Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-17-2007

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

This session infused the field with love. 

I often talk about Divine Love and Unconditional Love.

Today’s session also included what I want to call "Ancestral Love."

This is the love that runs through the center of your family line. 

It is a very special kind of love because it is so ancient, and includes the love of so many individuals, that it is somewhat devoid of personal characteristics.  But it is so filled with human tenderness that it is quite palpable and personal.

As a result of this session you may feel a deep sense of appreciation for your ethnic heritage.  If you are in an ethnic minority where you live, you may feel infused with love for your traditional customs, the faces of your family members, and you may even find yourself digging up old photos of great grandma just so that you can look into her eyes.

If you live in a family of mixed races or nationalities, or if you were adopted into a culture different from that of your birth, this session my have a soothing effect of blending the varied streams running through you.  By harmonizing the energies of the different ancestral tones, a beauty can emerge in your life that the world has never seen before.

However this session touches you, it is my sincere intention that it adds to the allowing of the flow of love in every aspect of your life.

With Love and Appreciation,

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3 thoughts on “Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-17-2007

  1. Hi Rebbie,

    Thank you so very much for your positive energy and sending me beautiful flowing love. I appreciate it so very much.
    I am trying to manifest a trip to Brazil in August. Can you help me? I will take a group to see John of God. Is there any way you can help me get the word out to people or maybe you can send it out to your email list ? I would be ever so grateful and if you have any loved ones who need healing I would be glad to take their photos with me..I will send 2 emails to follow this one ok about the trip. Maybe we can help each other..

    Love & Light,
    Vivian Mauro

  2. HI REBBIE!!!

  3. I wanted to let you know that early this morning 1.30am [18.7.07]I felt the need to write my grandmother a note[she passed away in 1984]thanking her for her love & guidance & the large part she played in my life.This morning at 9.00a.m. local time I received your email re jhe session about ancestral love. I received that before your email obviously…I’m not quite sure of the time zone difference…but thank you for YOUR Love. BTW I have an acronym for L O V E..this being Law Of Vital Energy…just thought I would share this with you. Thank you thank you thank you.

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