Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-13-2007

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the jhe list today.

Today’s session focused on the Y-axis. For more information on this vertical axis that runs through the upright spine, please refer to chapters 8 and 15 of Rooted in the Infinite.

This was a very stabilizing session and if you suddenly find your posture more upright and dignified, thank your Y-axis for its powerful support. Remember this peaceful posture and call on it the next time you go for a job interview or on a first date. You will make a very good impression.

But of course, those are just fringe benefits of a well-aligned Y-axis.

The Y-axis is where you most directly access Source energy, Infinite Intelligence, the best knowing of God that you can achieve at this moment on your human journey.

And so tending to the Y-axis brings a sense of inner peace, wisdom, and a quiet joy that is grounded in a knowing that all is well.

The other peculiarity of this alignment is that it slows down your perception of time. I explain this in more detail in the book. I don’t know if this one session is enough to create that shift for you, but it might. So you might just find yourself having a little more time this weekend.

I am grateful that you give me the privilege of working with you in this most extraordinary way.

Love and Blessings,

PS – Your friends can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course
"3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate
Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed
Tonight" at:

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