Heal Yourself – How Inner Alignment Brings
Clarity and Self Esteem

yofa_self_esteem.jpgYou have all the answers. No matter what the question, the answer lives inside of you.

By bringing yourself into alignment with your essence, you get access to your own true answers to every question. You heal your own state of confusion and low self esteem.


When your mind is flooded with too many options, too many opinions, and too much information, it can be difficult to find your own truth. But by spending a little time each day cultivating your inner alignment, you can find your own answers. You can self-heal your confusion and find clarity. (I like to call this healing a state of joyful harmonious expressiveness, or "jhe.")

Once you get even a glimpse of this clarity, you feel a renewed sense of grace and dignity.


Two of the many concrete results that emerge from this powerful state of inner alignment are:

  1. Clarity in an area where you have been confused or unsure.  What a relief to feel your true knowing, like a sword cutting through the chaos, once you know your own mind, you make decisions with ease. If there has been a big unanswered question fogging your awareness, developing a state of inner alignment can help clear the fog and reveal your own true answer. With this comes greater self esteem and self confidence.
  2. Not caring what others think. The freedom that reveals itself in you when you let go of caring about the opinions of others is enormous. Inner alignment helps you find your inner tone in such a stable way that the projected opinions of others fade in your awareness. You become a pure tone that reveals the beauty of your truth.

In your relationships, this alignment makes you charismatic and influential. It also makes you physically/energetically attractive.

In your work, this alignment makes you decisive, efficient, and effective. It brings you forward as a leader.

In your body, you may feel this as uplift. If you play basketball, practice your inner alignment right before you show off your jump shot.

To begin a process of inner alignment right now, sit upright and feel a vertical beam of light passing right through your energetic spine. Close your eyes and let the simplicity of this white light set the tone of your whole being. Set a timer for 68 seconds and immerse yourself in the pure and simple glow of this light until the timer beeps. Then resume your activities and notice the instant sense of clarity, dignity, and empowerment you feel.

Begin a practice of inner alignment with the book Rooted in the Infinite.  Develop your inner alignment for spiriutal awareness, healing, financial abundance, and loving relationships with YOFA inner alignment sessions at http://AlignmentforHealing.com

Law of Attraction: Transforming Pain into Joy

YOFA Transforming Pain into Joy MapGet instant Access
to this online Workshop here:

 The journey of past suffering can lead you to joy. It can lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. The suffering that you have experienced in your life is rich with potential. In fact, it carries within it the exact blueprint for the joyful fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

In the April YOFA “Results” Workshop you’ll be creating a map – a very personal map – that leads you to the joy that is encoded in your past pain.

There is an inter-dimensional shift that occurs when you see the Z-axis journey of your life (your unique timeline) as a simultaneous picture that includes the manifestation. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite) Your journey becomes deeply meaningful and you recognize that the pain of the past requires a completely different treatment from the pain of the present. And when you apply that treatment, the pain transforms into relief.

We will go through this process step by step in the April “Law of Attraction Gets Results” online workshop. In the recordings, I use the example of wanting a relationship, but you can apply this to anything from the desire for material wealth to the desire for spiritual enlightenment. The process applies to any journey.

Once you sign up, you get instant access to the recorded workshop (audio and video). Then we’ll meet on the phone together on April 27th. If you can’t make it to the live call, you’ll get the recording.

I’m especially interested in the material for this month’s workshop because the subject of past suffering is frequently the cause of much of our current suffering. And yet, it is really like a goldmine that we are sitting on without any awareness of it.  Once we realize the value and wealth of our journey, it nourishes and strengthens us in our now.

You can begin the process immediately, any time of the day or night. 

Get instant Access to this online Workshop here: LAW of ATTRACTION WORKSHOP

I call this YOFA workshop series "Results" because we uncover the subtleties and nuances of Law of Attraction that produce noticeable results. All are welcome. Become a member and get a discount every month.

With Love,

YOFA jhe Session: Desire and Freedom

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel a shift in the way you experience desire and freedom.

For further understanding, read pages 133 – 134 on "The Paradox of Desire" in Rooted in the Infinite. When desire is pure and ringing with the tone of love, it creates inspired action and every step of the journey is awe-inspiring. It is in this spontaneous expression of the true desires of your heart that you experience freedom.

Today’s session created a state of inner alignment conducive to the free expression and satisfying fulfillment of the desires of your heart.

As a result of today’s session you may experience any (or all) of the following:

  • A deep sense of peace.
  • A new level of awareness of flow.
  • Finding something that was lost.
  • Regarding relationships:
    • If you are in a relationship: A more soulful intimate connection with your partner
    • If you are seeking a relationship: Opportunities present themselves as pleasant interactions with strangers, introductions by friends, surprising phone calls.
  • Regarding Money: Finding that you have money you didn’t know you had – this can be cash in the back of a drawer, or interest on an investment, or money you forgot you had lent that is now paid back, or any other surprising appearance of financial abundance.
  • Spontaneous singing, dancing, or any other burst of freedom that expresses your unique talent. If you are an artist of any kind and this happens, this might be a painting, or a recording, or a poem that you will want for your portfolio so have your pencil, or keyboard, or paintbrush handy.

To augment the effects of this session, use the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I Am Love" (any of the 3 versions).   You can hear samples of the recordings here: http://cdbaby.com/cd/rstraubing

The YOFA jhe Sessions offer an energy template of alignment to those on the list. This session was particularly potent and I expect you to feel the results in at least one of the ways listed above.  Probably more than one.  It might have happened already, before you’ve even read this.  It might happen within the next few days.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.  I consider it an honor and a privilege to offer this to you.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS = To those on the free list — Now you are in the space of the jhe sessions.  Things are moving in you energetically.  This is a perfect time to sign up as an active or inner circle member and begin seeing profound shifts in every area of your life.  This is a tool for bringing out the best in you and for expressing your most satisfying life journey. You can find out more and sign up at http://alignmentforhealing.com

Energy Healing: The Vertical Alignment of the Root Chakra



Find Out More About the YOFA jhe Sessions

The Place Where Meditation
Meets Law of Attraction.



 [mc src=”http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/YOFA-jhe-Session-3-11-09a.mp3″/]

This recording is here for the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions and anyone else who wants to better understand the power of inner alignment.  This is where spiriutal healing occurs.  Within the energy body, there is a template of alignment which opens you to the fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

This session focuses on the vertical alignment of the root chakra.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions based on the YOFA system I present in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  I am honored to offer these session to those who feel resonance with my work.  You can get on the jhe list HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,

How do we talk about the YOFA jhe Sessions? – Time Management

I was having lunch with a high school friend. I told her a little bit about the jhe sessions.  Her first comment was,"Hmm, that seems like something people really need in this ecomomy."  I said, "Really?"  She seemed pretty sure about it.

Then I realized that I don’t realy talk much about the jhe sessions

I keep it quiet. 

I communicate wiith the members but that’s about it.  Suddenly I felt like I was being unserviceful by not making the effort to communicate about the jhe sessions.  What they are.  How they work. How they can help people. I’ve been "unshareful" (I love making up words) and I apologize.

Now I’ve just got to figure out how to communicate this unusual thing in a way that is serviceful and "shareful." 

With Love and Appreciation,
YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Relationship Question: If I imagine it too clearly will Law of Attraction think I already have it?



Here is my quick answer to Devin’s question.  For more indepth coaching, sign up for the Monthly YOFA  Group Coaching Call (Results Workshop).  (Or leave a comment on this blog post and you may win free admission.)

[mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-qt005-2009-02-07.mp3″/]

CLICK HERE to subscribe to this podcast

Love and Blessings,
Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Master Hilarion by Hilda Charlton


In this video, you’ll hear me reading an excerpt from the book The Golden Quest by Hilda Charlton, my teacher of many years ago.  Here, she tells the story of how she came to know Master Hilarion.  You can read more excerpts and buy this book at http://HildaCharlton.com

With Love,

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

PS – I now see that the book I am reading from, "The Golden Quest" may be unavailable.  You can still get the Master Hilarion segment.  Visit http://HildaCharlton.com or to buy it online, visit the Hilda section of the YOFA Bookstore at http://yofa.net/bookstore

Standing Meditation

Rooted in the InfiniteI recently received this email:

Hi Rebbie,
I’m really getting a lot out of this and can already feel the benefits of aligning my Y-axis.  I prefer doing this standing up though instead of sitting down.  I can really feel the energy move up my body (and spine) this way.  I’m curious why you don’t mention standing up as an option?

[mc src=”http://yofa.info/blogfiles/yofastanding.mp3″/]

Yes!  By all means, feel free to do the YOFA inner alignment exercises while standing.  And thank you for pointing out that I have not made that clear.  Sometimes doing these meditations while standing, especially the Y-axis ones, will cause you to raise your arms up.  If you are inspired to do that, go right ahead.  It is the up-force moving you toward joy.

As you get more advanced, you can also do these while walking.  You may find a very interesting effect focusing on the Y-axis as you move along your Z.

If this post seems strange or cryptic to you, it is because you have not read Rooted in the Infinite.  That can be remedied here:  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Thanks to all who write me emails that help me clarify your YOFA Training!

With Love,
PS – I think this email may have been referring to these recordings: http://yofa.net/getlight .

Spiritual Sensitivities

hilda-new-sun200.jpg"Today children being born in the world are ushering in the New Age of God Consciousness.  They are born aware of their intuitional and spiritual nature…

"Many a person with lack of understanding will say, ‘Stop your imagination!" or ‘Don’t lie!" and as a result, the child turns within and hides his or her true nature.  And perhaps the spiritual side of the child never opens again or because of this early scar, opens after they have suffered in the world unnecessarily, due to the hard shell of protection they created for themselves."

I pulled this quote from The New Sun by my teacher of many years ago, Hilda Charlton.

This book was written in 1989, and the children she is talking about are now moving into young adulthood.  So, if you are in your late teens or early twenties, this statement is directly for you.  And it is meant to soothe your spirit and inspire you to not only trust, but embrace your intuitive nature and your role in the evolution of human consciousness.

And if those born about 20 years ago with a deeper and broader intuition are crashing into the hardened belief systems of mass consciousness, what about those of us who may smilingly remember young adulthood but who are now watching our hair turn gray?  What about the sensitive souls who have struggled, maybe all our lives, in a world that seemed strange and unsympathetic to our sensitivities?

How did you deal with your spiritual perceptions when you were a child growing up in whatever decade you found yourself here? Did you have mentors?  Did you feel isolated?

The sensitivities of the children can humble us as adults.  These young fresh beings have access to something that we may have lost touch with long ago.

Let’s love and welcome the spiritual perception in our children.  Let’s revive and nourish it in ourselves.

I invite you to be the sensitive, beautiful, spiritual harbinger of the New Age that you most certainly are if you have read this far.

Happy HolyDays.

With Love,

Law of Attraction and Inner Peace (and Santa Claus)


Find out more. . .

Peace, inner peace is the beginning of everything good.  From that place of quiet clarity, you manifest the movements of joy and freedom.

Law of Attraction is the mechanism for achieving inner peace and it offers the path to joy and freedom. 

You can achieve these states more easily than you may think.  And Santa (bearded , jolly saint of loa) is ready to bring them to you once you aer ready to receive them! 

In this month’s "Results" Workshop we are getting results with our spiritual desires.  This is powerful material and somewhat advanced.  It is particularly recommended for those working with the book Rooted in the Infinite.  This workshop is guaranteed to  take you forward with the material in Rooted….

We are also taking a different format this month.

The recordings are up and available now for instant access.  We’ll be on the phone and the web live on Friday night (8:30 pm eastern) for discussion (or you’ll get the recording).

Hope to "see" you there

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

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