Thank You phenomeNEWS!


Louise Hay has called phenomeNEWS, "the best of the New Age newspapers in the whole country!"  (Snowball finds it to be an excellent pillow.)

I think it was December of 2000 when my first article was published in phenomeNEWS.  I had picked up the paper at an Abraham-Hicks gathering a few months before.  It first grabbed my attention because there was an Abraham article (or excerpt) in there and as soon as I saw Jerry and Esther’s smiling faces on the page, I new I wanted to look further.

I was immediately lit up by this publication and I sent in my first submission not knowing that the folks at phenomeNEWS would become my long distance family of the heart. 

Now, I figure it’s about 8 years, 97 articles, and a deep and ongoing gratitude later, that I find myself with no more article due date this month.

PhenomeNEWS has reached its completion and it will always hold a very beautiful place in my heart.

Actually, if you are reading this, it is probably at least partly thanks to phenomeNEWS.  They put me on the map and many of the people I reach now know of my work because of all these years of churning my personal process out into monthly articles that found print in Michigan and pixels on the web thanks to Cindy and Gerri and  all the wonderful folks at phenomeNEWS.  They have made a huge impact on my life and I’m sure whatever they do next will brighten our world.  I will always think of them with love and gratitude.

Have a message of gratitude for the phenomeNEWS team?  Post a comment below.  Thanks!

86 thoughts on “Thank You phenomeNEWS!

  1. Thank you for being a beacon of light druing a very dark time in my life. I found you through Dr. Rebbie Straubing, a true gem of a human being and maginificent lightworker, about six years ago. I have been a faithful reader and wondered why there was no December issue. I was hoping you were all on vacation (but not apermanent one!) Thank you all so much for bringing so much clarity, strentgh and hope to so many. You will be missed.

    With deep appreciation,

  2. Thank you phenomeNEWS for the wonderful gift you have offered over the years past. Wishing you joy and success in every new venture that you aspire to. In love, Juliet

  3. Words are powerful messengers! Yours, well chosen, have been planted in the hearts and minds of countless numbers inhabiting this planet. Be praised for your diligence, wisdom and clarity, as well as the courage to continue this process to a successful completion! Thank you for welcoming strangers to your feasting table, we are gifted with new formats to continue using our words with wisdom, as you have shown. Evolution magnification magnificence!

  4. Thank you for your emotional support for me and all the lightworkers here on mother earth today that beams with light … this information and love that is sent to ENCOURGE us that our jobs is well done and appreciated! Our soul and spirit is eternally greatfull!

  5. Hello, thank you for share with us your knowledge, and thank you for be sharing with us this world, and this dimension, and for help me understand some things about evolution. Best regards and hughs

  6. Oh how I will MISS savoring each page of your magazine! I live in LA,am a member of Agape Spirtual Center, have access to Michael Bernard Beckwith, and STILL will miss PhenomeNews so very much! Thank you for the 2 years I had of you.

  7. Rebbie -I’m JUST now becoming cognizant of PHENOMEnews – and I’m seeing it’s drawing to a close. Thank you for what has obviously had a wonderful impact on so many.

    I know that you will continue on your perfect path. I also wish that I’d tuned in sooner.

    Thank you – there seem to be so few who understand.

  8. Thank you phenome news! I think I was introduced to Rebbie on phenome news. I can’t imagine life without Rebbie & YOFA.

    Job well done,

    Always in appreciation,


  9. I didn’t know anything about, thanks for the e-mail. I will surely miss all the articles that the phenomeNEWS opened me up too, and the benefits I gained from some of the articles. What now?

  10. Thank You PhenomeNEWS! And thank you, Rebbie, for all your contributions. This publication will truly be missed. I can only hope something as inspiring will fill the void.

  11. I just heard about it – I’m really sorry PhenomeNEWS won’t be published anymore. Thanks for all the wonderful inspirations!

  12. Best wishes on your continued journey.May you always seek gods will and give it all away x

  13. Thank you for providing a place for wonderful Rebbie to reach so many people! For that alone you are blessed.
    May your ongoing evolution continue to spread much light.

  14. Oh, such a sweet heartbreak, we do miss you so! You’ve been a true joy and delight, thank you from the core of our souls for your magnificent gifts of Love n’Light. Could we please have access to your archives?

  15. I too will miss your publication greatly, I have enjoyed your words of wisdom, beautiful covers, heartfelt interviews and endless articles for many,many heart aches knowing that you will no longer be providing such a wonderful gift(Phenomnews) to the world. Of all the magazines out there your publication was truly my very favorite to read and re-read! I wish you and your staff all of the best as you continue on your journeys.

  16. Radiant Blessings go out to all the PehnomeNEWS staff…this publication has truly been a ‘companion of teh heart” to me and countless others over your phenomenal 30 year run.

    New take a deep breath & well-deserved rest…


  17. Thank you for so many years of enlightening, enpowering & education! phenomeNews is very missed. There is not another publication that even comes close to fulfilling the void, I still miss radio & print versions. I wish you all the best in all you do. I still light a candle at 8 pm on Sundays & pray for the names in the Healing Jar, I just know others still participate in the Snowball Healing Circle. We did it for so many years, it’s just second nature to me. Many Blessings to All.

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