David Wolfe is one of the thought leaders lined up to transform your life as you know it.
The Masters Gathering is not just about your prosperity and your enbrightenment, it’s about transforming what you are through what you eat.
Did you know that cacao is one of the most potent antioxidants you can eat? David Wolfe has knowledge, expertise, and passion on the subject of food that can completely rearrange the way you think about this body that you live in.
In fact, just a small portion of his delicious information, added to your daily routine, can rearrange your body’s biochemistry in a way that energizes your life beyond what you now think is possible.
Now, please let me apologize. I have been talking to you about The Masters Gathering and building it up and then it closed almost as soon as it opened.
It seems so many people went to sign up at the same time that the servers crashed.
Bad for them but good for you.
Since lots of people who tried to sign up couldn’t, the doors are now open again. You have another chance to claim your spot.
And please be sure to send me an email once you sign up so that I can send you my exclusive bonus.
You’ll get my 72 minute audio recording "Authenticity, Mastery and Compassion" for free. This talk is guaranteed to shift your understanding of mastery and give you a new simple way to approach your own life as a journey of authenticity. The result is a masterful and compassionate being who is the most authentic expression of you.
Be sure to sign up for the Masters Gathering through a link in one of my emails or one of my blog posts to qualify for this free gift. If you’re not sure what link you clicked to join, send me an email (send it to rebbie(at)yofa.net) with your receipt number so we can check. . .
With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of "Rooted in The
Infinite." http://RootedintheInfinite.com
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