Thanksgiving Healing Gift

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Yes, I’ve renamed "health" and "healing." 

Kind of bold, I know.

If you’ve got the book Rooted in the Infinite you can jump to Chapter 16 for the full explanation. 

I’ve set in motion a new word: jhe.  It’s short for "joyful harmonious expressiveness."  So if you hear me talking about "jhe," you’ll know what it’s all about.

As you might imagine, I like to look at jhe as a function of alignment – both physical and energetic alignment.  And when your jhe is flowing, others would say you are healing.

The Thanksgiving jhe Experiment (and Gift)

To help you bring yourself into alignment (and heal), I’ve decided to do an experiment.  If you’d like to get your jhe flowing by being part of this experiment, just click here to sign up.

Here’s what I will do:

Everyday, for one week, I will do a YOFA group jhe session (healing session) for all the people on the list.  (Send as many friends here as you like)

The truth is, I have never done this before and I have no idea what will happen. 

Here are the rules (and yes they are a little strange.)

(1) Sign up here to get on the list.

Feel free to post any other comments here on the blog.

Well, anything but your problem. 

I mean it.

Don’t tell me what’s wrong with you!

It is my intention to see you in perfect alignment, and the less I know about your malady the better.  Anyone posting his or her problem will be removed from the list. (Sorry.)

(2) As the week goes by, let me know (by posting a comment to this blog) the improvement you feel in your situation – physical or emotional.  Your feedback is crucial to the experiment.

What do I expect?  Miracles. What is the best thing that will happen?  The intention of my offering will set a tone of alignment that your system can sync up to.  Then, you begin to "heal" yourself.  And as your jhe starts flowing, you start feeling better.  And as you start feeling better, you can post to this blog so that I have a sense of what is going on out there in your world.

Questions?  Just post them here as a comment.

Happy Thanksgiving!

And thank you to all of you who are participating in this beautiful international YOFA community that is growing daily.

Love and Blessings,

Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at
To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness,
healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises
in the Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in the Infinite."   

You can get an instant F ree download of the beginning of
the book at

164 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Healing Gift

  1. Hi Rebbie,
    Yes I have some health issues that could use some work. Of course I won’t talk about them. I do use a healer who has quite remarkable abilities, and I appear myself be manifesting some healing abilities. So I am interested from a number of perspectives. Will you be teaching this process? Do you know of any good teachers?

  2. I am joining the jhe experiment and look forward to being in a better physical and emotional place soon. Thank you.

  3. I recieved this from a dear friend of mine in Bakersfield. Hoping to learn, share and recieve. God Bless. susana

  4. Good Morning Rebbie…Thank you for this marvelous opportunity…a chance to re-align and harmonize what’s out of balance…goal of synchronicity & continual daily renewal and blessings…appreciate your holding my prayers as I’ll hold yours as well…your work already enriches me fully…Thanks for your Givng and the many blessings you share with us…with love and gratitude, Joan

  5. dropping my ego, living in the present moment with a heart of gratefulness is the deepest pulse within me……being out of alignment brings separation and judgementalism and living in the “thinking mind”……causes me to suffer……

  6. sending you love and light–i believe your work helped me out a lot today—i handled difficult situations in much different and happier way today

  7. In answer to Arnold’s question:

    The biggest part of this is explained in “Rooted in the Infinite.” (

    At some point I may be training people to do this as a healing modality, but for now, we’ve got this experiment!

    Thanks for asking.


  8. I just signed on this morning and some things are happening that I find amazing. I had had some blood tests that I was really worried about and the doctor called this afternoon to say that even under the most meticulous scrutiny she could find nothing wrong at all. And I had a scheduled appointment with a new chiropracter, who I thought was just a chiropracter, but WOW! is he ever a chiropracter/kinesiologist/acupressurist/intuitive healer! He’s the first person ever to understand completely my symptom picture and know what to do about it! Although these two things were already scheduled or in progress before I knew about this experiment, it really feels like this energy has pushed the results into the positive in a magical way.:-)) Thanks so much, I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings!


  9. Let’s set into motion what necessary to live, enjoy and embody fully my own healership overcoming my current obstacles! I am thrilled and looking forward to miracles for me and my clients. Love, Marion

  10. Dear Rebbie,
    You are a radiant THANKSGIVING GIFT!
    I went to yoga this morning with joy in my heart and a dance in my root as I traversed morning traffic in the face of a glorious sunrise.I anticipated my journey into yoga with the happy intention that I would be in alignment with the THANKSGIVING GIFT that was presented to me.
    During class my teacher touched me and whispered ” I have never seen you so aligned in these warrior postures.”
    And I FELT it.
    My intentions are manifesting so eloquently right now!
    In this holy instant I AM intending that I am in alignment with the THANKSGIVING GIFT of healing that was so generously offered.
    This holy instant I AM intending to be in alignment with the heaven in your heart, the starlight in your soul, and the miracles of this moment as we move into the spiral of THANKSGIVING together with the “family” and make thanksgiving a perpetual giving.


    With divine madness from Maddy

  11. Thank you for the experiment – I am curious to see what will happen. I am open to the Divine and welcome any energy coming from love and blessings.

  12. thanks for letting me join, I hope that I have some type of divine intervention in to my problems I’ve been going it alone so far and I could use some help.

  13. Hi Rebbie!
    I’m writing to ask about the time frame for this? You wrote “the week surounding Thanksgiving” and so I’m not sure what days the week includes? Or are we not supposed to know??

    Many thanks and great love & appreciation to you!

  14. What a wonderful way to begin the week of gratitude and remembering our fullness of health & wealth of SPIRIT. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  15. I got a feeling this morning that was more intense and lasted about 30 minutes that was exactly like the feeling I get when I do Yoga and meditation every day (but more a lot more intense). It was uplifting and felt like I was floating on the clouds. My day was less stressful than usual and people skills were better. I was more attuned to the feelings of others and actually intuitively felt drawn to their needs. Hopefully the experience tomorrow will be more intense and open new pathways of healing for myself and the people I work with

  16. Hi,

    I am in the UK and have suddenly detached from a complex situation that I had been dealing with for the last (long while). I am no longer attached to the outcome and am happy to go either way when I hear about a particular decision today. I am at a crossroads and I am clear that I am surrendering to my soul and the moment. The uneasy feeling has disappeared from my stomach and I feel relaxed and loved.

    Thank You…..

    I am grateful to be here now.

  17. In response to Tracy,

    The jhe Experiment began on November 21,2006. I will be offering a session every day through Monday, November 27th. You can continue to invite people in even though it is already in motion. Your friends can sign up at

    With Love and Appreciation,

  18. Happy Thanksgiving Rebbie!
    Don’t forget about yourself during this time-and always!!
    Much Love,
    Debbie 😉

  19. Hello Rebbie!
    I’ve just signed up today (Tuesday the 22nd).
    Thank you for offering this experiment, I’m grateful to be a part of it!
    Hoping to give some feedback soon.


  20. 11:11 now, and I am basking in deep gratefulness. I feel tremendously beautiful, light and love.
    Thank you:)

  21. Thank you so much for your efforts,

    I have been feeling an improvement in my overall feeling. I have seen an increase in body mobility and sleep has improved.

    I hope for some other improvements as we go along.


  22. Normally my dreams vanish upon waking, but as I began to wake this morning, I was acutely conscious of a beautiful and very lifelike dream. Then I awoke feeling strangely more peaceful, more coherent, and lighter than I can remember. The drawn, sad strained appearance of my face is replaced by one that is younger, happier, more peaceful and attractive. My body feels more comfortable and relaxed–the usual tension and chronic pains are gone. My posture is more relaxed and erect, too. I have waited a while before posting this comment to verify whether this is all really true, and it is! I’m not making this up! I didn’t know what to expect, but what is taking place is indeed a miracle. I feel like a child at Christmas, waiting to see what tomorrow will bring–and willing to accept a continuation of this miraculous and joyful harmonious expressiveness. Rebbie, I thank you and bless you–from the deepest place in my heart.

  23. I changed my mood today from being rather grumpy to feeling elated and grateful just by focusing on the wonderful and positive things in my life.

  24. Thank you for letting me join this experiment – I have already felt some sort of ‘lightness’ or just letting things that normally bother me, roll off my shoulder. Very curious to see/feel what happens next. Thanks again!

  25. Hi Rebbie,

    I received the confirmation that I was on the list yesterday but I am not sure if I was on the list when you did your first session yesterday, but I had a very ‘awake’ night last night. I was feeling very energetic and was not able to settle down. As a result I felt very tired and headachy this morning, BUT, that has been replaced this afternoon by a clear head and feeling lighter and more peaceful. I can’t wait to see how I sleep tonight! Thank you, many blessings to you.. Lorie

  26. Dear Rebbie

    Thank you so much for starting this healing session. We have been going through a very bad time for many years and looking forward to better times and direction.

    You will be blessed for this selfless task you have undertaken.

    With much love


  27. Hi Rebbi

    Many thanks for the wonderful experiment and book which i recieved today – its a long way to Africa…..
    I had all forgotten about your experiment today. i remember telling my friends at some stage today that i feel so full of energy and bubbly and i wondered where it came from – it was awesome – thank you and i am humbled and grateful to be part of this experiment
    Truckloads of Love and Light and Elephant hugs

  28. Aloha Rebbie,

    Mahalo nui loa (thank you in Hawaiian) for your kind offer of prayer and healing. I am open and receptive to the healing light and energy you so sweetly give; and I am overflowing with gratitude for all that I receive.

    I also want to thank you for your emails and continuous gifts of insight and love that you send. Thank you for being patient with me as I work through my resistance.

    Be blessed, dear Rebbie for all you do.

    A hui hoa ka koa,

  29. Wow, What is going on with me? I feel like I have’nt in a long time.I hope I can hold this feeling!

  30. First let me say thank you for offering this gift. I have noticed that I am feeling lighter and I haven’t been getting as anxious. I’ve had a feeling of calm that is surrounding me. It feels great!!

  31. Beloved,

    I am reading the Intro of “Rooted in the Infinite” and finding great value in it. First and foremost I am appreciating the 2 agreements:
    To honor the Divinity of, and have compassion for the Humanity of everyone, including ourselves.
    What a beautiful Ground of Being!

    It’s a real challenge over here in Israel, where we are confronted on all sides by those who would annihilate us! The Universal Law of “you shift, they shift,” will surely apply. In any case, I continue fulltime Lightworking.

    Your jhe sessions are undoubtedly helping in a little drama playing itself out involving the people in whose apt. I am staying.
    It started off very messy before the experiment and is resolving itself nicely.

    In Love, Light and Gratitude,

  32. I just signed up so I am sorry I missed the first few days but I am looking forward to see what happens! I have specific things I hope will come about. Thank you for envisioning this experiment and making it a reality. I will return to post in a few days! take care everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!

  33. My energy was very high today and still is this evening as well. It spilled over into the other people around me today, also, and it was so noticable!
    Thank you for your wonderful offering.

  34. hi Rebbie,

    i have been struggling with a recurrent issue for many months now, fearing my shadow more than anything else. even if i have been using a combination of different, powerful healing modalities, i can attest that it is today exactly that i finally feel free enough to give my enthousiasm full rein in the face of possible failure. i have also contacted two people with an important message, one of which at least i have not written for weeks. i am grateful for these wonderful expressions of abundace, love and serendipity… thank you!

  35. Salutations Rebbie!

    Let me just note that today I felt a sense of calm that was serene and almost diaphanous-like. Thank you for your gift. I pray you will receive 100 fold for your commitment to each person wanting to receive the blessing of your generous and sweet spirit.

    Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!

  36. More friends and neighbors have been coming round. I’m feeling more positive and hopeful. There is a subtle shift in my ability to start the day in a positive direction with intention and productive action.

    Maybe it’s simply part of the flow within the alignment at large of Thanksgiving — homecomings, attitudes of gratitude, a pervasive spirit of thankfulness, appreciation for what greater good we have and what good we can do, and making time to count our blessings and just plain old being thankful.

    Whatever, it is a joyful, harmonious, expression and I am thankful.

  37. Rebbie,
    Thank you. “Rooted in the
    Infinite” is truly a wonderful book. Keep up the great work you are doing. Thanks for the experiment. Today is Wednesday and just reading my email & signing up. For the record I have felt a beautiful energy since Monday. I was working and glanced at the clock on the computer and guess what time? 11:11
    May you have a beautiful Thanksgiving. With much graditude Love & Light,

  38. Yup ,
    Today I feel lighter and more positive about absoluteley everything.
    I also have been procrastinating about a project I need to do….and feeling like it was too hard and not sure how to achieve it yet today I went into the office and absoluteley blitzed it…..yup completed it in a day with NO STRESS….just did it and it was easy……God I love positivity…..yeehaa to the laws of attraction….i feel so good…and at peace…thank you to the universe for bringing me here to this site……just when i really needed it…thank you rebbie for your time, dedication and love….may the universe bring prosperity on all fronts into your life

    Hugs and kisses to all

  39. Good Morning Rebbie,
    Don’t know if this is related to what your doing but I suspect it is.
    Yesterday I came across an article about body images and the author suggested that we ask our body to send up an image that showed us how it felt, and then ask this image what it wanted to tell us.
    My body sent up a picture of a marble statue of a Greek/Roman woman with a voluptuous form dressed in long toga. I thought, well that’s not so bad, but then the statue began to crack and crumble, and out steped this smaller, slender, more fairy like creature in short toga and high boots, sort of a ‘Wonder Woman’ image, complete with large wings and magnificent irredencent aura !
    She explained that the marble statue represented my limiting beliefs about what I thought was possible for my body at this age, but she, my Real Inner Being,was magical and much more fluid if I would just quite over defining myself. I felt an immediate release of major resistence and feel much lighter and freer of movement today.
    Keep up the excellent work and thank you again !

  40. Good Day! I am very pleased to be involved in this, thank you very much! I have been feeling those joyful goosebumps of gratitude…do you know what I mean? Also, I just happened to watch the DVD “The Secret” on the first day of this without realizing it. Coincidence? I don’t think so!

  41. Hi Rebbie: I am truly thrillled with this experiment and your generosity, as always is boundless! Since late into Day 1, I became aware of the lightness in my being, regarding the healing that I am focusing on in this one week. I am finding that my faith in the Universe is stronger than ever before, there is an inner knowingness that is amazing, and my resistance is decreasing daily! I am feeling emotionally balanced, lighter, more in sync with my higher self and just plain joyful, calmer and self-assured. Thanks for this great gift! Happy Thanksgiving from Toronto! 🙂

  42. Hi Rebbie,

    On monday I was feeling sick, some kind of allergy, it was still bad on tuesday morning but it faded without taking any medication. Today I st in the car and started singing and felt quite elated and with a lot of energy. I also put my parents on the list today, they’re not into alternative healing but I’m really curious about the effect it will have. I gave some healing today and I have the impression it’s working stronger than usual. Wonderful!! We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving over here but it’s actually a wonderful idea!

  43. I had felt a block in writing my senior project, having some basic information yet not a real idea of how to continue. Yesterday afternoon a completely new healing approach unfolded to me, which fit exactly into my paper. I feel so grateful! (and I will do within the given deadline!!!)

  44. Hi Rebbie!

    Feeling lots of Peace and Harmony after a period of dissension. Thank you for all you do. Happy Thanksgiving. Namaste

  45. Dear Rebbie,
    I wish you and yours a beautiful Thanksgiving celebration, and thank you so much for your great generosity and comittment to this important and uplifting work.
    I am experiencing much greater focus and exponentially faster manifesting of my emotionally charged intentions, and personal truths. Thank you for your most empowering Gift!
    Love and Light, and continued success,

  46. This is the 2nd day for me. It is Thanksgiving. Before getting ready for the day, I was sitting in my living room, looking out the window at the trees that had frost on them. The sun was up, starting to melt the frost and they looked like crystals! Very colorful. I enjoyed this SO much. Then I felt tired from reading and curled up on the couch to take a quick nap and noticed just how good that felt. It felt so good that I didn’t take a nap, I just enjoyed the feeling. So, I am getting more joy. Thank You! What a great start for my day!!

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