letting it go.

And so, while I have not been looking for answers or new teachings, I have been asking for years now for more and more ways to release resistance.  I have been looking for ways that are well suited to me.

Well, Katie came as a fireball in my window – a brilliantly recognizable answer to that asking.

And so, here is a wonderful instance of Law of Attraction bringing to me a most extraordinary answer and manifestation.  And since I think you may have a similar asking to me, I pass this on to you.

If you are already in Katie’s world, your sharing here is welcome with open arms.  If this is all new to you, please comment here as you explore The Work of Byron Katie: www.TheWork.com

Check back for part 3. . .

Love and Blessings,
You can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course
"3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate
Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed
Tonight" at:  http://AlignmentforHealing.com