Turning Judgments into Salad

A YOFA Stroll through Central ParkWhat a magnificent day!

Stroll with me through Central Park as I share with you what I did on the lunch break of the workshop I was attending.   I had fun and discovered a key to  the paradox of judgments that might just change me forever.

Here is the second recording  I made for you about my experiences this past weekend. (Part 1 is here.)

[mc id=”651″ type=”audio”]Turning Judgments into Salad[/mc]

I invite you to join me in this perspective (listen to the recording) when you find yourself judging or being judged. It lightens your load, eases your burden, and lets you move forward with your heart as your guide.

Love is the Answer,


To find out more about the YOFA System of Inner Alignment, please visit www.YOFA.net

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Are there two of you, too?



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CLICK HERE to get The Vortex



[mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-vortex-gateway-2009-11-13.mp3″/]

I want to begin today’s focus with what I always thought was a nursery rhyme.  It turns out it’s a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  Apparently he wrote this with his baby in his arms. 

You probably know it:

There was a little girl,
    Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
    When she was good,
    She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

    — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This poem comes to my mind right now as I think about myself (minus the curl).

You see, sometimes I access mystical states of awareness.  Sometimes I extract wisdom from the living of my life in a way that is thrilling to me.  And I receive feedback (for which I am very grateful) that my insights are helpful to others.  Sometimes I am "very good indeed." And when I am in those states I love pouring those realizations into writing or recordings or some form of expression so that I can have an imprint of that moment or that awareness.  And, as you might guess, I do my best to let that be the side of me that acts as my public persona.

Well, then there’s the part of me that my friends and family know.  This is the part that can get hooked into focusing on what is not wanted in a way that is not fun to be around.  And while these moments are difficult, they do provide sharp contrast that sooner or later turns into an article or a website or something useful in the YOFA system.

Well, the reason I’m telling you all this is because I was just in one of these states. In fact it started yesterday. I went to sleep with something unwanted on my mind, woke up with it, and had been obsessing and getting myself more and more upset about it all day, and it’s really a relatively unimportant event in the greater scheme of things.

Finally it occurred to me to use the YOFA Gateway into the Vortex which is a website I had created for my own personal use for moments just like this.  It’s got two main tools for getting me back in the Vortex – the Simple Gateway and the Profound Gateway.  I decided this was a job for the Profound Gateway because I was pretty steeped in seeing the worst possible aspects of this situation.  In fact I was so convinced of how justified I was to be disappointed and bummed out about this particular subject that when I opened the Profound Gateway webpage and began doing the process, I found myself unable to answer the questions in a useful way.

Now mind you, I am the one who created this gateway tool.  Well, it’s a matter of semantics.  It was the me who is very very good who created it.  Now it was the me who is horrid who was trying to use it!

So here is what I did. I clicked on the video tutorial and I went question-by-question, listening to what the in-the-Vortex version of me had to say about how to answer each of the questions.  So there we were.  The in-the-Vortex version of me offering a  hand to the out-of the-Vortex version of me.  And by going question by question, with the video in one tab of my browser and the profound gateway in another tab, I moved through the  process and came out so transformed that I felt inspired to express it here.  Because now, suddenly I am the in-the-Vortex version of me.  And when that happens, this is what I do.  I write, or I somehow share how I got here. 

In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if I did not have a way of getting myself so far out of the vortex and then so consistently finding my way back in, there would be no YOFA! 

So here are the points that I want to make today.

  1. If you are using the YOFA Gateway into Vortex (simple or profound), which is the tools set at http://HappyintheVortex.com , and you are having trouble finding your way into the contemplation, here is what I recommend: Use the video tutorial as a step by step coach helping you answer each question.
  2. If you, too, have a very very good (in-the-Vortex) version of yourself and a very very horrid (out-of-the-Vortex) version of yourself that you are very very familiar with, here is what I recommend.  Take a moment to:
    1. Thank your out-of-the-Vortex self for stimulating all that great contrast which puts better and better things in your Vortex.
    2. Thank the in-the-Vortex version of yourself for being so magnificent and lending a hand to you when you are out of the vortex.

And if you are wondering how to do that, you can begin with the scripts you create with the Gateway processes.

In the website you’ll be contemplating questions that bring you into the Vortex and you’ll be typing in the answers (your unique answers).  Then, you take the script that is created, (and that will be a very in-the-Vortex script) and save it. Then, the next time you are horrid, you can simply read this script, you can carry it in your wallet for those moments.  Then the two of you (both are you) can keep tossing the ball back and forth.  You help yourself by getting out of the Vortex and experiencing the contrast, then you help yourself by getting in the vortex and being the joyful loving being that you truly are, then you help yourself by getting out of the vortex again, then you help yourself by getting back in the Vortex…

And this volley that happens is the grist for the mill.  It’s the stuff of your life and it becomes very joyful when you know that you’re empowered to go in the Vortex and go out of the Vortex and go in the Vortex.  You discover the joy of the journey.

I wish you love,

5 Ways to Express Gratitude


We often think of gratitude as "gratitude for" something.

A very pure of expression of gratitude has no "for" after it.

It is a state of being that floods its joy on anything and everything that enters its field of awareness.

Many people find power and wisdom in using a gratitude journal, writing gratitude letters, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude.  Are you one of them? These folks have discovered an express route to happiness.  Gratitude is the key to a joyful and harmonious life.

Here I want to show you a fun way to find a state of gratitude within you and not only feel it, but express it.

The added benefit of these forms of expression becomes a perpetual motion machine.  As  you express your gratitude in these ways, you prime the pump of your talents.  Your face becomes radiant and your true light shines through your personality. People respond to you in loving and generous ways and your life flourishes.

Of course, the result of all that is that you end up with more to write in your gratitude journal!

This gets gratitude cycling through your life in a way that is self perpetuating.  It’s like a spiritual ecstasy perpetual motion machine!

Here is the very simple technique…

Ponder these 5 questions and as the answers erupt in you, gratitude will be your experience.

5 Questions That Lead to a State of Gratitude:

What can I do differently today?

Consider how you can take a different route to work or prepare a meal in a different order or with foods you’ve never tried before.  Adding something new can shake up an old pattern and open you to heightened experience that floods you with gratitude.

How can I express myself more joyfully today?

 Here’s one.  How about if you extend love to the person on the other end of the phone as you say "Hello!"  Yes, before you even know who it is!

 How can I dance more today?

This is my favorite one.  You can really be creative with this one.

What can I say today that I have never said?

Grab a dictionary and find some new words that make your mouth (and your mind)  feel good as you say them.

What can I praise today?

This one is endless.  Go crazy with it.

 Pick one of these at the top of your day and let it sprinkle its scintillating suggestion throughout the activities of your Monday. Pick another on Tuesday.  I wish you much dancing, colorful joy, and a splendid new vocabulary.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 07-18-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the jhe list today.

To best embrace the benefit of this session, please (re)read the part of chapter 12 of Rooted in the Infinite that addresses the ego.  If you don’t have much time, read the section called "Ego as Distortion" on page 121.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel like someone washed your windows.

Clarity, precision, and equanimity in your perception quickly turn into wisdom and compassion in your personality. 

That is the effect of this session. 

Today’s alignment goes a long way toward evaporating the distortions created by the resistant aspect of the ego. 

To say that in a positive way, today’s alignment helps you purify your desires. 

It brings you in touch with the brilliance, talent, and unique value of your human instrument.  I sometimes refer to this as the positive aspect of ego.  It is ego as instrument.

Here are some of the effects you may notice.  You may notice both of them or this may work completely under the surface.  Either way, this is the movement that is generated by today’s jhe session.

  • Your Desires — Your desires begin to feel very good to you when your mind lands on them.  Even desires that usually create a feeling of frustration or even despair, start to feel more fresh and exciting. And of course, this brings them closer to fruition.
  • Your Relationships — You see others in a more positive light.  Even thinking of, or encountering, those who usually annoy you or even trigger rage does not bother you in the same way.  This is because today’s alignment gives you access to much more interest in the richness of your own experience.  Displeasure with, disappointment with, and disapproval of others simply cannot compete with the power of your engagement with your own true journey through life. 

So, you naturally engage more of your attention with the purity of your desires.  And your negative attention to others naturally atrophies.  It just dissolves. And as it does, so does the hurt you have been causing yourself through your attention to what is not wanted. And ironically, you actually give the other person more space to become the way you want them to be by releasing your mental grip on their apparent flaws.

Many teachers talk about the ego as a purely negative phenomenon that we want nothing to do with.  I call this only half of the ego.  And this session moves you toward a natural, easy, pleasant, effortless release of that part of the ego that is made of resistance.

So what about the other half of ego?  It is the joy of being a focused, individual point of consciousness.  It is the pure expression of your uniqueness.  It is the gift that is beyond measure that you give to the world.  And that gift is expanded as you increase your ability to be purely yourself. 

So, to summarize, this session brightens your light, expands the gift that you are, and makes you more attractive, more appreciated, more enjoyed by others. 

This is a cultivation of your unique brilliance. 

Your expression may intensify or take new forms.  If you are an artist, keep your brushes, violin, pencil, etc. handy. I think you will be pouring through your chosen medium in new and satisfying ways. 

If you do not see yourself as an artist, you may quickly realize that your everyday life is a brilliant work of art.  Joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) can take infinite forms.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com

David Wolfe’s Longevity NOW! revealed



David Wolfe has put together a program that I am recommending to everyone who has a body.

The cutting edge information that he offers in this program is the type of information that is usually VERY hard to find, even harder to understand, and practically impossible to apply.

David has packaged it in a way that is:

  • so simple
  • and USABLE

…that it feels a little bit like a miracle. 

I don’t know about you, but I have not spent every day of my adult life researching the best ways to eat.  David has.

I have spent every day, for many many years, studying Law of Attraction and tuning myself to my inner guidance.  And as I listen to David talk, I feel my energy move toward the knowledge he is sharing. My inner guidance is saying, "Yes!" to Longevity NOW!

As a certified clinical nutritionist, I can easily recognize the difference between nutritional hype and true food wisdom. 

This is wisdom folks.  And I urge you to listen.  If joy, freedom, love, and kindness are what you’re after, why not let your body support you on that soul satisfying journey? 


Oh, and one more thing…

  • To my fellow baby-boomers who want to keep feeling great (or start feeling great again)…
  • To women taking calcium…
  • To everyone of us walking through the cell phone, wifi, and other emfs everyday…

Please watch this video to help yourself achieve your optimal state, in balance with Mother Nature, and in tune with your joy.

Unlock Your Intuition

Unlock Your Intuition



"Unlock Your Intuition"






 [mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/blogebook.output.mp3″/]

 When I was a chiropractor I used to work in a largely intuitive way.  I had all the information and the knowledge that my mind needed to make rational and educated decisions about the care of my patients, but my hands were awake in ways that defied reason and my mind was open to solutions to problems that were sometimes unexpected.

There was an intuition in my hands and in my mind. 

I had friends who were also strongly intuitive.  Some of them would intuitively "see" the problem that needed to be corrected.

Intuition travels through different pathways within us and some of us have more heightened faculties in one of these pathways than in the others.

I invite you to explore your own powers of intuition to serve you in the most loving and joyful living in your life. 

Here is a free ebook I recently came across.  In this book, Belton describes different forms that your intuition might take and how to cultivate your inner knowing.

This is not my ebook and I’m not sure how long they will be offering this for free so, if it interests you, please download it now.

Hope you enjoy this one!

Here is the email I received about this:

It’s not often I come across something as unique and
enlightening as this, and when I get to offer it as a gift, it’s sure icing on the cake!

"Unlock Your Intuition"

Did you know that you have a magic wand in your pocket?

An inner compass that will align you to your highest path and
potential, that you can consciously access and apply?

It is your ultimate ally!

Find out how you can unlock it in this awesome FREE report!

"Unlock Your Intuition"

This magic wand is the gateway to your unlimited self, and all the wisdom, love and guidance you need to craft your life optimally!

It is the innate tool within you that swings wide open the doors to True Success; success that reflects and expresses your inherent gifts, talents and soul’s calling.

This mysterious power will give you access to higher realms of awareness beyond five-sensory perception.

It is your most treasured resource, and lies latent and untapped, waiting to be unleashed within!

Discover how in this transformational FREEreport: "Unlock Your Intuition" >>

"Unlock Your Intuition"

This is not to be missed!

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover:

* The four primary intuitive channels

* The most powerful way to shift your consciousness

* How to get the intuitive ball rolling right away

* The vast and magnificent overseer of your multi selves – past, present and future, conscious and subconscious.

* How to decode the whispers in your physical reality

* The highest vibration in the universe & how to meld with it

* How to ‘create the space’ for your intuition

* Wisdom beyond the intellectual capacities of the mind

* What will initiate your receiving guidance

* The antidote to the ego virus

* And so much more

Go to the link below and follow your bliss:

"Unlock Your Intuition"



Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-22-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session focused on the Y-axis of the root chakra.

This is a profound location in the energy body and I describe this in great detail in Rooted in the Infinite.

As a result of this session I expect you to have greater harmony between your individual consciousness and Infinite Intelligence.

The way it might show up in your life is in your ability to see the bigger picture and access wisdom when it is needed.  This can relate to your personal issues or your ability to guide others when they seek your advice.

If you are focused on physical healing, this session tends to the root of the energy system that all healing draws from.  This can relate to raising your energy level, adding strength and stability to your body, or to the intelligence that flows through your system in the form of your body’s chemistry or electricity to heal, repair, and balance wherever those actions are needed.

The jhe sessions are not like other systems that prescribe certain treatments for certain problems.  This system of alignment, like chiropractic, tends to your alignment and allows the Intelligence that flows through your system to make the necessary corrections.

And today’s session, by tending to the root, makes a big contribution to that alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheIninite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-8-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session centers you in the Infinite.  It aligns you with your Infinite Consciousness.  This was a Y-axis session. 

As a result of this session I expect you to feel centered and graceful.  This session promotes, dignity, empowerment, and expansive wisdom.

You may notice a shift in your posture as a result of this session. This session can also be seen and felt in your relationships.  This Z-axis component can show up in your ability to see others without judging or blaming.  It opens your vision to the perfection of their essence.

For those working on physical healing, this session is like a cleansing.  I recommend deep relaxation to augment this session for the full functioning of your body.

You can also follow up with the material in session 8 of the practice section of Rooted in the Infinite.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe Session.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-1-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel a beautiful sense of peace.

This session promotes simplicity.

Like the silent green stalk of a vibrant plant, your great innate simplicity was affirmed in this session and with it comes your enormous access to wisdom.

You may notice the effects of this session in these ways:

  • Your mind has moments of unusual quiet.
  • Faces look unusually beautiful to you.
  • Everything looks unusually beautiful to you.
  • You meet each activity with presence and full attention. .  . and you see beauty in the things you touch and in your own hands.
    • If you are seeking physical healing, this session supports the state that allows your body to find its true balance and its natural ability to function optimally.
    • If you are seeking harmony in relationships, this session supports the state that makes you "lovable."
    • If you are seeking financial prosperity, this session supports the state that opens you to joyful manifestation.

This session of simplicity, peace, and wisdom is offered with love and appreciation.

Thank you for being part of the YOFA jhe Sessions.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 9-9-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This was an exceptionally powerful session.

I’m not even sure how to predict the effects of this one.

What I do know is that if you are currently faced with adversity, struggle, or suffering, this session will make itself known to you as relief.

The energy was so strong that (since my eyes were closed) I would have believed you were standing right in front of me.   (You weren’t were you?)

Here is what I expect you to feel as a result of this session.

Any difficulties you are having due to the unwanted end of a duality (for example, not enough energy, not enough money, not enough love, not enough peace, not enough fun, etc.) these difficulties will begin to transform.


This session had the effect of unifying you so that you become more pure in your vision and your knowing.  The result is wisdom.

Once you see things clearly and you are no longer divided against yourself, you experience a sense of ease.  And as this ease washes over you, things simply get better.

As a result of this session, I expect your mind to be sharp and clear as a mind is meant to be.

I expect your body to be strong and ready as a body is meant to be.

I expect your burden, whatever it may be, to be lifted.  I can’t really explain this one very well but I know that something that has felt heavy to you will be lifted.  It may feel like your body gets lighter.  It may feel like you can sleep more peacefully.  I really don’t know how it will show up for you.

All I know is that the energy of this session was big.

I am thrilled that you were a part of it.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter: