Instantaneous Manifestation

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the links mentioned in the audio:


Vibration and Manifestation

YOFA-TSOGR WorkshopCLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the next Prosperity Workshop

Do the YOFA jhe Sessions get results every time, all the time?  I just made this recording to explore why some people get instant manifestation and others don’t  – and why, in the bigger picture, the results come, whether they are instant or not.

Law of Attraction is always consistent. And in this recording, I explain why it doesn’t always seem that way, and how the jhe sessions can help.

We have one more prosperity workshop in the 5 year birthday celebration for the YOFA jhe Sessions.  Have you marked your calendar yet?

The Final jhe Celebration Workshop is Tuesday (tomorrow).
December 13, 2011
8:30 pm Eastern (5:30 pm Pacific)
Find your time zone here
No Charge


Hilda Charlton, Spiritual Healing, and the YOFA jhe Sessions




Hilda Charlton Official Website

YOFA jhe Sessions Website

 (Scroll down)


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When I was a teenager I used to attend Hilda‘s Thursday night Satsang. At that time we met at St Luke’s Church in New York City’s Greenwich Village. That was a profound experience for me, but there is way more to the story of Hilda’s role in my life than what took place at those meetings.  (And, for anyone who was there, and I know you folks are out there because you write to me from time to time, you know that the energy of those gatherings was powerful, extra-ordinary, and inspiring enough to last a lifetime.)

There is more though…

I have to back up a bit. 

The reason I knew Hilda was because she was working intensely on healing my sister, Shelli.  In fact, one of my clearest memories of Hilda was when the doorbell would ring and my mother would open the door to our apartment. And there was Hilda, in her sari, and her English accent, and an aura of Love expanding out in every direction, unlike anyone else who ever rang our doorbell. 

And yet, this was a common occurrence.  Hilda was there, ringing our doorbell and entering our apartment like clockwork.

So, I’ve been reflecting on how huge Hilda’s influence has been on me.  Her presence as a healer was such a big part of my formative years, that now, as I sit to do a YOFA jhe Session two times a week, I’m so grateful for my roots with someone who is probably one of the most remarkable healers and spiritual teachers of the 20th Century.

It’s hard to describe the specific influence that Hilda still has on these remote inner alignment sessions that I do, but I want to acknowledge her and give her credit for much of my training – even if it was largely by osmosis!

When I do an inner alignment session for the people on the jhe list, I send an email explaining the specifics of the session.  I’m posting the email update that went out to the members today after I did today’s jhe session.

You can sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions HERE.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session Email Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

With today’s alignment comes an
intensification of personal empowerment.

This comes not from having power over others
but as a result of an intimate relationship
with the source of all creation.

Abraham ( teaches us of the
profound relationship between freedom and
empowerment.  These are different names for
the joyful end of the emotional scale.

With today’s inner alignment with your
essence, you gain access to great personal
freedom and empowerment. This happens as a
result of deliberate alignment with the
ever-present, sacred freedom at the portal
where the *now* enters your personal energy
system.  (Find out more about how this works
in the root chakra section of "Rooted in the

As a result of today’s session I expect you
to experience breakthroughs in any area of
your life where you have been feeling stuck.

You may notice that you are no longer driven
by old self-sabotaging habits, addictions,
or negative tendencies. 

What a relief! 

When those patterns release-even just a little
bit-and Law of Attraction gets hold of your
true brilliance and brings you more of that,
well, let’s just say there are fireworks in
your field of attraction and you shine your
true light.  This is the fast track to
success in any venture.

You may notice the results of this session in
funny ways.  You may have an enhanced
feeling of rhythm in your body and you may
find yourself tapping your toe or wanting to

You may find the faces of the people you meet
to be unusually beautiful – friends, family
and strangers alike.  When you see their
light shining through their human form, their
beauty is remarkable. That is one of the
probable results of this session.

You may have a surge of authentic positive
self-esteem.  This is because as the ego
comes into balance, you can own your
magnificence in a way that does not threaten
others.  In fact, it inspires the expression
of their greatness. Mutual appreciation
springs spontaneously from these

I am honored by, and grateful for, the
opportunity to do this session for you.

With Love,


Where’d the YOFA jhe Sessions Updates Go?

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgTo all the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions (Active, Inner Circle and Free):

I’ve stopped posting the updates here on the blog.  For now, they will be kept private for members only.  Of course you still receive them by email.

To see the updates on the web and to comment, please log in to your members area and find the little known "YOFA Lounge" 

Free members do not have access to this function and will only receive the updates by email.

Sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions and enter the uplifiting field of jhe immediately.  CLICK HERE for More Info

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-28-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Imagine a big eraser.    eraser.gif

Imagine that big eraser erasing your conflict, your pain, and all your yukky states.

Imagine it leaving only the glistening beauty of your unique magnificence.

Your unique magnificence is the un-erasable part of you.  It is your true essence and the reason for your existence.

Today’s session was like a car wash for your essence.  

Now that you’re all shiny and sparkling, you can approach your life spiritually "naked."

I mean that in the most respectful way.  You are released of excess thinking and memories and energetic clutter that would otherwise cover up your light.  Your brilliance is now visible.

When you prepare your meal, or lift your pen, or power up your computer, or do your laundry, with nothing between you and your activity, you are clean, bright, and pure.  This is the very beginning point for physical healing.  It is the first step on the path of prosperity.  This is the place that can instantly transform relationships.  

As a result of today’s session I expect you to sense a shift.  Things in your life that have felt like rocks now feel like marshmallows.

More specifically, you might lose a few pounds, you might clean up a messy part of your home, you might get a haircut, you might reduce a symptom.  This session will cause something unwanted to vanish.  It will clean things up.  How and where in your life? That is unique to your desire.

I love you.  Your unique magnificence is awesome.

Thank you for participating in the jhe sessions.

By simply being on the list, you help you, your world, your loved ones, and your ancestors.

With Love and Appreciation,

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