Manifest Peace on Earth

What are you doing on 12/12/12?

YOFA Energy Clearing for Peace on Earth

December 12, 2012
8 pm Eastern
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Manifesting Peace

The manifestation of peace on earth (like any other manifestation) begins with the matching vibration.

However, most of the time, when we attempt to cultivate the vibration of world peace, well, we don’t really know where to begin.

So many of us decide we will visualize world peace.

Have you tried this?

As we try to visualize our entire world at peace, it can feel like a fairy tale and our logical minds quickly chime in to tell us how impossible it is.

This conflict in our vibration — wanting peace, but not believing it is possible — holds the energy of wars in place. But how do we believe something that we *want* to believe is possible, but we simply don’t really believe?

(You may have experienced this same snag in your plans to manifest a wonderful relationship or financial prosperity, or anything else. When your desires and
your beliefs don’t match up, it’s a slow road to manifestation.)

There is a Way

In the YOFA energy clearing sessions we have been
bypassing the conscious mind, as well as the vibrational
habits that keep stubborn manifestations in place.

We have been doing this for the spiritual evolution of
our personal human journey.

On 12/12/12 we will be applying this same process
to our world for the sake of Peace on Earth.

I have often likened the energy clearing process
to peeling an onion.

Well, even though the onion of world peace can be daunting,
I have decided to start peeling it. Will you join me?

Dial In and Be a Presence for Peace

You are invited to join me and add your presence
and unique energy signature to a special clearing
session for Peace on Earth.

Dial in at 8pm Eastern on Wednesday, 12/12/12 and join
me and others as we unite our energy to clear the patterns
that hold wars in place and allow the flow of energy that
expresses as kindness, respect, and cooperation between
people, even though they may hold values and beliefs that
are different from each other.

Thank you for being a member of the YOFA Community.

With Love,

PS – Please invite your friends and family
members who want to believe that world peace is
a possibility.

And get your free guest pass to the YOFA Energy
Clearing Session for Peace on Earth here: