The Paradox of Desire

In this episode let’s realize that desire and desirelessness are the same thing.



Refer to pages 133 and 215 in Rooted in the Infinite

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Quick Tips For Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction

YOFA jhe Session: Desire and Freedom

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel a shift in the way you experience desire and freedom.

For further understanding, read pages 133 – 134 on "The Paradox of Desire" in Rooted in the Infinite. When desire is pure and ringing with the tone of love, it creates inspired action and every step of the journey is awe-inspiring. It is in this spontaneous expression of the true desires of your heart that you experience freedom.

Today’s session created a state of inner alignment conducive to the free expression and satisfying fulfillment of the desires of your heart.

As a result of today’s session you may experience any (or all) of the following:

  • A deep sense of peace.
  • A new level of awareness of flow.
  • Finding something that was lost.
  • Regarding relationships:
    • If you are in a relationship: A more soulful intimate connection with your partner
    • If you are seeking a relationship: Opportunities present themselves as pleasant interactions with strangers, introductions by friends, surprising phone calls.
  • Regarding Money: Finding that you have money you didn’t know you had – this can be cash in the back of a drawer, or interest on an investment, or money you forgot you had lent that is now paid back, or any other surprising appearance of financial abundance.
  • Spontaneous singing, dancing, or any other burst of freedom that expresses your unique talent. If you are an artist of any kind and this happens, this might be a painting, or a recording, or a poem that you will want for your portfolio so have your pencil, or keyboard, or paintbrush handy.

To augment the effects of this session, use the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I Am Love" (any of the 3 versions).   You can hear samples of the recordings here:

The YOFA jhe Sessions offer an energy template of alignment to those on the list. This session was particularly potent and I expect you to feel the results in at least one of the ways listed above.  Probably more than one.  It might have happened already, before you’ve even read this.  It might happen within the next few days.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.  I consider it an honor and a privilege to offer this to you.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS = To those on the free list — Now you are in the space of the jhe sessions.  Things are moving in you energetically.  This is a perfect time to sign up as an active or inner circle member and begin seeing profound shifts in every area of your life.  This is a tool for bringing out the best in you and for expressing your most satisfying life journey. You can find out more and sign up at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 8-29-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

On page 133 of Rooted in the Infinite you’ll find "the paradox of desire."

Today’s session centers you in that paradox so that you can live fruitfully in your desires while happy and centered in your now.

This session focused on the second chakra where the Y and Z-axes intersect.  What a powerful place in the energy body!  You can augment the power of this session by doing the exercises in the back of the book.

As a result of this session I expect you to find several different shifts in you.

The first has to due with timing, rhythm, and patterns that happen over time.  These patterns become more evenly rhythmic and more soothing as you come into alignment.

  • For the women on the list, this can mean an alleviation of the symptoms of menstruation and menopause (glad I’m on the list!).
  • For everyone on the list, this session can certainly help you meet your deadlines, find yourself "in the right place at the right time," and find yourself more harmoniously flowing with the passage of time. (And what can be better than that?)

Second, this session supports you in relating optimistically and joyfully with your unfulfilled desires.  In that way it indirectly helps them to manifest.

As I ‘m typing this, it all sounds so vague.  Hmmm.   This really was an intense alignment and I expect you to feel results from it in an unmistakable way.

As for your body, this session supports the energy of your reproductive organs.

Disclaimer: As always, this session is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Today’s YOFA jhe Session 8-20-08

YOFA jhe SessionsI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session focused on the 2nd chakra and the harmonizing of the Paradox of Desire.

(For a full explanation of the Paradox of Desire please see page  133 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

Water is the element that rules the 2nd chakra and water sets the tone for this session.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel these things:

  • You may notice that you have greater harmony with your desires.
  • You may feel this as a clarity that your unfulfilled desires are surely on their way into joyful manifestation. 
  • It may feel like a sense of confidence in the appropriateness of you receiving all that you have been asking for.
  • It may show as eager anticipation. 
  • It may even bring such vivid awareness of what the desire would feel like fulfilled that you cease to care if it ever manifests.

All these feelings are evidence of the releasing of resistance.

You may sense greater flow in your movements, in your experience of time and in your experience of events.  This can become apparent in your awareness of

  • the flow of traffic
  • the flow of your language
  • the flow of your thoughts
  • the flow of  love through you and to you

In your body this session energetically supports the bladder, kidneys, reproductive organs, and the liquid portion of the blood and lymph.

One more thing.

This session also helps you take your attention off of what others are thinking about you and your desires and keeps you centered in your own essence. It helps purify your desires for their most joyful unfulfillment and their most satisfying fulfillment.

It is a great privilege for me to do this jhe session for you.  Thank you.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice forSpiritual awareness, healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises In the Practice Section of  "Rooted in The Infinite."

Disclaimer: Please note that this session is not meant to diagnose nor treat medical conditions.

Byron Katie and Law of Attraction: Part 4 – (Money part 2)

NOTE to those registered in the August Results Workshop: Please watch this video before the call on Monday, August 25, 2008. Not registered yet? CLICK HERE



In this video you see Byron Katie doing The Work with someone on the subject of money.

As part of the YOFA "Results" Training, I recommend that you do The Work of Byron Katie and begin releasing your resistance about money (and everything else).  It is a deep process of self inquiry and it will take you as far as you are willing to go. The instructions and downloads are all on her website (how generous!) right here.

As your awareness of Law of Attraction expands and matures, you may find that there is a whole new way of manifesting on the horizon.  No surprise there is a paradox at play here.

I wish you bountiful prosperity in its truest form.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of free bonuses at:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-4-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list (including the free list) tonight.

In one word, this session was about kindness.

In more words, this session was an alignment of the energy of the extended, major anatomical X-axis structures into the Z-axis for the purpose of profound, authentic, and true relationship between you and the people who matter to you.

To augment the results of this session, you can read the section on the paradox of ego in Rooted in the Infinite.

This session may show its face in different ways in your various relationships.

Common to all of them is a spring of kindness that rises up within you. 

What is especially noticeable, in the authentic instant of that spring of kindness, is that you don’t experience it as kindness.

You experience it as extraordinary beauty in the other

And so what looks like kindness to others observing your behavior, is really your natural and spontaneous reaction to the light that shines within the other.  You just happen to be seeing it.  That is the opening that creates the action that we understand as kindness.

How you respond to your mother when you are aligned is different form how you respond to your child, but the alignment is always visible in your spontaneous acts of kindness.

This session works below the surface, but the recognizable result is the natural and spontaneous choice of words, facial expressions, and gestures that are filled with kindness.  And while this might seem like a selfless place to be, it is the most beneficial alignment for every aspect of your life.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at: