(Download too slow? Click here for more audio)
Yes, I’ve renamed "health" and "healing."
Kind of bold, I know.
If you’ve got the book Rooted in the Infinite you can jump to Chapter 16 for the full explanation.
I’ve set in motion a new word: jhe. It’s short for "joyful harmonious expressiveness." So if you hear me talking about "jhe," you’ll know what it’s all about.
As you might imagine, I like to look at jhe as a function of alignment – both physical and energetic alignment. And when your jhe is flowing, others would say you are healing.
The Thanksgiving jhe Experiment (and Gift)
To help you bring yourself into alignment (and heal), I’ve decided to do an experiment. If you’d like to get your jhe flowing by being part of this experiment, just click here to sign up.
Here’s what I will do:
Everyday, for one week, I will do a YOFA group jhe session (healing session) for all the people on the list. (Send as many friends here as you like)
The truth is, I have never done this before and I have no idea what will happen.
Here are the rules (and yes they are a little strange.)
(1) Sign up here to get on the list.
Feel free to post any other comments here on the blog.
Well, anything but your problem.
I mean it.
Don’t tell me what’s wrong with you!
It is my intention to see you in perfect alignment, and the less I know about your malady the better. Anyone posting his or her problem will be removed from the list. (Sorry.)
(2) As the week goes by, let me know (by posting a comment to this blog) the improvement you feel in your situation – physical or emotional. Your feedback is crucial to the experiment.
What do I expect? Miracles. What is the best thing that will happen? The intention of my offering will set a tone of alignment that your system can sync up to. Then, you begin to "heal" yourself. And as your jhe starts flowing, you start feeling better. And as you start feeling better, you can post to this blog so that I have a sense of what is going on out there in your world.
Questions? Just post them here as a comment.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And thank you to all of you who are participating in this beautiful international YOFA community that is growing daily.
Love and Blessings,
Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at
To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness,
healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises
in the Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in the Infinite."
You can get an instant F ree download of the beginning of
the book at http://RootedintheInfinite.com
Dear Rebbie!!
I already posted my reaction a few days ago. Still feeling good + with a lot of energy!! I also included my parents and they’re much more relaxed and energetic, my father is working a lot more on his paintings (when he doesn’t feel well, he stops painting) and the colours he’s using look a lot lighter than usual… And yesterday he started his day singing!!
I ordered your book but wasn’t able to download the free audio. since it will take some time to arrive over here (Belgium), I’d love to have this audio sample to do the alignment while waiting for the book, would that be possible?
Anyway, THANKS VERY MUCH!! Wonderful way to get your work out!!
I feel the healing everyday at the time I believe that you send it. I feel the power, the love and joy. However it does not seem to last through the day. Interesting…
This is day 6 and the wave of energy that changed was so obvious that it just made me stop and sit in peace with it. I was amazed at how I handled a situation and it turned out to be a benefit to me and the people involved. Thanks Rebbie for this jhe experiment, and thanks for you. Many Blessings, Gale
Hi Rebbie –
This may not seems like a “result” on the level of some/most of the others, and for me, it is a great one… I have been scouring the internet for a reasonable flight to KY for the holidays… $350+ is not in my budget!… Today, I booked a flight to Indianapolis – not Louisville, and very close … for $146 ROUND TRIP!!! I call that a miracle! Plus, my mother, who has many health issues, and whom I included on the list, sounds and says she feels stronger and better than she has for a long, long time! I call that a miracle, too… and, my friend is here in LA visiting me and we have found venues for her to perform w/such ease it is amazing… yet another miracle! Plus, I have some health issues, too, which have improved remarkably during this time!
Thank you for giving me and my loved ones the opportunity to be a part of such a powerful and effective experiment!
Thank you for this beautiful energy. I have really noticed a lightness since I joined the experiment, and a strong sense of my authentic beingness. Much positive energy and beautiful love given and received.
Hi Rebbie,
I signed up for this project the day before you began sending out the healings. I’ve been involved in healing and inner work for a while now, so your offer of healing came at the right time for me. I’ve been experiencing some physical pain for about 2 months now, and noticed today that the pain has subsided a great deal in the last 2 days! Thank you for that … and for your very generous offer. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
In Gratitude,
wow thankyou
i have had a great week everything feels like it has just fallen into place i get it all of a sudden.i had a spontanious kundalini awakening 6 1/2 years ago (its been interesting)this week i feel like i have been put back together ,and can finally move forward, can visulize better meditate deeper etc etc thank you
Dear dear Rebbie,
thank you, thank you from the bottom of my hart!
I am doing many things to heal from a severe depression, but sins the beginning of the experiment things are going faster and faster!!! Evry day my fillings of Lightness, Gratitude, Joy, Hoop, Understanding and Love grow and grow!!! It is wonderful!!! I am scure you are helping mi very very muck! Thank you again!
Lot’s of Love, god blessyou!
Wow what a wonderful response to an AMAZING experiment! I feel so much LIGHTER and JOY has emerged and lots of creative rushes of inspiration .. I have to carry a notebook to put down all the inspiration so I can carry through with the ideas. Whatever you’re doing wish you could keep doing it, I have’nt felt so good for a long time.
Thank you so much .. it’s awesome!!
Jillian/ Australia
Thank you! I am Grateful! I have experienced, energy, strength, peace, and comfort, and nothing has bothered me in all the difficult tasks at hand.
I injured my back about a month ago and have had limited mobility and pain since the incident. About 3 days into your experiment, I woke up feeling high…almost as if I were on drugs…and pain free for most of the day. The night before, I had dreamed I was taking copious amounts of cotton out of my ears and could hear so much better after. The feeling of being high passed by the evening, and while I will occassionally turn in such a way that my back reminds me to be careful, the pain levels have not returned. The only thing different in my life was being a part of your experiment. I thank you for my relief and for your generosity! Many Blessings….
Dear Rebbie,
I am a healer myself but I am always looking for something new to add to my knowledge, hence I did not hesitate to register for your ecourse and this experiment.
I have some serious [condition]and some three days back (within this experiment period), I was bit frightened it could escalate, but after some commited meditation, I came across some someone who offered a solution and this completely uprooted the fears I had. Could it be because of your experiment I was led to another healer channel!
My results were ‘different’, but still impressive to me. I didn’t write because my results seemed to go backwards! Please bear with me to the end. I was feeling great and everything was going along fine, then Thanksgiving Day was awful, and the next 2 days were worse. All of a sudden I had these people in my life that were angry, depressing, and hurtful. I felt terrible, and depresssed.
I had been looking for an EFT praticitioner, yet I was low on funds. Still, I emailed one in my area and she agreed to work with me for a barter exchange! And all of the things that caused those ‘terrible feelings’ were exactly the things I was being shown that need to be worked on in the session. It was issues I had not dealt with from childhood and I believe they were all brought into my life in these few days to show me what I needed to address in my EFT session on Tuesday. I am now very excited at my session and feel great joy in knowing that I KNOW what areas of my life to work on. What a strange way of working out, but doesn’t the Universe work in mysterious ways?
Nothing diffrent on this end. still feel the same and I added my first and last name as I directed to do. But I know were I can get the books on this stuff
Thanks very much for your help!
Thank you for inviting me to the healing! Even though it’s foggy and gloomy outside, Inside the fog and gloom have finally lifted. It’s wise and wonderful of you to be doing this work and gathering us in to work with you and each other. I think it will have a profound effect.
I look forward to reading your book.
Wishing you Light and Love Without End.
I felt such a surge of enthusiasm and energy flowing through me Sunday evening, when telling my friend about my recent experiences with free-form group dancing on Sunday morning. I usually contact the inner Self at least once while dancing. However,this past Sunday it happened 3 different times with 3 different dancers. The surge of energy and enthusiasm was still with me that night, even after I came home and rested. I attribute this to the jhe experiment. Thank you so much!
The results are MARVELOUS! Your ‘experiment’ brought much joy, lightness and positive feelings to many. Whatever your thoughts are on this I am anxious to hear them! Thank you for including me on this powerful journey.
Reply to Bona:
Yes, the greater your inner alignment, the more easily you find what you are looking for through the crack of least resistance! Glad to hear you found someone to help you.
I ran into your website following links to the law of attraction and my 6th sense. I’ve been doing reiki (2nd degree) for a couple of years and i’m familiar with distant healing, but had no idea what your experiment was about! I just jumped in waiting for some textbook or instructions. And nothing came… Now i can see better though 🙂 So this was the reason i had sooo much energy today! The faculty i teach is in the suburbs and hard to get to and fro, but i had a lift to the metro today from a co-worker, nice surprise (somehow it never happened before). And came home to see my boyfriend preparing dinner 🙂 But it all didn’t mean much until i read the comments here and realized what your thanksgiving gift was in the first place! :)) Well thank you sooo much Rebbie! Bless you!
Reply to Pam:
This may not be the method for you. No one thing works for everyone. I’d suggest the book “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. If you are not familiar with the Abraham teachings, check out http://abraham-hicks.com . You may find what you are looking for there.
First of all, I want to thank you for doing this. I came to it a few days after it began and didn’t notice any effect at all. Then I received the email about using the first name only and resubmitted with both names. I’m afraid I really haven’t noticed any difference… and after reading all the other wonderful comments, I seem to be in the minority. I have been in a rather extended period of depression and perhaps that is blocking it.
In any case, thank you for offering such a generous gift. I’m glad so many were able to receive such wonderful effects.
Thank you for your healing alignment. The clarity continues and I am balancing health with contribution and service through my work. Blessings and shalom, Debra
Well, the results for me- signed up on Wednesday. I was really hopeful for something positive. I did not really notice anything different until later on Friday. I felt very bad and had trouble sleeping. I am still not feeling well at all. Spent Saturday and Sunday very tired and lacking engergy. My insides hurt. I cannot eat without feeling queezy. (No, I am not pregnant :-)) However, I am wondering if I need to go through whatever this is in order to progress. So rather than say it is a bad result, I will just say that I don’t know what is happening. It might have been worse if I was not on the list? Thanks again Rebbie for trying to help facilitate everyone’s progress.
I only came in on the tail end of this, as my friend sent me the link late on Saturday…I believe I signed up yesterday morning.(sunday). I definitely felt an uplifting of my spirit, and more physical energy all day yesterday, and stayed up too late last nite…which would have been fine..except that workmen upstairs woke me up at 7am. I have been exhausted and hurting physically all day, and have decided to cancel plans I had for this evening, which now seem to require more energy than I have. Perhaps the message is to take a nap and let it go. But I certainly am grateful for what I felt yesterday, and I put into practice the first two exercises…uplifting others and filling up my life fully…and had ease and joy doing it. Thank you Rebbie!!
Dear Robbie,
Thank you for invinting me to the healing!(and I thanked me for choosing to participate with you,haha)From day 1, I felt the discomfort and some pain around my neck area and I realized that those are the area of my body to be aligned more.In fact,it has getting better and better everyday since then.No wonder you had been working as a chiropractor before!!Wow,you are a powerful healer indeed!!!
In deep love,
Thank you Rebbie.
My partner commentend on Sunday at brunch that I looked young, rested and healthy.
I will attribute it to your alignment week.
A thousand thanks,
I am so interested in your site! There is very little of this teaching in my country. Do you know of any one in St. Petersburg?
I wanted to express my deep gratitude for your offering of healing energy. I have a lot of healing work done, so at first, I could not discern any difference (and, also, I picked up a bug). However, today, what became very apparent to me is the deep deep sense of peace that is within the core of my being.
Thank You and Blessings
i did not feel any change at all, either for good or bad….nothing has changed.
hello! Here I am again, to tell you something about my day today: I took up a course a few weeks ago, couldn’t find the energy nor the time to do my homework….today I dÃÂd actually…feeling my true self again! In gratidude, Ryo
Thank you again Rebbie. I have been experiencing a true sense of peace & relaxation. A calmness that is centered. I was so excited about the progress in some other areas that I attruibuted to your healing work that I almost overlooked this subtle yet strong & consistent energy that is now flowing thur me & all around me. To totally relax without Guilt,was not part of my past. Guess that’s why I couldn’t put my finger on this new feeling of peace & contentment. Wow, to really relax without concern of anything but the present moment which seems to be fine without my interference is a true luxury for me. Thank you for this gift. My experiences may not seem significant to most, but perhaps it would if you knew that I am totally disabled & have been solely taking care of myself, my financial needs, my legal & medical trials, & helping others when asked. Before that I did international business in photographic imaging & media communications in both commercial & medical fields along with teaching children to Dr.’s, Government officicals & such in various aspects or consultation. Not doing 16 things at once seemed very abnormal.
So again thank you. True Peace & Relaxation has been a rare experience. I intend to continue in that state & make it my Norm.
I Am, In Gratitude & With Love,
Susette Mare`
My arthritic hips are improving and
I have had a breakthrough in my belief system. When I was a child, both parents took their lives and I didn’t realize that I didn’t feel entitled to the things I want because of guilt. Now, hopefully, that block is gone and I can allow the good things i want into my life.
Hi Rebbie: You re an earth angel! Not sure if we can post our comments twice but I hope the answer is yes, as I d like to let you know how great, fantastic and totally empowering the jhe experience has been for me. Its unbelievable! The issue I had set my intentions on to work, is dissipated and emotionally, my resistance to it was decreased each day of the experiment, until today, the last day, I am at peace with that situation, feel so light about it, and know that I am always supported, protected and loved by the Universe! I have let go of the issue and surrendered it to the loving care of the Divine Spirit. I want to tahnk you again, for your endless love you give to us so generously.I wish there was one of you here in Toronto! I d love to attend and take ALL your courses! Your compassion and unconditional love in the healing and service you provide to us is evident in the fact that now, I have “known” you for almost a year. You are a blessing to me, and to the world. Keep up and keep at it Rebbie. We all need your wisdom, compassion, love – and one more thing I love about you is your humility. You ve taught me a great deal in this one year and I joyfully look to learning more from you! Love and Light to you always, with gratitude.
Dear Rebbie,
While I am certainly feeling better and a strong intention to accomplish my goals, I am also feeling profound gratitude to you for taking the time and expending the energy to give of your loving and healing heart to so many others. There is no way that people have not received what you have offered, whether they feel it or not. We can never receive too much love or healing. You are gracious. Thank you again, and I know you will receive ten-fold what you have given out.
Hi Rebbie,
As a fellow healer, I am always interested in new approaches to allowing the body/soul/mind/heart to heal itself. Since I am in a transition at this time, and regularly work with healing energies, it is difficult to say which is the causative agent.
I will say that I awoke Sunday feeling very well rested, and at peace, which after periods of intense activity, and learning/teaching/growing, my being sorely needed. It feels that came from this work. Thank you so much for sharing it with others. Many blessings, Kalama
Hi – just wanted to let you know that I noticed a positive effect on my emotional state pretty quickly after signing up. I have to say I had no idea what to expect & was impressed to say the least! What an awesome idea! I hope the experiment turned out well & you’ll do something like this again.
I felt a continuing peace during this holiday and an actual excitement for its coming. My family was to meet my fiance, that is a direct product of following Rebbies Manifest The Perfect Relationship course back in February.
At Thanks giving I just had fun, then during dinner, I wasnt overdoing it or anything, but suddenly I felt sick, and had to get rid of what I had eaten. My fiance came to sit with me and helped me during and after. What a fantastic feeling of love and caring. I laid down for an hour to rest, everyone else had by that time gone home, so we then went off to our place to sleep. I had one of the best sleeps ever. Woke up fine. My only regret is that I missed an awesome dessert… Since then, had a pleasant rest of the week. Not aware of any giant shift, or manifestation of my intention. I am very patient though.
Love to all,
Robert from California
Since the experiment, I have felt an augmented level of peace, inner strength and calm. On a thought level, my thoughts were calmer, slower and positive. I seemed to have a more bird’s eye view of things which allowed me to have more equanimity and not get caught up. On an emotional level, I felt more connected to joy, more openness and forgiveness (I was able to overlook things I normally reacted to). One of many results of this improvement in emotional and thought levels, is the affirmative way that friends and family have responded to me. Because my senses were heightened, I seemed to be more present and available, and also knew exactly what to say or offer without being prompted… Therefore, people who may typically be more withholding became more generous with me.
Through the middle of the experiment, I decided to take advantage of the “limitless” state I was in, so I put in both artistic & spiritual work the next days. Again, the outcome here was also prolific as I was able to be productive and “leaped” in both areas. 15 pieces of art (which will be holiday presents) and the ability to quickly embody sophisticated spiritual readings. So many good things came to me because I was clearer.
Whatever I could imagine wanting or needing this week, I received… even down to this detail: I was at the public library and wanted to print four pages of spiritual readings that would have cost fifteen cents each. The librarian handed me a copy card that another patron had forgotten. It had exactly the value of sixty cents what I needed.
Thank you for including me in this gesture of goodwill, Rebbie. I thank you for myself and on behalf of anyone that counts on me. I have a reference for a new normal that I will keep up. (I don’t believe I posted my last name yet these things still happened.)
Hi Rebbie,
I just wanted to give you my results of the experiment! I didn’t feel anything different. Not better, not worse. The same. Maybe that’s the good thing!
We can’t all expect the same thing! Thankfully…
Debbie 😉
Hi Rebbie…
Thank you…I am processing a very big loss and it is helping me immensely. TQ from the bottom of my heart.
I asked for help in receiving free lance editing work to supplement my teaching at UC Irvine. I need this base right now to provide me with time to write my book about my amazing spiritual journey through breast cancer and begin a new phase of my creativity. While this is a process that takes time to manifest, what I felt during the last four days I was a part of this experiment was a greater feeling of clarity toward what steps I should be taking next, a sense of peace that all my needs will be provided for, and a strong sense of all I plan to do as part of fulfilling my mission in this life. I feel supported by my spiritual allies in a new way and a great excitement and joy about what I will be doing next in my life. Ideas have been coming thick and fast. I also put my cat Moonbeam on the list. She was having some health challenges. Today, she is back to her old self and feeling very good and happy. Thank you for your generous gift, and may you be blessed and walk in joy.
Sorry to post so late. For the first time in a long time Thanksgiving went by without any major emotional baggage. Lately I’ve been on a journey to align myself with the creator. Taking small steps here and there, facing my fears and becoming a better person for it. That’s what brought me hear, another step.
I can honestly say that most of my previous Thanksgivings have been full of emotional outburst of all kinds. Starting from inside and directed outward towards my loved ones. This past week was quite remarkable. Looking back I did feel an inner peace I haven’t felt in a long time. The times when I felt negative thoughts I also felt a strong presence that exstinguished all the anger. The days went by fast, faster than I thought possible. I did feel something, quietly in back talking to me, guiding me.
Thank you for the support, prayers and compassion.
Thank you very much for this interesting and generous experiment.
For myself, I can’t be sure what benefit was received from it as I have been working in a number of other ways. However, on the first day I did experience a lightness that is unusual. I thought, “wow – I can’t wait for the rest of the days.” But then I sort of crashed – and that is rather typical as I seem to have a lot of resistance to whatever healing technique is applied to whatever area of my life. Somehow my belief system (way down deep where I don’t know where it’s coming from) overrides the progress with a negative, a falling back into old self-destructive patterns.
I’m working on releasing these blocks, and as a result, I believe, old junk comes up. Kind of like the “healing crisis” one sometimes experiences when a natural remedy (like herbs) causes a release of toxins and one has symptoms of the thing one is trying to heal. So I think one should not dismiss the effectiveness of any modality just because you don’t immediately feel like a new person. I’m sure that sometimes that does indeed happen, but often it takes some time for the results to make themselves known. And not only time, but perhaps some discomfort in the process. So, though in a way this week might seem like a failure for me – I’ve been mostly depressed and sluggish and “blah” feeling – there have also been moments of feeling progress is being made. I give thanks for the process and know I am moving in the right direction – however slowly and with however many reversals. The spiral does continue, and while one might seem to be “back where we started” we are a few degrees higher than before. And as for your contribution to my progress, I do believe we are all connected and that anything anyone does with the intent of serving another, that “other” must benefit in some way, and each (perhaps tiny) increment has an effect for the good.
This is a good thing you have done for all of us. Thank you very much. I send you many blessings and hugs and very best wishes for ongoing success, happiness, and prosperity.
Thanks again.
As I have been working with many different modalities over the past 30 years this may be why i did not experience anything definate. As life comes in and out, up and down, like a never ending cycle. May be I no longer expect- major changes.. Just to live in harmony with what is, seems to be the best i can get. However my energy has been up in the past week – but as my energy goes up and down anyway not sure if it can be attributed to the jhe. Undoubtedly your goodness is paramount and much appreciated.
with love and blessings. Kay.
it truly amazes me how calm I have been about everything during this experiment. I seemed to be able to handle life much easier. I didn’t get anxious or upset about anything and I had an overwhelming feeling to just go with the flow. I now hope that I can continue this feeling. I can’t thank you enough for this experience.
I am not sure I felt anything special, but I have been feeling good during the experiment. The one change that could be related to it is that I don’t seem to react to cats as I usually do. During the last week, I have not experienced any of my typical allergic symptoms. I will have to see what happens when I am exposed to cats for a longer period. I hope this lasts!
Thank you!
I joined in on the 3rd day of the experiment, referred by my mum, open but not expectant.
Reflecting, on reading the next days mailing, I realised I had experienced the previous 24 hours with a much greater sense of “flow” and ease which had been missing from my life for a while.
It’s been quite a turbulent week, all up, but at the end of it, I feel some great and significant shifts have occurred, both within me and those around me.
Thank you including me in this beautiful experiment.
Hello Rebbie~
Thank you so much! I can’t really find words to describe the experience. I feel FEARLESS~that’s as close as I can say it in words. Nothing in my outer situation has changed and EVERYTHING has changed.I feel connected to my source, I feel safe, I feel whole. I am tremendously grateful for this gift you have given me.
Blessings to you
I feel transformed with an aura of protection and clarity.
My physical appearance, pain creativity, hope, peace, gratitude, concentration and energy have exponentially improved, since embarking on this journey.
This experiment has made visible and invisible changes in me, i.e. physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, and professional.
Thank you from my soul.
May all the goodness that you
inspired return to you ten-fold.
Re-wired and re-newed,
Ar Lena