Happy Birthday YOFA jhe Sessions!

The YOFA jhe Sessions are 5 years old!  As the birthday approaches, I decided to let you tell me how to celebrate.  I’m going to give you a birthday present.  But which one?



Listen to the 10 minute audio to hear your choices.  Then click above to vote.  Whichever gift wins the vote is the one you will get so be sure to vote today.

I’ll be offering 2 free YOFA jhe Sessions.  You vote for what you want as thier focus:

  • Physical Well Being
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Loving Relationships
Which focus will win the vote?  Only time will tell.
Happy voting!

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Rampage of Appreciation


I Can Always Enter My Vibrational Vortex of Creation… The key to getting inside your Vibrational Vortex of Creation; of experiencing the absolute absence of resistance; of achieving complete alignment with all that you have become and all that you desire, and of bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire – is being in the state of appreciation – and there is no more important object of attention to which you must flow your appreciation than that of self. — Abraham Excerpted from Abraham’s newest book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA Study Group

CLICK HERE for the Official Abraham-Hicks Website

Even the slightest shift toward appreciation creates a big wave.  I’m always amazed at how a little time spent shifting my vibration on a subject that’s bothering me can completely and instantly alter my experience.  It brings harmony and even fun to stressed relationships.  It eases even the toughest challenges.  It melts problems.

And the fastest way there is by finding things to appreciate.   

What do you appreciate today?

You Are What You Eat

carrot.jpgMy friends like to make fun of me when I put all the letters that go after my name in my signature.

It looks like this:

Rebbie Straubing, D.C., DACBN, C.C.N.

(Too many letters!)

I do have a reason for mentioning this today.

You probably know that I used to be a chiropractor. (I still am on the inside!) That’s the "D.C." part.

The Extra Letters

But what you may not know about me is that all those other letters (the ones I don’t usually display) are there because I’m also a certified clinical nutritionist.

That’s right. 

I just don’t talk about it much.

These days, I’m most interested in how you nourish your mind, your energy field, and your vibrational escrow.

You Are What You Eat

But that nutritionist part of me is very excited right now.


Because I’m getting ready to send you some very powerful info-goodies. They have to do with what you put in your mouth and how it affects every other part of your life. If this info shifts your vibration about what you eat, well, double mission accomplished!

Watch for my email on Monday.

With Love,

Law of Attraction, Swami Sivananda & Thought Power











Law of Attraction is the Universal principle that brings things of a like vibration together.  And since thoughts vibrate, they are always attracting other thoughts.

Now bring in the factor of information overload.  Well, when you are in the midst of scrolling through screens full of email or pouring over paper piles of to-do-lists ***and*** you have been cultivating your awareness of Law of Attraction, you can find yourself in a pretty noisy mental landscape.

Every micro-thought has a constellation of associations scintillating around it pulling in even more thoughts.  And the multitude of directions of movement of mental energy can create a chaotic manifestation factory in the ethers.

The most obvious result might be the outcry, "Why is this happening to me?"

Or it can be the plea to the Universe, "I’ve been doing everything right, why haven’t I manifested __(fill in the blank)___  ?"

Or even worse, the feeling can arise as, "I’ve done everything right and that person over there is doing everything wrong (according to me!), and they have what I want!"

In a nutshell, the result of vibrating all over the place is that we wonder why our manifestations are not what we think we’re asking for.

Abraham has offered us the antidote to this condition as 68 seconds of pure thought.  Swami Sivananda has offered us the more ancient reminder of thought power from the yogic tradition. 

Then we have the creative challenge of merging this into the living of our lives.

The Next Results Workshop

In the February 2009 YOFA "Results" Workshop, we’ll be tapping into some of Swami Sivananda’s wisdom on the power of thought and relating it to what we know about Law of Attraction. 

The workshop is now live.  As soon as you sign up you get instant access to the recordings and if you sign up before the live call on Monday, February 23, you can also participate in the workshop.  You can still sign up after the live event and you’ll get the recording of the call.

This is a monthly online workshop where advanced students of Law of Attraction get together to fine-tune their relationship with Law of Attraction so that they get soul-satisfying results in all 3 dimensions of their energy flow (spiritual, healing (jhe), and manifestation).

To find out more and sign up for this single workshop, CLICK HERE.

To become a member of the "Results" group and get a discount each month, CLICK HERE.

To Join the YOFA Inner Circle and get this workshop as a free bonus with your membership, CLICK HERE.

Wishing You Love,



Prosperity: Friendship


After you read (or listen to) this post, watch this video to remind your heart what friendship is.

In the first post of this series on prosperity I said that I want you to prosper spiritually, financially and in your relationships…

Listen to this post here:

[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/prosper/yofaprosperity013009friends.mp3″/]

 …and as I read it back I tripped over the sound of that but I left it in. I thought you might have felt that little hiccough as you read or listened to me say it so I want to talk to you today about prosperity of relationships – particularly friendships.

We usual think about money at the mention of prosperity but who will you enjoy your money with if you’ve lost al your friends on the  way to your riches?

I want to talk to you today about the treasure of your friends.

Here is what I recommend as a sound investment in your friendships.

Call at least one friend today and do the following:

As they speak, let the vibration of their voice hum in your heart.  Let this feeling linger the way you might swish some sweet nectar in your mouth to savor its goodness.  Listen only lightly to the words and listen deeply to the soul of your friend.  Feel their presence in your energy body and embrace their presence in your heart.

If you really want to get athletic about this, do it once a day with different people. 

If you want to get Olympic about it, do it with strangers.

If you want to get superhero with it, do it with your enemies (I know you don’t have any but you get the point.)

I give more specific instruction about how to do this in Rooted in the Infinite.

So your assignment for today – should you decide to accept it – is to:

  1. Pick a friend – new or old
  2. Call them up
  3. As they speak listen deeply to their voice. Listen with your heart

Why is this in the prosperity section of this blog?  Because your friends become more and more truly valuable to you the more you realize that they are merely pools of love that you can bathe in.  And that is a wealth that has nothing to do with money but it enriches the soul. This is multidimensional prosperity.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Prosperity: Napoleon Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie


I want you to prosper spiritually, financially and in your relationships.

I want you to prosper regardless of the state of the economy or the messages blasting from the media.

Listen to this blog post here:

[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/prosper/yofaprosperity012809.output.mp3″/]

 Both the economy and the media’s reporting of the economy are in the category of things already manifested. I like to call these things “already baked bread.” 

I want to support you in continually tweaking the recipe of your vibration so that the economic reality that you are baking up right now is abundant, bright, and satisfying to you.

So I have decided to create a series of posts here on the blog that are designed to inspire you. They consist of carefully selected videos, quotes, and suggested material for your ongoing and expanding prosperity regardless of conditions.

I will also be sprinkling in the role of your inner alignment in this exploration.

Please check back frequently and be sure to add your comments. Let me know what rings your bells and what you want to see more of here.

And now for the practical part.
How will you actually make money? How will you receive from Infinite Abundance?

The initial step is to bring yourself into alignment with your knowing, trusting, and accepting of the principle of abundance.

After you listen to Napoleon Hill’s message in the video posted above, please consider these 2 questions:

How do I currently, most authentically, take possession of my own mind?

How can I more fully bring myself into alignment with my knowing of Infinite Supply?

Now here is a very quick recap of Napoleon Hill’s recommendations:

  1. Get a notebook.
  2. Write your major desire in life (your idea of success)
  3. Write what you intend to give in return (and start giving)
  4. Memorize both statements
  5. Repeat them at least a dozen times daily
  6. End with this statement:
I ask not, oh Divine Providence, for more riches, but more wisdom with which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends I desire. – Napoloen Hill

Go to http://AlignmentforProsperity.com  to get a free download of Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich as an ebook. I’m not sure how long this will be available so please get it while it’s there.

Knowing your true nature as prosperous,


Energy Healing for Depression: 21 Questions Answered


You probably know I like to keep the names of conditions out of the YOFA conversation. 

I hardly even use the word “healing” because of its mixed vibration.

And if you want to talk extreme, I’ll even end a person’s paid subscription to the jhe sessions if they insist on using the medical name for their situation when communicating with me. Am I nuts? Well, that’s beside the point.

The issue here is that the less I know about your “problem” the better equipped I am to help you with it.

So why in the world would I be talking about depression? And not only talking about it, but creating a workshop about it?

I’ve gone back and forth on this one quite a bit, and finally, for some reason, I felt inspired to get the word out about inner alignment to people who consider themselves to be depressed.

I really don’t know why.

All of a sudden, there I was, working on it.

And before I knew it, I was announcing the teleseminar on “Healing Depression. . .”


I pre-recorded the content. I did the action steps as close to perfectly as I could.


My vibration must still have been a little screwy because everything went kind of wrong.

Well, that’s all fine with me. 

It’s these scrambled manifestations that help me know what’s off in my vibrational offering.

What does this have to do with you?

I ironed out some of the rough spots in my vibration and I made some more recordings. I sat down and answered 21 of the many questions that came in on the webcast for “Healing Depression through Inner Alignment.”

You can get all of it for free. Listen to the 21 Q & A recordings plus the original pre-recordings that never made it into the live call. This is a natural and energetic approach to achieving joyful harmonious expressiveness. I hope you (and the people you care about) find it useful.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Follow me on twitter:


YOFA Healing Meditation: Love



This video meditation offers a fundamental spiritual healing process that can augment any mode of healing and can be added to any regimen. 

Actually, rather than "healing" I prefer the words "joyful harmonious expressiveness" or "jhe."  The movement toward jhe is a movement toward wholeness.

Jhe is the natural state of your body. 

In fact, your body is always moving toward jhe.  This video takes you to joyful harmonious expressiveness (healing) by bringing you to wholeness on the vibration of love. This is the essence of spiritual healing.

No matter what problem you may be experiencing in your body, this simple meditation provides a soothing energy template for profound and thorough jhe (healing).

For best results, do this meditation three times a day:

  • In the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Sometime during the day while watching the video.
  • At night before sleep.

Related Resources:

Affirmative Contemplation
For more audio meditations like this one, get the Affirmative Contemplation collection.
Get the digital version here.
Get the physical CD here.


YOFA jhe Sessions
Remote healing, or distance healing, is only part of what the jhe sessions provide.  I like to call them remote inner alignment sessions. They promote jhe in:

  • your body
  • your relationships
  • your finances
  • your emotions
  • your spiritual awareness
  • all aspects of your life

Click here to start transforming your life on the jhe list.


Rooted in the Infinite
This book is the official manual of YOFA Meditation.
Listen to me read excerpts from the book here.


In the process of developing your jhe (healing), I wish you great satisfaction and a deep knowing that the value  of the journey always outweighs the momentary suffering.


With Love and Appreciation,

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

PS – Please share your experience with this video meditation by posting a comment here.

Byron Katie and Law of Attraction: Part 1 Unconditional Love

Byron Katie may not be teaching about Law of Attraction, but what she offers might just be the most important piece of the whole puzzle.

In the YOFA Results Workshop we’ve been looking deeply into the activity of releasing resistance to what is.  It can start as opening to the perfection of each moment and it can evolve into truly loving what is.  Then, the desires of the heart manifest because there is no more resistance.

In my experience, The Work of Byron Katie is the simplest, the most elegant, and the most effective tool for releasing resistance.

I recommend you go take a look at her site if you are not already familiar with her work.

Then we can talk more about how this all fits into your YOFA Training .

Please comment below.  Do you see what all this has to do with our work with Law of Attraction?

Check back for part 2. . .

Love and Blessings,

Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Pick One Thing: Change Everything
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #1

yofa-guitarcase-loa.jpgIn this episode of "Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction" Rebbie explains how to shift your vibration in the morning and maintain it throughout the day.  She shares how her vintage Gibson Guitar case helps her computer work to go smoothly.

episode 1

[mc src="http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-qt001-2008-5-21pla.mp3"/]

Post your insights about this podcast as a comment below and you could win free admission to the next monthly Law of Attraction Results teleseminar and webcast.  Thanks for listening.