Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Politics and Grandma’s Cookies



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Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) has been teaching us one exquisitely simple lesson for many years now. In fact, the word "simple" is a very accurate word for the teaching because one of the meanings of the word "simple" is "single."

Abraham teaches us that there is a single flow of well being.  One stream.

Now here is the part where the whole living of your life unfolds.

At any given moment, you are either allowing that stream or resisting it.

Can it be any simpler than that?

Abraham has been giving us process after process to help us do the only thing that we need to do in order to live a joyful, satisfying life. And since there are only two ways that we basically interact with the stream of well being (which is that we can allow it or resist it), there are two ways to express our job in life.  We can say that all we need to do in any situation is to allow the stream.  The other way to phrase it is to say that all we need to do is to release our resistance to the stream of well being.

So, when Abraham talks about the Vortex, and how to get into the Vortex, we can understand that this is the same as being in the allowing mode.



You can apply this to anything that is going on in your life.

From relationships, to body conditions, to politics, to grandma’s cookie recipe, you can always tell whether you are allowing or resistant by the way you feel.

And so, what happens after a while is that you realize that it is your state that matters much more than the subject of your focus. 

So let’s say you look at a political situation that angers you.  You feel like people are abusing their power and you don’t like the decisions they are making.  The tendency is to get more deeply involved in the subject matter.

Now, I think you can see that taking action from a place of negative emotion is all out-of-the-vortex-action and it is very inefficient.

It becomes clear that your primary work is to get in the Vortex and then let your action be inspired by the joy you experience when you think of what is wanted rather than the anger you feel when you think of what is not wanted.

And when you take action from within the Vortex, you are powerful, effective, and beneficial to everyone who is touched by your plans.

So here’s what I’d like you to do:

  1. Start noticing which subjects in your life seem more important to you than being in the Vortex. 
  2. Start getting into the Vortex on those subjects. 
  3. Notice how rapidly your life transforms.

How do you get in the Vortex?  That is not the subject of this particular post, but you’ll find the answers in the book The Vortex and you can accelerate the process with the tools at http://HappyintheVortex.com

With Love and Appreciation,

Prosperity: Deepak Chopra on Giving and Receiving


 Watch this video of Deepak Chopra on our topic

YOFA BlogGiving and Receiving

Let’s talk about the energy of giving and receiving in this current economy.  Let’s talk about prosperity from the perspective of flow. 

You can listen to this post here:

[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/prosper/yofaprosperity-4-giverec.mp3″/]

We have a tendency to think of wealth as accumulation but when accumulation becomes stagnant it can dry up and it can get murky.  I’d like you to picture a rushing river or even a flowing stream.  When new energy enters a system (and by a system I mean you, I mean your family, I mean your community)  and when that system overflows its goodness so that the next system in the chain gets a great inflow from its buddy upstream, everyone benefits.

Now what I’m seeing happening as a result of the messages we are getting about the economy, is that people are sealing themselves off.  And this can create a state of stagnation. People are re-organizing their giving and taking and screeching on the brakes of that flow.

Well this is completely understandable.  If someone has been laid off it makes total sense to cut down on spending.  But what I’d like to suggest here is that no matter what your situation is, that you begin to or continue to pay attention to the vitality of the flow of giving and receiving in your life.

So even if money is feeling tight to you right now, if you want it to begin flowing more abundantly, one thing you can do on an energy level is to keep the Giving and Receiving momentum going in some form.  Set a conscious intention to joyfully give and graciously receive many times in the day.  With a little conscious awareness, you can prime the pump with some of these non-financial givings and takings:

  1. Acknowledgment
    • Giving- Open your mouth and say it.  There are times when you admire someone. Or you respect someone. Or you appreciate someone.  Telling them is tremendously generous.  And it keeps you from stagnating.
    • Receiving – When someone acknowledges you  and they tell you you look good or you did a good job or your are appreciated, open the door and let the energy in.  See it as life force flowing to you
  2. Money – As money passes hands, as you pay for your groceries or you receive change when you buy something, feel the flow, the movement and the fluidity of this thing we call money. And feel how it moves from hand to hand.

These simple acts of awareness cost you nothing but they do a major invisible job.

Keep yourself in the giving and receive mode and eventually more and more money will jump on the bandwagon to be part of that exchange.

If you have not already gotten the ebook version of Think and Grow Rich, you can still get that as an instant download at http://AlignmentforProsperity.com  You can begin your heightened receiving right now by getting that book.

Please go there now to download the book and begin feeling the beautiful flow of giving and receiving as it is happening constantly in your life.  Simply give it more of your awareness and appreciation and receive its blessings.

And remember to sign up for the Masters Gathering free teleseminar: CLICK HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,



To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises In the Practice Section of  "Rooted in The Infinite." 


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