Inner Peace: Juggling Daily Details

The focus of the February 2009 Law of Attraction group coaching call was "information overload" and I thought this video summed it up perfectly.  We feel we are juggling so many things and yet look how graceful it can be!


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I wonder if you’ve been feeling any of the craziness of information overload like I have been lately.  I can be calm one minute and then as soon as things get complicated where I thought they’d be simple, or there are just too many buttons to push to get to a live operator, or something just takes me to my limit, I kind of snap.  I hate to admit it but there are a couple of tech support people who I’ll be doing Ho’oponopono about for quite a while (I love you. I’m sorry…).

Anyway, that’s why I decided to make the February Results Workshop about finding your sweet focus and your balanced inner alignment in the face of the multitude of details that we face day after day.

I figured this would be of value to others and I knew this exploration would be helpful to me.

What I hadn’t anticipated was the intense shift that would happen in me after the workshop.

During the live call one of the very generous participants put his life on display and gave us an enormous gift.  Because the unfolding that came from his sharing, there was an opening of the door, at least in me, to a heightened awareness of the Divinity in everything.

The dish towel. 

The plastic spoon I use to scoop out the dog food. 

The chair. 

The garbage pail. 

I have heard it said, “There is no spot where God is not.”  Well, somehow that experience was awakened in me about a day after the workshop.  Funny how these things happen in ways that I certainly cannot explain.

And if you know me, you know I really love explaining things.  But sometimes I know to just leave it alone.

I hope you enjoy the video that I’ve placed here on this post.  I thought it was the most perfect display of turning information overload into a graceful work of art.

You can still get the 3 audio segments of the workshop plus the mp3 of the call that went on for over 2 hours.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book “Rooted in the Infinite”
Find out more at 

Prosperity: Napoleon Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie


I want you to prosper spiritually, financially and in your relationships.

I want you to prosper regardless of the state of the economy or the messages blasting from the media.

Listen to this blog post here:

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 Both the economy and the media’s reporting of the economy are in the category of things already manifested. I like to call these things “already baked bread.” 

I want to support you in continually tweaking the recipe of your vibration so that the economic reality that you are baking up right now is abundant, bright, and satisfying to you.

So I have decided to create a series of posts here on the blog that are designed to inspire you. They consist of carefully selected videos, quotes, and suggested material for your ongoing and expanding prosperity regardless of conditions.

I will also be sprinkling in the role of your inner alignment in this exploration.

Please check back frequently and be sure to add your comments. Let me know what rings your bells and what you want to see more of here.

And now for the practical part.
How will you actually make money? How will you receive from Infinite Abundance?

The initial step is to bring yourself into alignment with your knowing, trusting, and accepting of the principle of abundance.

After you listen to Napoleon Hill’s message in the video posted above, please consider these 2 questions:

How do I currently, most authentically, take possession of my own mind?

How can I more fully bring myself into alignment with my knowing of Infinite Supply?

Now here is a very quick recap of Napoleon Hill’s recommendations:

  1. Get a notebook.
  2. Write your major desire in life (your idea of success)
  3. Write what you intend to give in return (and start giving)
  4. Memorize both statements
  5. Repeat them at least a dozen times daily
  6. End with this statement:
I ask not, oh Divine Providence, for more riches, but more wisdom with which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends I desire. – Napoloen Hill

Go to  to get a free download of Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich as an ebook. I’m not sure how long this will be available so please get it while it’s there.

Knowing your true nature as prosperous,

From a YOFA “Results” Workshop: The Beauty of the Moment


The Old Guitarist – Pablo Picasso
Oil On Panel, 1903 

Eavesdrop on a few minutes  of the January 2009
YOFA Metaphysics of "Results" Group Coaching Call (8min 5sec)

You won’t have the context but I trust you’ll get right in the groove.

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You are beautiful! How do I know that?  I just do.  You are unconditionally beautiful because you are the fulfillment of the beauty of the moment.

At the January “Metaphysics of Results” Group Coaching Call I got on my soapbox about all this. 

I thought I’d share an excerpt from the call with you.

We have fun on these calls and they have been evolving into a warm and casual conversation. My thanks to those who attend these calls for inspiring the rich exploration that keeps flowing each month.

Do You Feel The Pain of Blame or the Joy of Responsibility?

People write to me and say that the Law of Attraction perspective has them feeling blamed and judged for anything that is going wrong in their lives. They feel guilty and embarrassed if their health fails or if they have financial problems.


That is the opposite of the intention of this teaching. And yet, haven’t we all felt that way at times?

Do you know anyone who is feeling this paradoxical reaction to the otherwise empowering teachings of Law of Attraction?

If so, they might enjoy this little audio segment in which I sing the praises of the beauty of contrast.

You can still get all the recordings from this pre-recorded workshop and live call. CLICK HERE

 With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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