Energy Healing: The Vertical Alignment of the Root Chakra



Find Out More About the YOFA jhe Sessions

The Place Where Meditation
Meets Law of Attraction.



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This recording is here for the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions and anyone else who wants to better understand the power of inner alignment.  This is where spiriutal healing occurs.  Within the energy body, there is a template of alignment which opens you to the fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

This session focuses on the vertical alignment of the root chakra.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions based on the YOFA system I present in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  I am honored to offer these session to those who feel resonance with my work.  You can get on the jhe list HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,

How do we talk about the YOFA jhe Sessions? – Time Management

I was having lunch with a high school friend. I told her a little bit about the jhe sessions.  Her first comment was,"Hmm, that seems like something people really need in this ecomomy."  I said, "Really?"  She seemed pretty sure about it.

Then I realized that I don’t realy talk much about the jhe sessions

I keep it quiet. 

I communicate wiith the members but that’s about it.  Suddenly I felt like I was being unserviceful by not making the effort to communicate about the jhe sessions.  What they are.  How they work. How they can help people. I’ve been "unshareful" (I love making up words) and I apologize.

Now I’ve just got to figure out how to communicate this unusual thing in a way that is serviceful and "shareful." 

With Love and Appreciation,
YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 01-02-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

This was an unusually intense session and I expect you to notice a few things as a result.

In a general way, you may feel the energy as a lightness:  Like you have springs on your shoes or wings on your heart.

This feeling of energy or lightness, if you happen to feel a hint of it, is a sign that you have resonated powerfully with the alignment.  If you don’t feel it, that’s fine too.

More specifically, today’s session opens a pathway for you to live your life with a continual awakening of the love in your heart.

That translates into the nitty gritty of your life in some interesting ways.

For example:

The handling of money
– As you exchange currency with others, write checks, cash and deposit checks, pay for items that you buy, receive cash in your hand from others, all these exchanges of money transform when the heart is awakened in the process.  And so, a few things results from this:

  • Your relationship with the material world becomes beautified. 
  • You awaken to the richness of colors and textures and energy in inanimate things in a way that changes what money and material wealth mean to you. 
  • With a deep sense of appreciation for the material world and it’s energetic depth, you become a magnet for more things that make your heart sing.

Personal Relationships – As you interact with others, having the love in your heart awake and ready to participate in your unconscious word selection and the movement of your physical gestures, your relationships transform – sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in dramatic ways.

Today’s session also had a harmonizing effect between the heart and the mind.  When those two centers are humming in a balanced and pleasing way, your life feels refreshing and you feel whole.

Of course these sessions are cumulative and the effect is ongoing, but this session was strong enough that I think you will find some specific results that ring true to what I’m talking about here.  You may have already felt it today or it may happen in the next day or two.

I consider it a great privilege to do this session for you and I thank you for you trust in me.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Where’d the YOFA jhe Sessions Updates Go?

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgTo all the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions (Active, Inner Circle and Free):

I’ve stopped posting the updates here on the blog.  For now, they will be kept private for members only.  Of course you still receive them by email.

To see the updates on the web and to comment, please log in to your members area and find the little known "YOFA Lounge" 

Free members do not have access to this function and will only receive the updates by email.

Sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions and enter the uplifiting field of jhe immediately.  CLICK HERE for More Info

Depression, Gravity, and Your Energetic Spine

 I just read a statistic that 10% of women and 4% of men are taking antidepressants.

I know that for some people, this season that is intended to be joyful can harshly amplify what we call depression.  I say "what we call depression" because I don’t think we’re all calling the same thing "depression."

I have a different take on depression. It has to do with gravity and how it pulls all things down.  And so the antidote becomes clear.  Spirit brings all things up.  And our access to that uplifting energy is in the energetic spine.

That’s a simplified version of it. (The long version is in Rooted in the Infinite.) And by the way, this approach does not conflict with any form of treatment since it is purely natural.

I’m holding out my hand this season. 

Well, my proverbial hand. 

I’m putting forward some (radically) different ways of looking at depression and offering some (energetically) different ways of dealing with it.


YOFA Healing Meditation: Love



This video meditation offers a fundamental spiritual healing process that can augment any mode of healing and can be added to any regimen. 

Actually, rather than "healing" I prefer the words "joyful harmonious expressiveness" or "jhe."  The movement toward jhe is a movement toward wholeness.

Jhe is the natural state of your body. 

In fact, your body is always moving toward jhe.  This video takes you to joyful harmonious expressiveness (healing) by bringing you to wholeness on the vibration of love. This is the essence of spiritual healing.

No matter what problem you may be experiencing in your body, this simple meditation provides a soothing energy template for profound and thorough jhe (healing).

For best results, do this meditation three times a day:

  • In the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Sometime during the day while watching the video.
  • At night before sleep.

Related Resources:

Affirmative Contemplation
For more audio meditations like this one, get the Affirmative Contemplation collection.
Get the digital version here.
Get the physical CD here.


YOFA jhe Sessions
Remote healing, or distance healing, is only part of what the jhe sessions provide.  I like to call them remote inner alignment sessions. They promote jhe in:

  • your body
  • your relationships
  • your finances
  • your emotions
  • your spiritual awareness
  • all aspects of your life

Click here to start transforming your life on the jhe list.


Rooted in the Infinite
This book is the official manual of YOFA Meditation.
Listen to me read excerpts from the book here.


In the process of developing your jhe (healing), I wish you great satisfaction and a deep knowing that the value  of the journey always outweighs the momentary suffering.


With Love and Appreciation,

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

PS – Please share your experience with this video meditation by posting a comment here.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-1-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel a beautiful sense of peace.

This session promotes simplicity.

Like the silent green stalk of a vibrant plant, your great innate simplicity was affirmed in this session and with it comes your enormous access to wisdom.

You may notice the effects of this session in these ways:

  • Your mind has moments of unusual quiet.
  • Faces look unusually beautiful to you.
  • Everything looks unusually beautiful to you.
  • You meet each activity with presence and full attention. .  . and you see beauty in the things you touch and in your own hands.
    • If you are seeking physical healing, this session supports the state that allows your body to find its true balance and its natural ability to function optimally.
    • If you are seeking harmony in relationships, this session supports the state that makes you "lovable."
    • If you are seeking financial prosperity, this session supports the state that opens you to joyful manifestation.

This session of simplicity, peace, and wisdom is offered with love and appreciation.

Thank you for being part of the YOFA jhe Sessions.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Follow me on twitter:

Inner Alignment and Loving Relationships

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I love when people get results before they know I did a jhe session.

Javier was generous enough to let me share his story.  I decided to use it to show you how the jhe sessions bring love into your relationships (see the video above). 

Do the YOFA jhe sessions seem mysterious to you?  I made this video to start to demystify this process.  Of course you can get the bigger story in Rooted in the Infinite.

The point is this: 

As you come into alignment with your essence, you open yourself to great relationships.  You may experience a powerful shift when you realize (or deepen your realization) that the quality of your relationships has to do with your inner alignment, not the other person.  It can be a stunning awakening when you see (as did Javier) that the other person does not have to change.

There are 2 ways to establish the state of inner alignment that promotes love in relationships.

  1. Active – This you do through your own inner work.  This is a process of meditation. I call it active but you are really quite still while you do this.  The simplest way to begin is to notice the vertical axis that passes through your upright spine.  (See video above.)  Pay attention to it in meditation.  Pay attention to it while walking, sitting, running.  Pay attention to it in different moods.  This is where the inner alignment process begins.
  2. Passive – Here you open to the beneficial influence of another.  I’m sure you’ve felt this many times.  Someone else has an uplifting effect on you. That is the quickest way to describe the YOFA jhe Sessions .  You sign up and your name goes on the jhe list.  I include your name when I do a jhe session which supports your inner alignment.  This is the effect that Javier experienced and talked about in his email.  And since he ruled out the power of suggestion, he became very clear about the power of this method.

Here is the email message that prompted this video and this post:



 I am in awe.

 My internet was down for a couple of days and was unnable to get your emails.  Ive been having problems with my partner that I really want to overcome.  I want to fall in love with her again and be faithfull to her.

 On the 5th I woke up with a tremendous sense of endearment towards her and just couldnt help hugging and looking at her.  It was exactly what you describe in your email and if my internet was working and I would’ve read it before….I would’ve thought I brainwashed myself into it.  But no.  Im completely….100% certain it was because of the Jhe session. I hadnt signed up for your sessions and was hesitant….in fact this session was part of the freebies you give for being in the list (which I got after buying your CD which is incredible but not enough to buy into the whole jhe thing….no offense….I just didnt think it was possible).  As a result today Im subscribing to your innercircle option and ordered your book.  I cant wait to see the effect this will have in my life.

 Thank you…thank you….thank you….in advance…..and again….in super awe.




FREE jhe Sessions!

Since Javier’s breakthrough came via the free jhe sessions, I thought you might want to know how you can get on the FREE jhe list.

Good news. I just restructured the free sessions.

Now you can sign up for a full year of free sessions that I do for you once per month.

You can sign up here:

I look forward to seeing your name on the jhe list.

More to come…

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for
spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-28-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Imagine a big eraser.    eraser.gif

Imagine that big eraser erasing your conflict, your pain, and all your yukky states.

Imagine it leaving only the glistening beauty of your unique magnificence.

Your unique magnificence is the un-erasable part of you.  It is your true essence and the reason for your existence.

Today’s session was like a car wash for your essence.  

Now that you’re all shiny and sparkling, you can approach your life spiritually "naked."

I mean that in the most respectful way.  You are released of excess thinking and memories and energetic clutter that would otherwise cover up your light.  Your brilliance is now visible.

When you prepare your meal, or lift your pen, or power up your computer, or do your laundry, with nothing between you and your activity, you are clean, bright, and pure.  This is the very beginning point for physical healing.  It is the first step on the path of prosperity.  This is the place that can instantly transform relationships.  

As a result of today’s session I expect you to sense a shift.  Things in your life that have felt like rocks now feel like marshmallows.

More specifically, you might lose a few pounds, you might clean up a messy part of your home, you might get a haircut, you might reduce a symptom.  This session will cause something unwanted to vanish.  It will clean things up.  How and where in your life? That is unique to your desire.

I love you.  Your unique magnificence is awesome.

Thank you for participating in the jhe sessions.

By simply being on the list, you help you, your world, your loved ones, and your ancestors.

With Love and Appreciation,

Get the free eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson

How (and why) to post a comment to the YOFA blog

After many comments and emails telling me you could not see the video, "Finding Strength…" posted on 5-24-08, I have been testing different ways of getting video to  you.

If you could not view the previous video, please let me know if this works better for you.  Above is the same video coming to you through a different channel.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson