Want to meet H.H. The Dalai Lama?





I was once wandering around in a bookstore in Cape Cod. I was in a funk.  Couldn’t find my joy.

I foud a tiny little book by the Dalai Lama.  It appealed to me because it was so small and I didn’t want to read very much.

That little book completely flipped my mood.


 I was once flipping the channels in a mindless moment with the TV.

I found a show that was telling the story of how Richard Branson,famous billionaire, founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, never finished High School. 

This caught my attention.

I pondered the unlikeliness of that life story. It helped me realize that anything is possible.

Why am I telling you about these two seemingly unrelated moments of influence in my life?

Because The Dalai Lama and Richard Branson (unlikely pair?) along with other big names are getting together for a major event and you are invited.

Check out the free teleseminars here:


Strength and Inspiration: The YOFA jhe Sessions are Now Open for New Members



Sign up for the
YOFA jhe Sessions




[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-jhe-08-11-09.mp3″/]

The YOFA remote inner alignment sessions that I call the YOFA jhe Sessions are now open for new members. I will only be accepting new members for a few days, maybe a week.  So, please tell your friends and loved ones, now is the time to sign up. 

I’ll be answering as many questions as possible over the next few days.  If there is something you need to know to get clear about whether or not this is right for you, please post your questions right here as a comment on this post.

Here is the email update I sent to the members today. You will receive 8 sessions per month when you sign up as an Active or Inner Circle member.

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the Active and Inner CIrcle jhe members today.

I expect you to feel the result of today’s session in two main areas of your life.

The first is in the vitality and well being of your body.  This would conventionally be called physical healing. The effects of this session on your body occur due to an alignment of your natural, innate ability to heal from within.

For your body, the effects to expect from this session are primarily*:

  • A feeling of increased energy, strength, stamina.

    • If you are dealing with fatigue or depression, the beneficial effects of this session can come through as sudden bursts of feeling like "you" again (the "you" who you love being).  While these moments may come and go, they are signs that you are coming into alignment with your joyful true self.  If you are already strong and healthy, you may feel this effect of today’s session as greater coordination and power in your muscles

  • Balancing of the energy of the immune system for greater immunity to pathogens.

    • While this is not a medical treatment, this session can boost the energetic level of your immune system.  If your body is actively fighting an infection, this session can help you win.  If you are strong and healthy, this session can help keep you that way.

  • Greater clarity of vision. 

    • This session supports the energy of the eyes and your ability to see clearly.

The second effect I expect you to notice as a result of today’s session is a dissolving of the negative aspects of ego and a rising of your magnificent, unique, individual expression.  I sometimes call these the negative vs. the positive aspects of ego, but that can get confusing since many people hear ego and can only think of the negative. 

So, for simplicity’s sake, let’s call this access to inspiration.  This session opens the channels for you to commune with the essence within you and bring forward sparkling, dynamic, unique, spontaneous, elegant, powerful, effective, beneficial, radiant forms of expression.  It all comes down to you fulfilling the reason for your incarnation.  It is about you fully being you.  It is a joyful experience for you and a blessing for others.

In your relationships, you may notice the effects of this session as bursts of appreciation within you for the people you love.  If you have been taking any of them for granted, you may find a blazing awareness of your love for them.  You don’t have to say anything.  They will feel it and your hearts will recalibrate to each other.  This always leads to a deepening of love and an expansion of communication.

In your work, you may notice increased effectiveness, precision and power.  You may be quicker to make decisions, more confident in your abilities, and take on more responsibilities as a leader (with ease). 

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love,

* Disclaimer: This is not meant to diagnose nor treat medical conditions.  The effects described here are purely energetic.  Please consult your health care professional for health-related concerns.

Please be sure to check the YOFA jhe Sessions guarantee before signing up.

I’d be honored to see your name on the jhe list. Sign up at http://alignmentforhealing.com while registration is open.

From a YOFA “Results” Workshop: The Beauty of the Moment


The Old Guitarist – Pablo Picasso
Oil On Panel, 1903 

Eavesdrop on a few minutes  of the January 2009
YOFA Metaphysics of "Results" Group Coaching Call (8min 5sec)

You won’t have the context but I trust you’ll get right in the groove.

[mc src=”http://resoltswkshp.s3.amazonaws.com/yofaresults200901excerpt.output.mp3″/]

You are beautiful! How do I know that?  I just do.  You are unconditionally beautiful because you are the fulfillment of the beauty of the moment.

At the January “Metaphysics of Results” Group Coaching Call I got on my soapbox about all this. 

I thought I’d share an excerpt from the call with you.

We have fun on these calls and they have been evolving into a warm and casual conversation. My thanks to those who attend these calls for inspiring the rich exploration that keeps flowing each month.

Do You Feel The Pain of Blame or the Joy of Responsibility?

People write to me and say that the Law of Attraction perspective has them feeling blamed and judged for anything that is going wrong in their lives. They feel guilty and embarrassed if their health fails or if they have financial problems.


That is the opposite of the intention of this teaching. And yet, haven’t we all felt that way at times?

Do you know anyone who is feeling this paradoxical reaction to the otherwise empowering teachings of Law of Attraction?

If so, they might enjoy this little audio segment in which I sing the praises of the beauty of contrast.

You can still get all the recordings from this pre-recorded workshop and live call. CLICK HERE

 With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Law of Attraction – A Whole New Way of Appreciating Contrast

simple.gifThe January "Results" Workshop has a new format. 

As soon as you register, you get instant access to almost an hour of recordings. Then, when we meet live on the phone and the web, we get personal about how to get jaw-dropping, soul-satisfying results in your life.

You can find out more here.

If you are brand new to Law of Attraction, this is not the workshop for you.  In this January edition of The Metaphysics of Results, I explain a brand new, advanced idea.  So, to get the most our of this workshop, you’d do best to already have your footing in Law of Attraction.

If you are already a student of the Abraham-Hicks teachings and you’re comfortable with the idea of Law of Attraction, this workshop will give you a subtle distinction that can take you to the next level in your ability to allow all good things to flow to you.

Be sure to listen to plenty of Abraham-Hicks recordings.  That’s where the core of this work can be found.

The live teleseminar/webcast for January is happening this Friday, January 23rd, 2009.  So, please sign up now so that you have time to go through the material before the call.

Find out more and sign up here:


By the way, if you happen to find this after the event, or if you just can’t make it on Friday night, that’s ok.  You can still sign up and get all the recordings (including the recording of the live call.)

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-22-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session focused on the Y-axis of the root chakra.

This is a profound location in the energy body and I describe this in great detail in Rooted in the Infinite.

As a result of this session I expect you to have greater harmony between your individual consciousness and Infinite Intelligence.

The way it might show up in your life is in your ability to see the bigger picture and access wisdom when it is needed.  This can relate to your personal issues or your ability to guide others when they seek your advice.

If you are focused on physical healing, this session tends to the root of the energy system that all healing draws from.  This can relate to raising your energy level, adding strength and stability to your body, or to the intelligence that flows through your system in the form of your body’s chemistry or electricity to heal, repair, and balance wherever those actions are needed.

The jhe sessions are not like other systems that prescribe certain treatments for certain problems.  This system of alignment, like chiropractic, tends to your alignment and allows the Intelligence that flows through your system to make the necessary corrections.

And today’s session, by tending to the root, makes a big contribution to that alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheIninite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-19-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of this session I expect you to see a sign of greater prosperity.

Seems like a funny promise at this moment when we are hearing so many dismal economic reports in the news. 

But this session is a vibrational reminder of your true nature.

And your true nature is innately prosperous.  Who you truly are is fully aligned with the unending abundance of the Universe of which you are a vital part.

Today’s jhe session tuned you to that truth.  It focused on the Z-axis for the purpose of lining you up to receive the abundance that you have been asking for.

(To understand how the alignment of the Z-axis promotes prosperity, please read Rooted in the Infinite.)

You may experience this session as found money (cash in a jacket packet or the back of a drawer), as a surprise check in the mail, or simply as a realization of your personal resources in a way that you have not realized before.

You may feel a greater appreciation of your home, your neighbors, your community, or your view from your home, or the feeling in your home.

As you feel rich in this way, more abundance (of things wanted) comes to you.

I’m so glad you are a part of the jhe sessions because your inner alignment is a direct line to well being and nothing is more powerful than your alignment with your true nature.

I’m so glad you are choosing to let your essence be your key to abundance because it allows you to shine brightly even in what others might call "difficult times."

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-13-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This was an X-axis focused session for physical healing.

(For more information about how the X-axis helps you manifest well being, please read Rooted in the Infinite.)

As a result of this session I expect you to feel a sense of "All is Well."

This awareness leads to the manifestation of joyful harmonious expressiveness in the functioning of your body.

If you are dealing with a chronic illness, this session can erase patterns and loops that keep the problem in your field.

This clearing effect allows new seeds to be planted and new results to become real in your life.

I recommend boiling your desired physical state down to one or two words and contemplating them deeply.

Also use them as a mantra.

Your energy fiield is clear and fertile now for the suggestion of what is wanted to flourish.

You can augment the benefits of this session by doing the X-axis exercises in the back of Rooted in the Infinite.

If you are not seeking physical healing, this session still strengthens, fortifies, and increases stamina in your body. 

If you want to amplify this session for this purpose, select a word that embodies the feeling you want in your body and use that for your contemplation and mantra.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the free eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson
Instantly: http://yofa.net/7secret.html

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-8-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session centers you in the Infinite.  It aligns you with your Infinite Consciousness.  This was a Y-axis session. 

As a result of this session I expect you to feel centered and graceful.  This session promotes, dignity, empowerment, and expansive wisdom.

You may notice a shift in your posture as a result of this session. This session can also be seen and felt in your relationships.  This Z-axis component can show up in your ability to see others without judging or blaming.  It opens your vision to the perfection of their essence.

For those working on physical healing, this session is like a cleansing.  I recommend deep relaxation to augment this session for the full functioning of your body.

You can also follow up with the material in session 8 of the practice section of Rooted in the Infinite.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe Session.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-3-08


I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list)

Listen to the update here:

[mc src=”http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/jhe-all-free-10-3-08.output.mp3″/]

For a full exploration of the metaphysical aspects of the 3 axes of the world you live in, please read Rooted in the Infinite.

If you found your way here and you are not yet on the jhe list, please click HERE to join.

Do you like getting the session update as an audio message?

Please leave a comment to let me know.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Today’s Bonus YOFA jhe Session 9-27-2008




I did a bonus high intensity YOFA jhe Session today for the members of the Inner Circle.

As a result of this session I expect the world to feel like a friendlier place to you.

  • You may find yourself expressing with greater authenticity as you feel safer in the world.
  • You may feel yourself open to greater intimacy with your loved ones as you feel secure in yourself and in your relationships.
  • You may find yourself expressing yourself more outrageously in your work as you feel more confident in your instincts and intuition.

This jhe session supports the alignment between your soul and your current incarnation.  The result of this alignment is beautiful expression wherever you place your focus.

Thank you for being a treasured member of the Inner Circle.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter: