We often think of gratitude as "gratitude for" something.
A very pure of expression of gratitude has no "for" after it.
It is a state of being that floods its joy on anything and everything that enters its field of awareness.
Many people find power and wisdom in using a gratitude journal, writing gratitude letters, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude. Are you one of them? These folks have discovered an express route to happiness. Gratitude is the key to a joyful and harmonious life.
Here I want to show you a fun way to find a state of gratitude within you and not only feel it, but express it.
The added benefit of these forms of expression becomes a perpetual motion machine. As you express your gratitude in these ways, you prime the pump of your talents. Your face becomes radiant and your true light shines through your personality. People respond to you in loving and generous ways and your life flourishes.
Of course, the result of all that is that you end up with more to write in your gratitude journal!
This gets gratitude cycling through your life in a way that is self perpetuating. It’s like a spiritual ecstasy perpetual motion machine!
Here is the very simple technique…
Ponder these 5 questions and as the answers erupt in you, gratitude will be your experience.
5 Questions That Lead to a State of Gratitude:
What can I do differently today?
Consider how you can take a different route to work or prepare a meal in a different order or with foods you’ve never tried before. Adding something new can shake up an old pattern and open you to heightened experience that floods you with gratitude.
How can I express myself more joyfully today?
Here’s one. How about if you extend love to the person on the other end of the phone as you say "Hello!" Yes, before you even know who it is!
How can I dance more today?
This is my favorite one. You can really be creative with this one.
What can I say today that I have never said?
Grab a dictionary and find some new words that make your mouth (and your mind) feel good as you say them.
What can I praise today?
This one is endless. Go crazy with it.
Pick one of these at the top of your day and let it sprinkle its scintillating suggestion throughout the activities of your Monday. Pick another on Tuesday. I wish you much dancing, colorful joy, and a splendid new vocabulary.