The Healing Energy of Gratitude – Root Chakra Healing

The Healing Energy of Gratitude - Root Chakra HealingIn this brief article, I want to share with you a chakra healing technique you can use any time to promote healing in your body.

You can use this method before or after a session of meditation. You can also use it while running for a bus or driving in your car. This natural healing technique is utterly simple and surprisingly effective. Of course, if you want to get more involved with its complexities, you can. But for now, let’s keep it nice and simple.

It is based on the resonance between two powerful waves of energy that you can easily activate in your awareness. As powerful as any one modality may be in the self-healing toolbox, when you skillfully combine two resonant tools, you increase your results exponentially.

1 – The Root Chakra

We begin with the energy of the root chakra. This energy center is located at the base of your spine – or more specifically, at the base of your torso. This is not a physical structure but a constellation of energy. Like the magnetic field around a magnet, your root chakra also exerts an invisible force. This chakra represents an energetic vortex of influence in the root region of your body consciousness.

Begin this simple process by focusing your attention on this area of your body – the base of the torso. As you do this, realize that it is not your body you are activating. You are awakening this region of your consciousness.

Read the rest of this article HERE

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One thought on “The Healing Energy of Gratitude – Root Chakra Healing

  1. A wonderful reminder of the essential need for Gratitude…but I love the way you gave 2 different levels–for when very busy, just to keep in the hum of your spirit!….and when you can concentrate, or even more importantly, when a downward thought comes. Wonderful reflections–and thoughts to keep! Thank-YOU for this GIFT!!!

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