Energy Healing: The Vertical Alignment of the Root Chakra



Find Out More About the YOFA jhe Sessions

The Place Where Meditation
Meets Law of Attraction.



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This recording is here for the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions and anyone else who wants to better understand the power of inner alignment.  This is where spiriutal healing occurs.  Within the energy body, there is a template of alignment which opens you to the fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

This session focuses on the vertical alignment of the root chakra.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions based on the YOFA system I present in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  I am honored to offer these session to those who feel resonance with my work.  You can get on the jhe list HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,

How do we talk about the YOFA jhe Sessions? – Time Management

I was having lunch with a high school friend. I told her a little bit about the jhe sessions.  Her first comment was,"Hmm, that seems like something people really need in this ecomomy."  I said, "Really?"  She seemed pretty sure about it.

Then I realized that I don’t realy talk much about the jhe sessions

I keep it quiet. 

I communicate wiith the members but that’s about it.  Suddenly I felt like I was being unserviceful by not making the effort to communicate about the jhe sessions.  What they are.  How they work. How they can help people. I’ve been "unshareful" (I love making up words) and I apologize.

Now I’ve just got to figure out how to communicate this unusual thing in a way that is serviceful and "shareful." 

With Love and Appreciation,
YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Relationship Question: If I imagine it too clearly will Law of Attraction think I already have it?



Here is my quick answer to Devin’s question.  For more indepth coaching, sign up for the Monthly YOFA  Group Coaching Call (Results Workshop).  (Or leave a comment on this blog post and you may win free admission.)

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CLICK HERE to subscribe to this podcast

Love and Blessings,
Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Prosperity: Dr. John Demartini on Owning Your Magnificence





CLICK HERE to Watch the Video

(Watch this one more than once!)






YOFA Blog  Dr. John Demartini

 Listen to my "John Demartini in a restaurant" story here:

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Here is the email I received for this video:

Here is a brand new Free video you are sure to enjoy.

It is from one of the teachers of "The Secret" and "The Masters of the Gathering."

In this revealing interview with Dr. John Demartini you will learn:

  • How to make a difference in your life

  • How to realize the mastery inside you

  • How to blow the socks off of every area of your life

  •  How to rise to another level in your life

  • And a whole lot more

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

P.S. While you are there, check out the other great interviews with John Assarf, Loral Langemeier, and Joe Vitale.

CLICK HERE to Watch the VIdeo

As you watch this video, consider taking notes.  There are many valuable messages packed into this 18 minute interview and Dr. Demartini talks fast!  Make sure you take away some practical instructions from this segment because they are there and they will impact your life in wonderful ways if you open to this message.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Follow me on twitter:

Prosperity: Deepak Chopra on Giving and Receiving


 Watch this video of Deepak Chopra on our topic

YOFA BlogGiving and Receiving

Let’s talk about the energy of giving and receiving in this current economy.  Let’s talk about prosperity from the perspective of flow. 

You can listen to this post here:

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We have a tendency to think of wealth as accumulation but when accumulation becomes stagnant it can dry up and it can get murky.  I’d like you to picture a rushing river or even a flowing stream.  When new energy enters a system (and by a system I mean you, I mean your family, I mean your community)  and when that system overflows its goodness so that the next system in the chain gets a great inflow from its buddy upstream, everyone benefits.

Now what I’m seeing happening as a result of the messages we are getting about the economy, is that people are sealing themselves off.  And this can create a state of stagnation. People are re-organizing their giving and taking and screeching on the brakes of that flow.

Well this is completely understandable.  If someone has been laid off it makes total sense to cut down on spending.  But what I’d like to suggest here is that no matter what your situation is, that you begin to or continue to pay attention to the vitality of the flow of giving and receiving in your life.

So even if money is feeling tight to you right now, if you want it to begin flowing more abundantly, one thing you can do on an energy level is to keep the Giving and Receiving momentum going in some form.  Set a conscious intention to joyfully give and graciously receive many times in the day.  With a little conscious awareness, you can prime the pump with some of these non-financial givings and takings:

  1. Acknowledgment
    • Giving- Open your mouth and say it.  There are times when you admire someone. Or you respect someone. Or you appreciate someone.  Telling them is tremendously generous.  And it keeps you from stagnating.
    • Receiving – When someone acknowledges you  and they tell you you look good or you did a good job or your are appreciated, open the door and let the energy in.  See it as life force flowing to you
  2. Money – As money passes hands, as you pay for your groceries or you receive change when you buy something, feel the flow, the movement and the fluidity of this thing we call money. And feel how it moves from hand to hand.

These simple acts of awareness cost you nothing but they do a major invisible job.

Keep yourself in the giving and receive mode and eventually more and more money will jump on the bandwagon to be part of that exchange.

If you have not already gotten the ebook version of Think and Grow Rich, you can still get that as an instant download at  You can begin your heightened receiving right now by getting that book.

Please go there now to download the book and begin feeling the beautiful flow of giving and receiving as it is happening constantly in your life.  Simply give it more of your awareness and appreciation and receive its blessings.

And remember to sign up for the Masters Gathering free teleseminar: CLICK HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,


To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises In the Practice Section of  "Rooted in The Infinite."

Follow me on twitter:

Prosperity: Teleseminar and Contest Prizes







YOFA Blog Teleseminar (Scroll down to read the email)

You can listen to my comments about this post here but be sure to read the whole letter.

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 Sign up for the free teleseminar – CLICK HERE

Get your free copy of Think and Grow Rich CLICK HERE

Since I recorded this, I found out just how limited the spaces are on this call.  Here is the email I received with all the details:

Boy have I got some GREAT news for you today! I’ve just been notified
that a bunch of the stars from "The Secret" are getting together for an
exclusive live call and I wanted to make sure YOU heard about it first.

The call will be on Wednesday February 4th at 12 Noon EST.

Reserve a Spot on the Call Now!



Sure that sounds like a lot but let me assure you…

This call is being hosted by a *massive* group called The Masters Gathering.

I’d be shocked if you aren’t familiar with them by now. In just 8 days
they’ve amassed hundreds of thousands of visits to their website and have received
nearly a thousand rave reviews.

Those 1000 seats are going to fill up FAST.

So I suggest you grab yours now. Even if you can’t make the call, they’ll
send you a recording.

You’d be positively crazy to pass up this opportunity to hop on a live call
with some of the wealthiest, happiest people in the world who want to answer YOUR

questions and solve YOUR problems.

During the call they’re going to:

* Answer your questions

* Make a thrilling announcement that already has thousands of insiders
literally at the edge of their seats with bated breath…

* Delve deeper into The Law of Attraction and how to put it to work in your
life to get EXACTLY what you want

* Introduce you to the Master behind The Masters Gathering: Harrison Klein.
He’ll share his inspiring story battling 30 years of depression, abuse, and
suffering and how he encountered a life-changing episode.

That singular event instantaneously relieved his pain, self-hatred, and
sadness and led him to into a staggering 30-year practice coaching thousands of
people and triggering instant transformation in their lives as well.

This exclusive call is NOT to be missed.

You’ll see a side to Harrison Klein that has inspired the world’s greatest
success and transformation masters to not only welcome him inside their inner
circle, but to call him a valued friend.

Register to Be On This Incredible Live Call


Oh and one other thing…

JUST ANNOUNCED: Win a Fully Loaded iPod, $100 Amazon Gift Card & More!

The folks over at The Masters Gathering have been so impressed with the
hundreds of inspiring stories and conversations being posted at their website that
they’ve decided to hold a contest! You could win tons of cool prizes!

You see, they’ve also given away several videos from billionaire John
Assaraf, Millionaire-Maker Loral Langemeier, Attractor-Factor Master Dr. Joe Vitale,
and more! They want YOU to weigh in on what you think and they’re gonna throw
cool prizes at you in return.

So rush your booty over there and weigh in to win. They want to know:

* Have you been impacted by the videos we’ve shared so far?

* Have you had a powerful "AHA" moment, taken action on something you’ve
learned, or developed a new awareness or perspective on your life?

They’d also love to know:

* Who your favorite Master is

* The most valuable thing you’ve learned from them and how it’s changed your

Submit Your Story For a Chance to Win NOW!


Follow the link above and you’ll get all the details on the live call with
the Masters and how to enter their contest.


P.S. They’re giving away special prizes for video entries so if you’ve got a
camera (even a digital photo camera with a movie function or a web cam!) you
DEFINITELY want to submit for this contest. There will be less video entries which
means you have a better chance of winning!




From a YOFA “Results” Workshop: The Beauty of the Moment


The Old Guitarist – Pablo Picasso
Oil On Panel, 1903 

Eavesdrop on a few minutes  of the January 2009
YOFA Metaphysics of "Results" Group Coaching Call (8min 5sec)

You won’t have the context but I trust you’ll get right in the groove.

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You are beautiful! How do I know that?  I just do.  You are unconditionally beautiful because you are the fulfillment of the beauty of the moment.

At the January “Metaphysics of Results” Group Coaching Call I got on my soapbox about all this. 

I thought I’d share an excerpt from the call with you.

We have fun on these calls and they have been evolving into a warm and casual conversation. My thanks to those who attend these calls for inspiring the rich exploration that keeps flowing each month.

Do You Feel The Pain of Blame or the Joy of Responsibility?

People write to me and say that the Law of Attraction perspective has them feeling blamed and judged for anything that is going wrong in their lives. They feel guilty and embarrassed if their health fails or if they have financial problems.


That is the opposite of the intention of this teaching. And yet, haven’t we all felt that way at times?

Do you know anyone who is feeling this paradoxical reaction to the otherwise empowering teachings of Law of Attraction?

If so, they might enjoy this little audio segment in which I sing the praises of the beauty of contrast.

You can still get all the recordings from this pre-recorded workshop and live call. CLICK HERE

 With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Master Hilarion by Hilda Charlton


In this video, you’ll hear me reading an excerpt from the book The Golden Quest by Hilda Charlton, my teacher of many years ago.  Here, she tells the story of how she came to know Master Hilarion.  You can read more excerpts and buy this book at

With Love,

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

PS – I now see that the book I am reading from, "The Golden Quest" may be unavailable.  You can still get the Master Hilarion segment.  Visit or to buy it online, visit the Hilda section of the YOFA Bookstore at

Standing Meditation

Rooted in the InfiniteI recently received this email:

Hi Rebbie,
I’m really getting a lot out of this and can already feel the benefits of aligning my Y-axis.  I prefer doing this standing up though instead of sitting down.  I can really feel the energy move up my body (and spine) this way.  I’m curious why you don’t mention standing up as an option?

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Yes!  By all means, feel free to do the YOFA inner alignment exercises while standing.  And thank you for pointing out that I have not made that clear.  Sometimes doing these meditations while standing, especially the Y-axis ones, will cause you to raise your arms up.  If you are inspired to do that, go right ahead.  It is the up-force moving you toward joy.

As you get more advanced, you can also do these while walking.  You may find a very interesting effect focusing on the Y-axis as you move along your Z.

If this post seems strange or cryptic to you, it is because you have not read Rooted in the Infinite.  That can be remedied here:

Thanks to all who write me emails that help me clarify your YOFA Training!

With Love,
PS – I think this email may have been referring to these recordings: .

“Stand by Me” & “jhe”

 I received this email after yesterday’s YOFA jhe Session and I am passing it along to  you:

Hi Rebbie,
First I would like to thank you for [the YOFA jhe Sessions]. I find that I recognize a change on the day you have done a session and then sure enough you send an email for confirmation. Today was no exception. Yes I do feel lighter and my heart which is usually big and open is more so today. The money thing and relationships are also much lighter it feels like freedom along with total trust and faith that everything is just as it should be and there is perfection it all of it.
If you feel inclined I would like you to watch a you tube video (see above)… It reminds me of what you and alot of us are doing standing by each other. I trust you will enjoy it as much as I do. Also you may want to share this video with your email list.

Love and Blessings