Let’s say the words are the bones. Distinct structural supports. They give the affirmation its shape. They hold it up.
And then, just like the spine, there is the Intelligence that flows through the words. Your consciousness glides through the hollow space within the words and ignites their meaning. You fulfill the words with your experience.
Today, I am inviting you to bring your words into alignment with your inner truth so that your affirmations take hold. To affirm means to make firm. The bones offer that solidity. So do the words.
Your careful choice of words leads to mastery. It leads to alignment.
When you choose the words for your affirmations with precision (here, "precision" means they feel just right), your whole system clicks into alignment and you resonate with the words. Their vibration hums in your aura. You become so true to yourself that your talents and abilities jump a notch. It is a brilliantly worthwhile pursuit.
Try This:
When you speak your affirmations (or when you listen to the I Am Love recordings) experience the relationship between the words and the consciousness (your consciousness) that flows through them. Bring this delicate relationship into your awareness. Feel the fluctuation as you gently move into and out of alignment with the words.
Don’t be concerned about the out-of-alignment moments. Here we are focused on cultivating sensitivity to the alignment process. We are simply honing our skills at noticing when our "word spine" is in or out of alignment.
As you spend more and more time nurturing your awareness of the relationship between the "word-spine" of your affirmations and the consciousness that flows through them, you nourish your spirit. Pretty soon, you will have no question about the creative power of your words.
For more about the YOFA Affirmative Contemplation process, please visit:
To begin developing your own highly effective affirmations, join me on July 19th for the free (Yes, FREE!) YOFA Workshop by Phone. Find out more here:
With Love and Appreciation,
Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at http://www.yofa.net/7secret.html
© 2006 Rebbie Straubing All Rights Reserved
With permission, here is a link to another kind of ‘spine of an affirmation.’ Just copy and paste or type
http://inspiredartist.powerfulintentions.com/library/ into your browser, and then click on the Picturesque Affirmations link.
Love and blessings.
It is interesting to notice using this analogy of Intelligence flowing through the words of my affirmations I realized that the energy itself is at a finer vibration than the words themselves. As I visualize this permeating presence of guiding consciousness moving up through the spine of my words – creating the statement of my intent – I allow that delicate and precise Intelligence to suggest the very words themselves. As I did this I realized how to be present to the reality of truth. I must feel the elevating direction of that inner voice, willing to wait in silence without the haste of guessing with uncertainty.
Another thing I was shown is that the Intelligence knows me and my point of existence, exactly. If I can be patient It will fill my mind with the very choice of words to craft my own higher good. Exactly right for me! I can also bet that my higher good contributes to the higher good for all.